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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. He was not talking to me, I've never even heard of him, but your hatred of anybody who disagrees with your views is very similar to the hatred expressed by the religious nutters You can post as many links as you like you won't be converting me
  2. Do lefties not believe in god ? I can't say I've ever given the matter much thought ? Anybody with extreme religious views should be banned from voting, Along with those that refuse to accept that men are men and cannot become women, All nutters in my opinion and unfit to vote
  3. From what I can see,there are fanatics on both sides, and they are both by nature, easily wound up. I can understand how Trump can be the target of hate. whilst Biden seems to evoke a sad sort of pity, Neither is an ideal state of affairs considering the position they would hold if successful
  4. That would be a good start, it would surely be beneficial all round, to have a leader whose short to medium term plans will come to fruition before they have shuffled off this mortal coil. Not only that but I doubt neither will serve another full term without soiling themselves live on TV at some point
  5. According to another informed poster only authoritarians laud their dear leaders,
  6. I never liked any of them,, but at least you present as a genuine Biden fan and not just a Trump hater,
  7. I haven't consumed any MAGA anything , you are mistakenly thinking I thought America was great in the first place, I didn't The only opinion I have on tax is that I like to pay as little as possible,
  8. with so many of these amazing "achievements" why is is even necessary to hurl childish insults at the opposition and their supporters When with a little thought you could just emphasise the positives. In a Kind of adult sort of way
  9. I don't doubt for one minute ,that, not only my opinion but the opinion of most people regarding Bidens mental faculties, is totally at odds with the carefully presented views of those that work with him. For god's sake do you expect them to admit what he's really like? Do you really want me to go to the trouble of uploading the countless sad clips that abound on the internet, The guy is senile a blind man could tell from what he says and a deaf man could tell by how he moves. It really is that obvious I don't see Trump as senile yet, certainly not to the same degree, could well be autistic or a psychopath though
  10. just like my original question has proved too "pathetic" for all but one to attempt to answer
  11. You do realise the irony in what you have just written ? True some are on the ball into their 80's some however are not, and from the countless clips I have seen Biden is one of the latter! I don't support either of them , I thought I made that clear, and if those two are the best that America can come up with it really is worrying for the rest of us. But I know who I would you rather have as a "phone a friend " option if I was in the chair on "who wants to be a millionaire" not that i am suggesting that makes him a suitable president. I doubt Biden can tie his own shoelaces, he's probably incontinent too. Not a good image either
  12. I don't dispute there were a few positive posts about his policies, and i did see yours but trying to find them amongst the insults being thrown was something i gave up on
  13. I really could not care less what he's done, If he's broke the law that's a matter for the legal system. No need for any Biden supporter especially an Australian one at that to get so upset. what's it matter to you anyway ? Truth is you are not a Biden supporter how could you be, how could anybody be happy with a geriatric that position it defies logic that he's the best they could come up with You are just a trump hater, he offends your obviously left wing views on life , and like anybody who is not aligned with your values he is seen as a threat and needs to be cancelled by any means.
  14. Almost a good answer but you had to spoil it by having the usual little dig at the end I wasn't expecting anyone to" fawn" over anybody. But if a President or any other politician has made a positive difference, one would expect his supporters and cronies to at least mention it from time to time in order to garner more support. After all only the president can actually "do" anything positive or otherwise, so it makes sense to give the guy a bit of credit when he has done something positive, if only to balance the criticism he'll get when he performs badly. If he ended world poverty and invented a cure for cancer he still wouldn't get any compliments from the other side, but would the humble dignified silence you allude to continue from his supporters ? It's not ,as you say, human nature to "praise effusively", but giving credit where and when its due seems normal enough to me and can only serve as encouragement which most would agree is a positive . As for criticism, that's another aspect of human nature that can also have positive effects, when done constructively. Trump isn't doing poorly, its the wrong tense, he "did" poorly, ! He isn't "doing" anything . he's not the president , he lost the election, so the human nature you are referring to is not criticism, as such, ii is the, sadistic urge to kick a man when he's down, generally associated with cowards who are scared of what might happen to them if he gets back up, your assertion that its normal for everybody join in hints at the kind of "pack of dogs" like mentality that often comes to the surface once a fallen victim has been identified.
  15. I genuinely have no idea who he was referring to. Is it another poster on here or perhaps a political commentator ? I even cut and pasted the exact word he wrote into google and nothing came up either! No matter it's irrelevant who he or she is. I'm not a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter, I'm not even American , and I never heard of a "MAGA" Troll factory" I haven't made any claim, I asked a simple and polite question, here it is again, the question mark is clearly visible at the end Why is it that the Biden supporters spend a lot of time criticising Trump but never actually post anything positive about Biden ? I was only expecting a simple answer. But, astonishingly the first responder, decided, not to answer, instead, they changed the question to a claim, and not just any old claim but a "pathetic claim" to boot. they then go on to insult me , as a "troll" I think that's a very bizarre answer to such a simple question. I bet even Biden himself could have given a better answer, or at least taken the opportunity to say something positive about himself, rather than simply criticise the person who asked it, or indeed Trump Does Biden even stoop to throwing childish insults, I can't say that any spring to mind, or is it just his supporters Apparently somebody else has asked a similar question, or made a similar claim, Does anybody know if they received a similar response T
  16. I tell you what I see all around me in rural Isaan..... Brand new pick ups, A very high per capita rate of Brand new tractors and Combine Harvesters far in excess of what is required, Huge flat screen TV's in most houses, The latest Smartphones permanently in use, Endless drink sodden parties, and a lot of people swinging in hammocks, when they are not thrashing round on their brand new motorbikes, Every thing paid for on the never never. Getting married involves a ridiculous amount of money that most of them don't have same goes for bereavement. And of course endless donations to the temple and the school ( which has just decided it needs a new huge building just to host the regular teachers meetings) Strangely there never seems to be much work done especially by the vast majority of young males, Its called living beyond one's means where I was brought up and hardly worthy of sympathy The few that do knuckle down however do quite well but are looked at in jealous disdain by the rest My inlaws, who have never asked me for a single Baht in 20 years raised and educated 5 kids and built several houses all on the proceeds of the father in laws honest hard work on his relatively modest amount of land which i might add has never been mortgaged. Mrs tells me many in the village laughed at him when he sent his daughters to school, few are laughing now. For a nation of Buddhists, the Thais are probably the most materialistic people I have ever encountered, couple that with aggressive advertising, online shopping, and easy credit its a recipe for disaster, all those monthly payments soon add up and they are quickly overwhelmed Recently a local supermarket had a promotional display of Isuzu pick ups There were no prices displayed, just the deposits required with an 84 month payment option. Like lambs to the slaughter most of them
  17. Why is it that the Biden supporters spend a lot of time criticising Trump but never actually post anything positive about Biden ?
  18. Your placing of the word in parenthesis implies a kind of apology There is absolutely nothing wrong with profiling be it racial or otherwise, It makes for much more efficient law enforcement when utilised correctly
  19. Well said, he should be suspended for trolling, looks like he left you a sad face emoji, which for some reason always puts me in mind of that guy who baited Mike Tyson on the plane and ended up getting a well deserved slap
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