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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Indeed, unlike me you prefer to howl with the wolves. It doesn't take a lot of balls to to that.
  2. Thai police bashing with some German bashing added here. As usual in such cases, no one questioning pedohysteria.
  3. Could be post-nasal drip. Little you can do if it is.
  4. Stupid website like most, doing as though income tax didn't exist. 1st thing you want to know if you settle somewhere is whether you will be taxed.
  5. Another victim of full-face masks?
  6. Wilders spooks Europe. Trump spooks America. Milei spooks Argentina. Bolsonaro spooks Brazil. Long live the spooks!
  7. So cannabis should become illegal again instead of staying legal to boost tourism, but booze should become cheaper to boost tourism. No problem with commercials for booze of course. No problem with booze being sold next to schools. No problem with any disturbing smell, long live the smell of fermenting and vomit!
  8. The exemption is enshrined in a Royal Decree which trumps the new rule/guideline until further notice.
  9. Not a horrible death if you breath in helium. No suffocation, no hyperventilation. Peaceful death with no symptoms.
  10. Violence against men is all right though. No need to mention it at all.
  11. Rounded up a few grannies. We need a maximal age in Thailand, not a minimal one.
  12. Not surprised. I got a pair of Starkey hearing aids (2500 euro each side) from Amplifon in Europe a year ago. I just sent the right one back for repair by DHL. The left one doesn't charge to 100% any more, only to 65-85%. They're under guarantee but I'm lucky to be in Europe right now, otherwise what? From Thailand couriers might even refuse to ship them because they're rechargeable. A pal of mine got his expensive Otticon hearing aids fitted two weeks ago. He's lucky to live in Europe because already one side doesn't work any more. It seems were are everywhere being sold Chinese crap at extortionate western prices.
  13. Looks like frozen shoulder following vaccination.
  14. So after you got from THC everything you could get from it - including THC induced paranoia - you want it to be banned for other people, right? You had your fun while it lasted, so now you want the door to get closed behind you. Typical, but not nice. Other (including younger) people are entitled to their trials and errors in life, without facing jail for victimless crimes.
  15. Could it be Thailand is no longer exotic enough for the Chinese middle-class? I'm saying this because I'm in Portugal right now and I'm seeing something I didn't expect: lots of Chinese tourists. Thailand is not the only country that restored flights with China after Covid.
  16. Looks like the cannabis laws in many countries where cannabis was allegedly legalized: cannabis is legal as long as it has no effect. Maybe they could legalize cocaine as well, in the form of coca leaves from sub-species producing leaves with no alkaloid that can at best be used to feed rabbits.
  17. Our home countries (UK, DE, FR, you name them) are perfectly able, if they so want, to collect every last tax penny on money we hold in any country in the World, so why would Thailand be per se unable to do so? To bank on the Thai bungling because they've been known to bungle in other fields is of little help. Would you feel comfortable using hard drugs in Thailand just because Thai police is much less efficient than US or UK police at catching the occasional hard drug user?
  18. My cholesterol, including my "bad" cholesterol, has been sky-high for over a decade now. Nothing to do with diet, same as my mother. I'm skinny and eat little. I tried out statins and got cramps in my legs from day one. Apparently statins hinder muscle build-up. I am not naturally muscular. I need to work out to gain some muscle definition. If I take statins I'll be scrawny like a grasshopper. I also read the literature about the link between statins and diabetes. So statins are the meds I've decided to pass on, come what may.
  19. Indeed. Suppose you have a trading account in country A where the capital gains tax is 30%. You sell stocks at a profit but in country A you are registered as living in TH and having your tax residence in TH. Therefore country A levies 0% tax on the profit-taking, leaving it for Thailand to tax it. However, as far as I know Thailand has no tax on profit-taking, only on dividends. TH is not supposed to levy taxes that don't exist in TH.
  20. You are a tax resident if you stay in TH at least 180 (or 183) days in a single tax year. If you stay in TH 180 days but have no tax ID you are a tax resident avoiding (evading?) taxes. Not being registered as a tax-payer and not filing taxes doesn't protect you from legally being considered a tax resident.
  21. Your pension is tax-free in Colombia up to about 8 thousand USD a month. Capital gains get taxed.
  22. Take whatever pills? Not a good idea. Those that work make men impotent. As to hair transplants these have a dirty secret called "schock loss". I've been looking at hair printed on the scalp as small tattoos.
  23. Rubbish, cannabis smoke is the real threat, if only because of "the smell"! Never mind smog with its thousands of carcinogens.
  24. Since I'm a man and not a woman I might do the decent thing.
  25. I was ravishingly handsome when I was an early teenager. Had my parents boarded me out to Michael Jackson then, I'd be rich by now. I missed a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
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