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Posts posted by madmen

    Insurance companies know their math. When looking at medical costs it's quite easy to see that treating somebody in the US costs way more than here in Thailand.
    So the insurance company decided that it's cheaper to treat her in Thailand than flying her back, and that the treatment in Thailand is sufficient.
    I don't really understand why you hate against the insurance company, their decision is reasonable.
    I do of course also understand that the parents want her daughter back home, and that the daughter wants to be with her parents / friends, but i can't see any wrongdoing by the insurance company
    Insurance companies do not continue treatment after repatriation. Why would they?

    Just viewed the fine print on a policy and it clearly states.. Do not apply if you do not have access to Medicare in Australia after repatriation "

    When they get you back you are no longer a traveler.. Obviously
    • Like 1
  2.   Hey Captain Scully, I see you are a Doctor now also.




    And as it is a quiet afternoon in the office and you are the Special Forces Doctor Pilot expert how about answering these:


    For a Medevac from Maldives to Bangkok would you use aircraft from India or Bangkok?

    Since Air Kings are a "dime a dozen" would they have any available in Maldives?

    Which islands in Maldives have landing strips?

    If you used an aircraft from India then would they also have qualified medical personnel available?

    Would they also have medical equipment available in India at that very moment?

    Would they have the above correct combination in Bangkok (or elsewhere in the region).

    How many refuels would you need to do from Maldives to Bangkok when flying at low altitude?

    Which Learjet are we even talking about and what range (there are different size Lear Jets)?

    What impact would multiple refuel stops have on a brain injury when pressurizing and depressurizing the aircraft?

    What medical equipment would be required and how many medical staff? Would they fit in an Air King? What size Lear Jet would be required for them to fit in?


    And here is a trick one for you just to test out your significant knowledge on the matter - What type of helicopter would be needed to successfully complete a night time evacuation from Nakon Phanom to Bangkok?


    Please do enlighten us all.


    FYI the above evacuation was for the Child of a Foreign Dignatory on holiday in Maldives...the child survived the evacuation with odds of 50/50...the family had to pay themselves but they could afford it without any issue.



    I wasn't the one who suggested flying a Lear jet under 10 000 feet. I simply replied to the poster which you completely missed. 

    Lesson number one.. Learn to read!!


    If you were going to be under 10000 feet then a turbo prop would be the choice but neither would make it without obvious multiple stops.


    My suggestion is fly the jet at the best altitude for fuel burn eg 40000 plus feet.


    Why? Because the cabin altitude is 8000 ft and being a medi vac a special clearance requesting a 500 ft to 1000 ft /minute rate of climb to minimize pressure differential for injury to the head.. Again I was replying to a specific poster who mentioned head injury.. You missed that to


    Thank God your not a pilot! Reading is kind of up there as a basic requirement!!




  3. Pity you have bought the machine already.. here is the most easy fantastic no knead bread that will knock your socks off, just mix the ingredients and let it rise and bake... Easy peasy...
    Looks like a lot of work when watching the vid. I would fail. I can never get the same results as those easy you tube vids
  4. 17 minutes ago, khunPer said:


    Wonder if you are talking about the same place...????

    The beer garden is soi 7 its just called the beer garden. 


    OP is talking soi 11. 


    Update for OP is there will now be 2 old German beer houses. The one on soi 11 and the one on soi 13 which has stayed packed from opening night. Owner is a winner in the new location as the trendy complex has a lot of farang and their is an entrance direct from the lobby 



  5. 8 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:
    26 minutes ago, madmen said:
    Forget it.
    Deported for being rude!!

