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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Safe...right.


    Marauding gangs of Thai youths.

    Gangs of Thai youths racing their mopeds on public roads

    Gangs of Thai youths killing disabled people

    Gangs of Thai youths queuing to kick female pensioners in the face

    Thais who like to kick defenceless pensioners in the face

    Sinking Thai boats.

    Off-duty yet still armed cop shooting a tourist.

    The worst road toll in the world.

    Useless police.

    Useless government

    Useless armed forces

    Rampant and unresolveable corruption and thieving at all levels of society

    Violent and sometimes fatal 'hazing' at Thai Universities and in the armed forces.


    Safe as houses...


    Thailand is already a laughing-stock, how safe would you like it to be?

    You have comprehension issues. You want to actually read the OP before posting nonsense




    Armed forces?



    How on earth will these effect tourism safety? Pathetic [emoji122]


  2. A more comprehensive list..
    1 roads
    2 the sea or pools
    3 balconies 
    4 thais
    5 disease 
    6 pesticides-herbicides in most food
    7 asbestos in building
    8 electricity
    9 police
    10 caves,jungle,elephants,snakes,spider and anything else with legs and teeth
    11 dodgy expats
    12 dodgy tourists
    From stepping off the plane you have entered a very dangerous country and if you make it back home without an incident you should consider yourself very lucky.
    Dude what are you doing in Thailand. You should be dead by now
    • Sad 1
  3.  Not only reckless but no common as well, jumping or diving into pools or any other waters without known how deep or what dangers are there is just plain stupid and asking for trouble. I'm convinced common sense is dead and buried and of Course the insurance company won't pay they see it as self-inflicted, which it was, but don't worry good old GFP and peoples hard earnt money will pay for her stupidity.
    To harsh. You've probably forgotten the risky things you did when you were young.

    Of course now at your age it's easy to apply common sense
    • Like 1
  4. 1- Were there warning signs that the pool was undeep? Like "Don't dive" in english??
    2- Was she drunk?
    3- I've never heard of different travelinsurances (except for dangerous sports), makes me wonder which one i have.
    4- 60.000 is an awfull lot of money for a thai hospital, did she go to Bungumrad or so?
    5- If the flight is so expensive can't she stay here longer or go by ship?
    6- Has she never leared to make a flat dive if you're not sure how deep the pool is? Myself i always jump when i'm not sure.
    But i remain to my conclusion that the insurance is at fault, travelinsurances are for cases like this..if this story gets big in the papers other travellers will realise that they might need a more expensive insurance or pay the flight back themselves...
    Go by ship?

    I actually find it nearly impossible to believe that you wrote that.
    • Haha 1
  5. There was a time back during the coup when there were a hard core, of what I still believe were shills, who basically attacked anything, and anyone they could conceive of as being anti junta. They seem to have vanished for the most part, probably because they were shills!
    The apologists still reside on mass, reacting with vitriol to anything that they perceive to be anti Thai.
    I actually feel sorry for them, since I personally think they are hiding rather deeper issues...a bit like the closet Gay who goes Gay Bashing!
    But what I lament however is the apparent loss of the more middle of the road posters. The long stayers who recognized Thailand for what it is, still liked living in Thailand though, who could actually have fairly reasoned comment, based on their having lived in Thailand a long time.
    I fear they are the ones who have either exited Thailand and never, for whatever reason, want to comment again, or have found another, perhaps more welcoming forum to frequent.
    For transparency, I did tire of they place, and went home, with my Thai wife. Now I enjoy my vacations at our house in Thailand, but I still retain an interest in the place and the fate of the people, through its various travails
    Like closet gays? What the.... F.... Are you talking about?
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
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