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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Not reading the whole thread so excuse me if already posted.

    My life was miserable for several months with diahrea and doctors couldn't fix it.

    I friend recommended a naturopath which I was reluctant to do because back then they were considered as witch doctors lol

    Diagnosed me in 30 mins with suspected gluten intolerance and he was right.

    I recommend you see one

  2. I got all the wrong answers here.  I was told nonsense, specifically that I can only bring 30 days supply on my person or in a shipment.  
    I read the laws here.  That is utter nonsense. 
    If the drug you want to bring here is not a narcotic, you can bring in all that you need.  I had several drugs shipped from the USA to Bangkok and each one was a year's supply.  No one cares.
    Not true. Mine got intercepted twice by customs and that was regular mail not courier.
    First shipment was taxed. Second was confiscated as they required a special licence to import medicine.

    This medicine is not a controlled substance in Thailand. I no longer import to much of a hassle and customs house is a 4 hour round trip including traveling time and waiting with ticket..not so different to immigration times
  3. So go there.  I don't understand why people continually bitch about the place and yet they stay.  With so many 'better' options out there go for it, pack up and go, I did after 20 odd happy years and no regrets.  Sure, I could bitch about all the crappy bits with the best of them and when they began to outweigh the good stuff I started packing.  It is what it is and it a'int gonna change any time soon. 
    Also, it's a fair comment if you can't scrape together 20k pounds to leave on deposit I wouldn't want you living in my country either as a retiree accident waiting to happen. What will they do in an emergency? Open an internet begging account?  I guess the happy people with a couple of bob aren't sat on computers reading forums, probably out having a good time.
    They bitch and stay because deep down they know they are full of it and would bitch even if they had free life visa and free room in Monaco.

    Punters leaving because to lazy to go to immigration once a year and send in a 90 day report by post.. Lazy!

    Everywhere is getting tight. Take a look at Phillipines new immigration proposal.

    Deported for being rude! And getting caught with a hooker.. I guess that eliminates 99%"of farang [emoji16]

    Cambodia is a true s.. hole

    Vietnam awful infrastructure and Medicare.


    ● Exit Clearance will now be required after 60 days - [MTV] Essentially if you stay in country for > 60 days you need Tax Clearance before you can leave, even if leaving for a holiday - IIRC this is currently 6 Months
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will be cancelled on divorce, relationship abandonment, or failure to provide support for Filipino spouse and family(does not disclose as what extent of her existing family). - [MTV] Scary 
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will cancelled if outside the Philippines more than 1 year.
    ● Foreigners will no longer be allowed to establish any type of business under a visitor visa.- [MTV] One of the major selling points of PI over TH
    ● New visa applicants will be required to have a physical and mental evaluation prior to getting an immigrant visa. - [MTV] Speechless
    ● Entry into the Philippines will be denied for those believed to arriving for the purpose of getting prostitutes or showing "disrespect" to any government official or employee. - [MTV] Some may guffaw at this but anybody who's visited the Philippines for the past 10+ years can tell you about clampdowns in Manila & (especially) Cebu 
    ● Deportable offenses: engaging in prostitution,  being deemed a public charge, being deemed undesirable, and being "rude" .- [MTV] Speechless
    ● Foreigners must register within 60 days of arrival and update any changes in said registration within 7 days. - [MTV] TM30/TM28 anybody?
    ● Also states that the immigration agency can start requiring cash bonds on demand to ensure immigration adherence. Provision perhaps for longer stays?- [MTV] at the moment the only cash requirement outside of visa expenses is if you go for an SRRV Visa, this sounds more like they're going to want to see Funds in the Bank for people who are staying longer on any kind of basis
    ● Imprisonment offences of not less than 5 years: falsely claiming to be a Filipino citizen, pretending to be someone else or using false documents, making a false statement in any immigration matter,   