    Borrowed from another poster


    New Philippines Immigration Reform Act filed. If the recent price increases, violence escalation, infrastructure or lack thereof, and general lack of fair and due process doesn't convince you to go elsewhere, the new Philippines Immigration Reform Act will. It gives wide and vague latitude for Immigration and Police to basically do whatever they feel like with you. Here are a few new highlights:

    ● Exit Clearance will now be required after 60 days - [MTV] Essentially if you stay in country for > 60 days you need Tax Clearance before you can leave, even if leaving for a holiday - IIRC this is currently 6 Months
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will be cancelled on divorce, relationship abandonment, or failure to provide support for Filipino spouse and family(does not disclose as what extent of her existing family). - [MTV] Scary 
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will cancelled if outside the Philippines more than 1 year.
    ● Foreigners will no longer be allowed to establish any type of business under a visitor visa.- [MTV] One of the major selling points of PI over TH
    ● New visa applicants will be required to have a physical and mental evaluation prior to getting an immigrant visa. - [MTV] Speechless
    ● Entry into the Philippines will be denied for those believed to arriving for the purpose of getting prostitutes or showing "disrespect" to any government official or employee. - [MTV] Some may guffaw at this but anybody who's visited the Philippines for the past 10+ years can tell you about clampdowns in Manila & (especially) Cebu 
    ● Deportable offenses: engaging in prostitution,  being deemed a public charge, being deemed undesirable, and being "rude" .- [MTV] Speechless
    ● Foreigners must register within 60 days of arrival and update any changes in said registration within 7 days. - [MTV] TM30/TM28 anybody?
    ● Also states that the immigration agency can start requiring cash bonds on demand to ensure immigration adherence. Provision perhaps for longer stays?- [MTV] at the moment the only cash requirement outside of visa expenses is if you go for an SRRV Visa, this sounds more like they're going to want to see Funds in the Bank for people who are staying longer on any kind of basis
    ● Imprisonment offences of not less than 5 years: falsely claiming to be a Filipino citizen, pretending to be someone else or using false documents, making a false statement in any immigration matter,   


    Doesn't sound good but plenty of expats live there. The guys i know that go there always talk highly of it but are only there for a few weeks

    Doesn't sound good is being to kind. It's shocking! 

    Not many options left in South East Asia. The only real alternative is Vietnam but that comes with its own set of problems 

  6. Forget it.
    Deported for being rude!!

    Borrowed from another poster


    New Philippines Immigration Reform Act filed. If the recent price increases, violence escalation, infrastructure or lack thereof, and general lack of fair and due process doesn't convince you to go elsewhere, the new Philippines Immigration Reform Act will. It gives wide and vague latitude for Immigration and Police to basically do whatever they feel like with you. Here are a few new highlights:

    ● Exit Clearance will now be required after 60 days - [MTV] Essentially if you stay in country for > 60 days you need Tax Clearance before you can leave, even if leaving for a holiday - IIRC this is currently 6 Months
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will be cancelled on divorce, relationship abandonment, or failure to provide support for Filipino spouse and family(does not disclose as what extent of her existing family). - [MTV] Scary 
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will cancelled if outside the Philippines more than 1 year.
    ● Foreigners will no longer be allowed to establish any type of business under a visitor visa.- [MTV] One of the major selling points of PI over TH
    ● New visa applicants will be required to have a physical and mental evaluation prior to getting an immigrant visa. - [MTV] Speechless
    ● Entry into the Philippines will be denied for those believed to arriving for the purpose of getting prostitutes or showing "disrespect" to any government official or employee. - [MTV] Some may guffaw at this but anybody who's visited the Philippines for the past 10+ years can tell you about clampdowns in Manila & (especially) Cebu 
    ● Deportable offenses: engaging in prostitution,  being deemed a public charge, being deemed undesirable, and being "rude" .- [MTV] Speechless
    ● Foreigners must register within 60 days of arrival and update any changes in said registration within 7 days. - [MTV] TM30/TM28 anybody?
    ● Also states that the immigration agency can start requiring cash bonds on demand to ensure immigration adherence. Provision perhaps for longer stays?- [MTV] at the moment the only cash requirement outside of visa expenses is if you go for an SRRV Visa, this sounds more like they're going to want to see Funds in the Bank for people who are staying longer on any kind of basis
    ● Imprisonment offences of not less than 5 years: falsely claiming to be a Filipino citizen, pretending to be someone else or using false documents, making a false statement in any immigration matter,   

    • Like 2

    Depends on availability of aircraft and urgency not to mention flight conditions and noise in a Turboprop compared to Lear Jet when traveling with a patient with brain injuries...flight needs to be much lower than 13k feet by the way due to issues with pressurization.

