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Posts posted by madmen

  1. There is a reason so many American vets are here.[emoji16]  Seriously though what are the odds?  My grandfather didn't go to a doctor for 80 years and then the hospital for 3 days and died.  Mom I took care of at home for 3 years and she needed no care that would not have been provided better by a Thai nurse's aid who could cook.  I moved here 20 years ago at 60 and have spent nothing on health care if you count the money I get from VA.  50% of the deaths in Australia require palliative care.  You pays your money you takes your chances 50/50 odds.  Not a bad bet.
    Well it's not a fair comparison leaving it out. Probably everyone thinks along the same lines that's why there are no hospitals ambulances and emergency wards and the roads here are super safe to. It's all good [emoji16]
    • Haha 2
  2. STOP PANICKING YOU  lot, they are ALL  CORRUPT there will be a way around this, just ask any bar stool sitter in Pattaya, how do you think they live here,  (they pay 10 to 16,000 for the stamp) no way have they got a 65,000 baht a month income, i have said this before, i done my 90 day in october, the official seen my yearly retirement expired in november, he said to me * i can do for you 16,000 baht * and this was after the big crackdown ,

    I had a similar thing in jomtien being one of the last of the day I was quietly offerd an extension for 15k.. Which I denied.


    End of the day this has nothing at all to do with bad guys out and mostly to do with, you bad guy, you pay me.. I fix!


    It's funny how posters are blaming the guys that using a work around as making it hard for everyone else, well that's just nonsense. TI together with agents want these guys to stay = katching,!


  3. When some embassies stopped issuing income confirmation letters, there were posters on some of these threads that said; they will use an agency to borrow the money or borrow from somewhere else to obtain their annual extensions. Then I said; this could have a knock-on effect of immigration demanding to see proof of where the money is coming from.
    So in fact this could mean immigration will cease the lump sum in a Thai bank option and insist on monies being brought over monthly from credible sources. 
    Hope this is not the case, because I doubt many retirees receive the amount of 65000 baht per month, especially now with the strong baht and weak foreign currencies.
    I do hate these rotten vague reports that become a guessing game of what`s going to happen next. 
    Read Ubon Joe's reply. It's not the full translation which is coming tomorrow. You will know more then
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. you forgot to include the words "monthly deposit" which IMO makes this whole thing a complete nonsense, I hate giving banks money in fees and this would force me to pay monthly fees to my home bank and it is not about the money it is about the fee no matter how big or small
    as of now I have never used the income method for 12 month extension but I would like to have had the option of a combo method it I wanted to use it at some future time
    My question is - why is one yearly deposit from outside Thailand not the same as 12 monthly deposits - in effect it is the same thing
    Where did you see "monthly"
  5. Pros. Fast ferry to Pattaya
    Pros. Bus station to bangkok
    Pros. Overnight train out of there
    Pros. It's a great place for farang to die after having lived a great life in the rest of thailand.

  6. 7 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Maybe I should do a gofundme too, simply with "gimme all your money". Would probably net free beer for a year, for a decade if I could come up with a sob story.


    It's not the fool who asks...

    Dirty old men (not that there is anything wrong with that } living as expats in Thailand are frowned upon and regarded as perverts by the west 


    You would be lucky to raise 2 satang. 


    Mainly works with young tourists or workers. 

    • Confused 1
  7. The way I see it is that the IO is at work and we enter their work space. I have not yet seen an IO at an office, on duty, wearing shorts, sandals etc. They make an effort to look presentable and analogous to doing business and we should be respectful in return. Casual open neck shirt and long trousers (for men) at least. We should not regard the IO as being there for our purposes, we go there to abide by their law.
    Haha. Try BKK where all the female [emoji702] IO are wearing pink fury slippers. I get offended by that as they are supposed to be professional
  8. Farang comes here as a tourist. Walking around with the a stupid grin [emoji16] and gets lots of smiles from thais


    [emoji673] Fast forward comes back as an expat and after 5 years becomes a financially struggling jaded alcoholic with a bar girl GF living in some dirty old fan room and discovers TV an it's all downhill from there.


    Nothing wrong with the Thais it's the expats that start falling apart.




    • Sad 2
    • Haha 2
  9. They could ask to see the source of funds that go into the ex-Thailand account that are then transferred to Thailand. And you seem to take lightly the notion of filing a false Police report in a Thai police station to which you would be subject to arrest.
    So your saying they will now be verifying your income? People can have several different sources in different languages

    That's the whole reason embassies shut the door on it.. And now your saying TI will take on that responsibility ?
    • Like 2
  10. Yes and Thai IMM could find a way to have you sign another document along with your TM7  that you have not done as you suggest in the above and in your previous comments in which case, if you have, you would be filing a false police report IN a police station and subject to arrest.
    What document? Police stations? What are on about.
    They want to see 65k going in. People will find a way on the merry go round.
  11. Good luck with the following years extension when TI see you playing the 65k Merry go round when they see your bank book. If people choose to play these silly games, you will have the Malaysian model bond system in place here faster than even you could of ever imagined.
    You need 2 bank accounts. The one showing your pension and the other used to send money back out again and back to the official account
    Can't see how TI could find out
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