  4. Top Ten place to retire but never mention foreigners cannot own land in their own name.
    Taken into context, SAE It's the same. You can own your own land in Liberia but would you live there. A wide cross section needs to be analized and of course the number one reason and the elephant in the room

    Cheap sex, great go go's and a zillion beer bars but of course none of us came here for that [emoji23]
  5. OK Ill bite. How many condos or houses do you own? Not that it matters, its the internet.
    You do know there is thai food on lower Sukhumvit. T21 at Asoke is outstanding thai food court and a 6 minute walk

    Are we talking host country only? My Asoke condo alone is worth more than your 5 houses in Nahkon nowhere. Which by the way your still keeping a secret. Are you ashamed of where you live?
  6. No you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Tell ya what, a Burger at Bullys with some fries and Beerlao is cheaper than in the States. 
    Have you been at bullys on the drink all day? In the farang ghetto? [emoji16]

    My original post you quoted was replying to another Ozzie. Your a yank! I'm not arguing about your prices! You have crappie expensive food and a crappy Medicare system. I to would leave the USA.. It's crap. Good for you.

    By the way you mentioned farang ghetto but let me tell you it takes $$$ to live on lower Sukhumvit.

    Living in a Thai ghetto in a 3rd world country is scrapping the bottom of the barrel and downright embarrassing and always because of lack of finances although your to proud to admit it.
  7. Good. My last bill at Fogo Asia (excellent by the way) was 1500 baht. Last time I Fogoed in the States it was $100. Half price here. So even in your upscale area stuff is cheaper.
    That's a steak house and not a pub! If I want a steak in a PUB in bangkok lower Sukhumvit where I live and most real pubs anywhere eg Pattaya it's 450- 500 baht for a rump with chips

    Same as an Ozzie pub.

    Your just confusing every one.

  8.   Its not the same "standard of living". Its the same cultural/social milieu that you left at home. You chose to live in the farang ghetto where prices are higher, but even so dont compare to the USA or as I understand it, OZ? You think you can get a brand new condo in NYC, in the heart of the City, for $1,000,000? And how about maintenance/condo fees. In my building here in Thonburi, its 15K...a year! At one of my places in the states, I pay 15K...a month! And forget about the brand new Q house, nice condos in Asoke rent for say 50K. Try renting an equivalent place in a major city such as London, Paris, NYC, LA, LV. You are the one who wants imported wine and a Western lifestyle so you cant compare what you pay to those of us who DONT want a Western lifestyle. If I wanted a WESTERN lifestyle, I would have gone to Florida for the winter. If I wanted a WESTERN lifestyle here, Id go buy a condo at Q House then and drink fine wines at the Hotel Bars. And I bet the condo fees are cheaper.


    But why ever would I do that? Why would I come to Bangkok to recreate what I can do in the West?


    When Im home, I live like a Westerner. When Im here wintering, I try to live as much as a middle class Thai as possible. And thats a hell of a lot cheaper. And a lot more fun. I can wait till April when I leave to sit at a bar and pinky point a fine 1982 Fussy Poussy and complain about how expensive wine is in Thailand.


    The only thing I miss is meat...meat, meat, meat, and now that I have hit Fogo Asia, I can survive another month.






    "" Those of us who chose not to live in the farang ghetto and who could care less about Pub Grub, but would rather eat Thai food, surely do better price wise then.....


    Speaking only of myself, I was addicted to wine and Pub Grub, I wouldnt be here.....""






    Learning to read is pretty important when replying on a forum other wise you WILL look like a fool!


    My pub grub remark was a reply to the poster that said PUB food is cheaper HERE.


    Don't be lazy and read the thread and not the last page !




  9. I deleted the post because although similar they are not the same. One is lack of oxygen the the is ingesting poisones gasses but the manner of the death is similar ie, the person affected won't know what's happening due to lack of oxygen to the brain, the ability to reason completely dussapears.. Painless and easy

    i had  that too 13  years  ago after landing in Thailand................still  suffer  from it  daily
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