    Some bits make no sense to me as a pilot.


    Noise can be easily dealt with by earplugs or rated headphones


    Flight conditions wouldn't make a difference to either aircraft


    Availability? Turbo prop air ambulance are a dime a dozen


    A Lear jet is only economicaly viable at 35 to 45 thousand feet where density altitude as miniscule compared to 10,000 ft or less where the fuel available would be chewed up way faster than a turbo prop


    Lear jet would be the very last choice for very low altitude


    Your a bit out of your depth on this one


    • Like 1
  8.  The data coming out of China was not good. Smashed our dollar again. I think we are going to be in for a world of pain still with the AUD. Reading predictions over three years to 19 baht. I have done my costing now at 19 baht for my living expenses and will have to cut a few things back. I am going worst case 18-19 to best case 23-24 over the next so many years. The AUD is in the doghouse for the time being.
    I'm waiting for the AUD to drop below USA 50 cents before I sell my condo lower Sukhumvit. Major currency killing..
    I think this is off the mark. I worked in the Medical Evacuation Industry in Asia for 9 years for the leading medical evacuation company.
    A stretcher evac from Asia to U.K. would cost significantly more than than 12k with a nurse and doctor escort. If you were in a stretcher then you probably had a significant problem and would of needed not insignificant levels of care. Commercial Stretcher is the last option (First or Business serves the same purpose in all but the most complicated cases) and airlines generally try to avoid these types of evacuations due to passenger and crew inconvenience and potential increased all around liability issues.
    Also it is very unlikely the insurance company would of told you the cost unless you were paying for the evacuation yourself or had to fund some portion of it. If it was covered with Insurance they would not tell you the cost because you do not need to know and also because they keep it confidential as evacuations paid by insurance tend to cost more than if paid by the patient privately (if private then it is more competitive as the patient can shop around for prices).
    Evacuating a paralysed patient to USA would be a minimum $60k if it was even allowed to be done and IF any commercial airline would accept the patient (they have the right to refuse). If it was medivac on a charter flight then this would easily be upwards of $100k to the US.
    Many factors come into play with medevacs depending on the condition of the patient and airline and medical regulations. For example a medivac of a brain or head injury may need to fly at low altitude for the entire duration. This needs special clearance and also consumes much more fuel when aircraft fly at low altitude and so the cost goes through the roof (real case medevac on charter Learjet from Maldives to Bangkok with brain injury was $120k USD for the above reasons as well as specialist teams and equipment). 
    I would have thought an air ambulance king air turbo prop would fly the same speed as a Lear jet at low altitude say 13000 feet at around 280 kts and a lot cheaper
  10. My passport was ruined in a washing machine and they let me in with a credit card with my name on it. A valid Australian Driving licence will suffice as will a photocopy of your passport.
    Well of course! Obviously you need a new passport. The Point being they would have asked you why you were there.

    If today you said a stat dec they would require you to hold the passport against the bullet proof glass while she enters your details.. No appointment no enter.

    I just went through that a few days ago.
  11. 6 minutes ago, billy54 said:

    Who ?? oh so must be great then , bet he never set foot outside his 5 star (if there is one ,not thai version ) hotel /resort , , but hey if ya cant get back the chinese ,maybe brazilians will do 

    According to Google his net worth is 450 million

    So he rented the whole resort and who could blame him for not leaving it in soccer crazy country he wouldn't get a moments piece 

  12. This thread will soon be filled with ignorant comments and claims based upon imagined  circumstances.
    The only lol will come from  those who read your ignorant comment. You have no idea as to the facts of this case and yet here you are  claiming there is an insurance mafia.  Please share with everyone your knowledge of this case that allows you to offermake your claims.  Your allegations are false and a pathetic manifestation of buffoonery.  They are also malicious.
    Good points. Since this isn't a broken back and a resultant SCI then she may very well fit into a regular disabled person mode of transport being a normal flight.
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