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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Not sitting in your chair? still standing ? well it's early yet isn't it. you drink alcohol hopefully god will give you strength too ( as if I care) never bought anybody a drink to "join you"? of course you have. one for the road? well why not eh? I don't think that the owners of the companies that legally produce Lao Khao , hong tong, chang or leo are exactly strapped for cash either, Weddings, funerals, birthdays, etc etc its always there and people like you criticise those who won't drink it , shaming them into intoxication, that's how it works, its a social thing. but its all fine with you because you have the backing of governments for your hypocritical views
  2. The big question is why do people take it in the first place? Its not because their life is sooo good , but yes decriminalisation is the only way if coupled with education
  3. If there are not many heroine users in singapore then explain why people risk their lives bothering smuggling heroine into that country,
  4. explain why? and explain why you don't think alcohol suppliers should not be subject to the same fate, but try and do it without mentioning the legalities or government's involvement, You can't
  5. A typical response from somebody who knows very little about the real world
  6. so you base your opinions on what governments tell you?, Pathetic, Cannabis is legal in many places now, has that changed your narrow minded opinion of it? why not? What if heroine was legalized, no doubt you would want to share a needle with somebody ? You should learn to think for yourself (when you are not incapacitated from your legal drinking of course) cheers
  7. Just legalize it all and provide some factual , truthful, and relevant education, Problem solved, easy as that
  8. I can almost guarantee, having just looked at the time, that the OP will be smugly sat in his chair , sipping away at his drug of choice, having extolled the virtues of the death penalty for those involved in the supply of other peoples drug of choice You really could not make this up
  9. And the people who supply either are just filling a gap in the market. drinks containing 40+ % alcohol kill more than heroine and have devastating effects on society, but thats just fine coz the gov says so
  10. Heroine addiction "very bad" and enabling it is a capital offence, Addiction to prescription drugs handed out by "doctors" well that's just fine, move along now
  11. once things are approved by governments its all ok , Even murder is fine if it is accompanied by the sound of trumpets and drums
  12. As indeed does Alcohol, and indirectly Petroleum and Diesel, then there's Cars, Motorbikes, Fast food, and lets not forget Sugar and Salt , what about the use of children in mining cobalt and other rare minerals, used in the construction of mobile phones ? would the OP approve of the death penalty for anybody involved in the supply of those? Of course he doesn't, he is just a virtue signalling hypocrite
  13. Well the fact that people still smuggle drugs to this barbaric place is evidence of the death penalties ineffectiveness as a deterrent, The Op is obviously trying to trigger a response, he doesn't even live in Singapore! but I wonder how he feels about those being flogged in certain middle eastern countries for alcohol related offences? He is a drinker, that's obvious, and therefore a hypocrite of the first order. Enough said
  14. you can call them whatever you want and if they don't like it , well that's their problem who actually cares? I certainly don't Insensitive and proud of it
  15. There is nothing made up , its all happening , Clearly you didn't take the opportunity to voice your opinions regarding the effects this has on innocent children, no doubt you are more concerned about offending "minor attracted people" so further discussion is pointless, in fact bearing that in mind I would rather not have any further contact with you, The only thing that triggers me, and other right-minded people, is people like you
  16. It won't be long before the authorities suspect the involvement of a certain swiss watch company, once they have identified the crown, they are certainly "on the ball" I assume they suspect "cannabis ingredients" as there was a picture of a leaf on the packaging,
  17. Believed to be destined for clients seeking a high-end recreational experience who on earth writes this rubbish? "The authorities believe these pills, which include cannabis ingredients, " "Further analysis and investigations are underway to trace the manufacturing sources and discern the preliminary ingredients used" Why bother with analysis when they have already decided what's in the pills?
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