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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Unless your name is Captain Sully Sullenberger
    Without getting into aerodynamics to much it's far easier to land a passenger jet on a glassy lake than to fly a light aircraft through power lines

    Sully had his gear up and only the shiny surface of the belly exposed. As the jet came in to land the wings compressed the air below over the lake allowing the plane to float until it bled off speed.

    The passengers actually said it felt like A normal landing. Still it requires skill and scully nailed it.

    A light plane is no match for power lines.
  2. From your statement 'sick old dudes' I'll hazard a guess you are a young super confident American or you think dude is cool.
    Lets hope you are fully covered for any accident that hopefully will 'not' happen to you and you end up having to plead on go fund me to pay your bills to get you home beside your family and all the other 'dudes.'
    OP nailed himself. Why would anybody feel sorry for him? He is busted Arse out of cash and ill and struggling. Go home is the best advice he can get
    You should be thanking me instead supportimg sick people with no insurance
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  3. Be careful with international. I just had another package from India intercepted by customs and it was regular snail mail

    I let it go rather than pay the 50 % tax or confiscation because I don't have an import licence and they shipped it back so will try to get it sent again

    And it's just drugs that can be bought in Thailand without prescription but extremely expensive as there is no generic in Thailand

  4. Makro sell Chang beer at 30 baht a small bottle and presumably are making a profit ?

    Any place that sells for more than 90 baht (200% markup on Makro's price) is selling over-priced, in my opinion, and I would not purchase.

    Try 99 baht for a Pint between 4 to 7 and 10 to 2am. Stay away during the three hours it's the same price as anywhere else nice. There is 7/11 next door. You could join the Thais there for the 3 hours. Win win!


    But of course having never stepped foot in the place your just making assumptions or you would already know

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  5. I believe he hit the second lines clearly shown in the video. He had lots of forward speed so a aerodynamic stall or excellerated stall is not likely. Without a black box guess we will never know some GPS data may be available from anything on board like mobiles and gopros


    Everything else I posted was completely accurate. So although I was wrong to characterize the pilots experience level as such it is a private non commercial venture and thus in the realm of hobbyist stunts. The benefit of such pursuits should be weighed against the danger posed to the public. I can’t help those who come on here with nothing better to submit than a little venom but sailing into a remote third word airport in an experimental aircraft isn’t like a airline flight in terms of safety and as obvious here where the strip is surrounded by low wires, possibly uncharted and hard to see.


    RIP, South Effrikan!

    Sailing into a 3rd world airport in an experimental aircraft is no different to first world. The flight dynamics are the same.


    I would seriously doubt that obstructions into airports would not be marked on approach plates or charts . You may as well take it to the next step and say nav aids only work intermittently wich of course is nonsense.


    We are talking life and death. You don't get a second chance in a plane [emoji574]


    I completely and wholehearedly agree with this and thanks for articulating this so well.
    With the exchange rate like this Bangkok is now significantly more expensive to live than Melbourne, Australia.
    Accommodation for a family of 4 in Bangkok in a liveable area will be a minimum of 80k baht per month which is around $3,200 AUD per month. And for that in Bangkok all you get is the apartment...no parks nearby, no decent schools, no free healthcare, poor infrastructure etc. The same accomodation in Melbourne would be a very nice place in a premium suburb with free health care, parks, free schools etc etc.
    Even in the crappy town we live in Rayong the better house rent for more than they would in Melbourne. It’s crazy and makes absolutely no real sense.
    Very true. The baht is to strong, new condo prices continue to surge, rents are always up in desirable areas.
    I don't pay rent and live on lower Sukhumvit but if I did I would depart on the next bus out
    • Like 2
  7. A huge overstatement there. While most banks have armed guards outside,  the types of stores that most expats would use generally have no more than an unarmed security presence. 
    I have lived in Manila for 5 years without any issues. Sure there are many places I would not go alone, but that could be said of most big cities. 
    I honestly can't think of any where in bangkok that I wouldn't go alone. There is no danger zone I have heard of
    • Like 2
  8. In my experience Thailand is overpriced be it food eateries, small fruit & veg markets, alcoholic drinks, general everyday household shopping from supermarkets, there is nothing here that i could call good value and if it wasn't for my lovely partner i would stay in Australia most of the time where the sea is clean, the air is fresh, and i don't see piles of rubbish everywhere. Thailand can charge what they like cos Im not payin!
    I agree. The common denomination is cheap pussy. Or a genuine wife.. You forgot currency. In oz a dollar is a dollar but here most currencies smashed.

    You should take her to oz. The oz dollar is focasted to lose a lot more in the coming years
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