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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Yes, but maybe the gulfstream will do one more trip, to bring the rice queen home.
  2. QUOTE: "The Biden Family ‘Business’ was Selling Access to Joe Biden Around the World” Some examples please.
  3. So Pheu Thai now makes policy etc., decisions using fortune telling cards?
  4. Just 2 very meaningful words : 'Thaksin announces...'
  5. Two points: 1. Yes I found how to download Google Lens and use it free. Works well. 2. You can download if from the play store, same thing but not free. I'll continue to us the Lens icon related to 1. above.
  6. From above: "Thais are very racist towards Indians), and then bargain to take the whole group of them (often 5 plus men)." I would phrase that as racist and don't trust Indians. Business people from many countries won't do business with Indians. Years back an old friend in Australia (decades earlier a migrant family who moved from Italy to Australia) took over his fathers large successful big business in large quantities of various fabrics. Soon after his father passed away. The new owner was well aware that his father never did business with Indian suppliers however he always suspected that his father was too fast to say 'you can't trust Indian suppliers'. So the new owner got several quotations and paid the full cost of buying the fabrics and sending them to Melbourne. On arrival a senior Australian staff member unwrapped the various parcels and discovered: - None of the fabrics that had arrived were equal to the quality specifications in the order. - None of the fabrics that had arrived were more than 90% of the length that had been clearly stipulated in the original order. The Australian guy called India. First call an Indian employee said 'our owner is too busy to take calls from foreigners and hung up. Australian guy called again many times, eventually speaking to the proclaimed owner of the supply company in India. Response 'If you give me another order for double the quantity I give you my personal promise everything will be done accurately, but I'll need double the export fees because the Indian gov't has just doubled the export fee costs. Hangs up. Australian guy realizes he's been had and of course has had to pay the costs of several nternational phone calls. No more business with Indian fabric suppliers, because 'you can't trust Indian suppliers'.
  7. Don't laugh, could well be true. Seems to me the people will eventually tire of the current games and take whatever action is needed to respect the choice of the people. But unfortunately if will probably be a while yet before the green suits can't trick the people any more.
  8. Yes, but quite expensive 500Baht per week.
  9. That's not my experience, I prefer Chang but no hesitation to drink Singha or Leo. Most of my farang friends prefer Chang or Singha or Leo.
  10. Thanks I downloaded the app, but not free, it's 500Baht a week.
  11. Thanks, I'll check. Happy New Year.
  12. I've seen other farang do this - hover Smartphone camera over Thai scrit (typed or handwritten) and an English translation appear on screen. Seems very useful and free. I looked in the play store and there's so many apps which seem to do this I'm now totally confused. Can a member please recommend which app they use for this, easy to use, and if possible can the English be saved? Please share the exact name of the app you recommend, and the logo of the app. Thanks, appreciated, and Happy New Year.
  13. Plus well over a year gone by and they have made no progress on dispersing their election promise of 10,000Baht to every adult (all to come from taxpayers funds). Plus the fact the country can't afford it.
  14. Maybe he's above <deleted>ting. A bit like virgin birth.
  15. "...hundreds of thousands of foreigners..." Really, any proof of that?
  16. Already planned to do that after the New Year break.
  17. Why is obvious. Then again maybe your current gf would like an excuse / reason to get out of your grasp?
  18. Agree. Is there any report of what he drank / how much he drank / how quickly he drank it?
  19. Thank you. I live in CM, Aust embassy is in Bkk. There's an honorary Aust consulate office here in CM, would an honorary consulate normally provide such services? I'll call them tomorrow and ask.
  20. There's a very big amphur office near Chiang MaI city hall. My Thai adult son will go there tomorrow and check what they can offer and ask if there's another gov't office in CM which can provide what we need. Today one of my son's old high school buddies was at our house, he's now a qualified experienced lawyer. Speaks good English. My son asked his buddy about translation / certification. The reply was 'if Australian gov't want translation why don't they send some staff to Thailand to learn Thai.' My son tried to explain but his buddy wasn't listening, my son then gave up.
  21. Let's face it, she doesn't know who to contact / how to tackle the problem / who to pressure, etc.
  22. Thank you CMBob, appreciated. One question do you know if any of these places can get a stamp or whatever on the translated document saying something to the affect of 'confirmed correct translation and a gov't stamp. Not sure if it makes any difference, I need to submit the translated document to an Australian Government Ministry. Thanks again.
  23. I need to get a Thai birth certificate translated to English plus a stamp from a recognized Thai Gov't office indication the document is authentic and the translation is correct. Preferably in Chiang Mai. After completion the Thai and English versions will be sent to an Australian gov't ministry. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
  24. Plus there 's been news items just in the last few days saying that Jesus never actually existed. And over hundreds of years many respected theologists have said that: - The so called virgin birth never happened, and it's not mentioned in the bible* - Rise from death after three days never happened, and it's not mentioned in the bible*. * Is there any proof that the contents of the bible are historically accurate? NO.
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