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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. More like in the words of yourself" But he would say that if it was true for sure ! I don't like osborne any more than the others, He may well be lying , and it would be a pretty weak defence, unless of course he can show evidence in the form of some sort of digital "paper trail" abusive emails and such like.which I'm assuming he can if it is true. If that is the only evidence against him it is only to be expected that he has not been charged I'm sure the police have, or are looking ,a bit deeper. If you know more why didn't you come forward and help them with their investigations. But you don't do you, and "He must be guilty because he is a tory, and I don't like tories" is hardly enough for the police to secure a conviction. I am always suspicious of allegations of multiple rapes, why did the woman in question maintain contact with him after the first time? did he keep her locked in a basement ? and why is there no DNA evidence
  2. try a cream containing Terbinafine One is called "Lamisil" seems to be widely available
  3. Apologies It did not show as a link on my Pc ! Any way I have since clicked on it, Never visited the mail online before, so i had a bit of a browse, it wasn't long before I found another article there regarding Edwards and eventually I stumbled on the following quote, I laughed out loud.. Sitting on the news show's panel, the BBC's culture editor Katie Razzall then said: 'This will come as a huge shock to viewers.' She said that her colleague was 'a man who has embodied BBC values'. Well bearing in mind the "values he supposedly embodies" I for one am not in the least bit surprised Its certainly not just a rightwing issue,,, Lefty Robert Peston. who's appalling radio show is actually produced by Edwards' wife ! started off by praising her 'immense strength' after she shared a statement on her husband's behalf out of 'concern for his mental wellbeing'. yeah right she effectively, publicly grassed him up He then went on to read a "pre prepared " statement that sounded like a scathing obituary Apparently there were rumours of "honors," just like saville eh? i sense a trend developing here And then... ." Because we thought we knew Huw — so solid and steady and dependable, a worthy heir to the broadcasting legacy of David Dimbleby.That’s why millions will be stunned to learn he is the man accused of paying a youngster for intimate pictures." Looks like Peston and Edwards ,no doubt soon to be Ex missis, (and also his boss) are distancing themselves from him as best they can. and who could blame him And as far as repercussions go there are now serious calls for a government inquiry Oh deary deary me He's toast, its all here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12292325/BBC-scandal-LIVE-Veteran-newsreader-Huw-Edwards-named-presenter-centre-allegations.html
  4. first i have heard of this but the link you posted to implies that the allegations are false and are part of a prolonged online hate campaign against osborn
  5. doesn't look like a respectable presenter in this photo, I bet he regrets posing for that one. I had my doubts when I first heard his name mentioned but I can see it now
  6. Anyway its very refreshing to see that the BBC actually does employ a genuinely "fully diverse" workforce, in fact it looks like they will employ absolutely all sorts, a real open door policy. At least we cannot call them hypocritical in that respect
  7. Well the police in this case can hardly be described as over zealous can they? from the link in the 1st post on this thread "It said detectives are "aware of media reporting of further allegations against the same individual" but has received "no specific details or information about these allegations... and therefore there is no police action at this time". So they are actually aware of further allegations but have decided not to bother! Not quite sure where you are coming from, Boris has been hauled over the coals regarding "partygate" and fined along with Sunak and others, Farage has had his bank account cancelled, I have not heard about the MP accused of multiple counts of rape but can only assume that any investigation is continuing, Do you honestly think the "woke" Met police are ignoring it because he's a tory MP that would a be ridiculous theory Furthermore the hysteria and demands to name the miscreant in this case, that you mentioned cannot be attributed to the previously unknown offender i being left or right-wing as nobody knew who it was, it could just have easily been a tory as I am sure there are a few of them working at the unbiased BBC
  8. I don't like Murdochs media organisation anymore than I like the BBC The naming and shaming of this guy is nothing to do with left or right wing, it transcends politics. Are you implying that Rupert Murdoch behaved "inappropriately" when bouncing wilfred on his knee ? I would be very careful if I were you?
  9. Its only to be expected that a smug BBC stalwart is going to be on the receiving end of heightened attention and criticism in a situation like this and i personally think he deserves all he gets. However a certain demographic as usual have leapt to his defence, some implying that this criticism is akin to "hate speech" others insisting that no law has been broken, I can, to a degree, see their point, to be honest, but I very much doubt the same people would be so quick to defend Nigel Farage if he had been in an identical situation
  10. Probably a very good time to start a business offering "counselling services" it was offered to the colleagues of Schofield and this guy is far more well known. The BBC media snowflakes will be queing up for therapy, all at the public's expense. there is a fortune waiting to be made. Expect an increase in license fees soon too, once the claims for stress and trauma etc start getting paid out, again from public money All in all a very sordid affair
  11. A very bizarre statement, and you sound so sure. "move along please" sounds a little premature to me. Do you seriously expect the police to charge him immediately, these investigations take time, If you have read the first post in this thread you will be aware that fresh allegations have made, also as appears to be "normal" or one could even say "traditional" in these cases an appeal has gone out asking any other victims to come forward. . I can not remember any such appeal in the past, that has drawn a blank, often with people coming forward from decades ago The police never charged Jimmy Saville, do you think that was also because no law was broken. and its not like he was above suspicion either. I would suggest we stay right were we are and watch this unsavoury story unfold, make sure you have a comfortable seat as it looks like it will be running for a while
  12. Its not just the BBC either ITV have had their share of people like this. I sense a trend developing which appears to involve two very "woke" organisations, three if one includes the "church" As usual its the holier than thou types. Time for people to wake up
  13. sounds like they fear they are missing out on a piece of the action
  14. further evidence of things being changed on a daily basis to accomodate this surreal fantasy of men being women and vice versa. Its almost as if they are just making things up as they go along
  15. and which bit is not a fact cancelled bank accounts...fact Traditional views and those that hold them vilified....fact Professional trouble makers attending marches ....fact Trans activists polluting the minds of kids.......fact That there is not that many of them...fact hence the word minority all true, which bit do you claim is not?
  16. What about a person who dimissis the views of the overwhelming majority and refuses to accept the scientific facts, would that not be indicative of some sort of deeply ingrained and illogical bias? Anybody in favour of men dressed as women, preaching to kids on matters of gender, is certainly suspect of worse than just bias
  17. Every thing I stated in that post was a fact, If you choose to interpret facts as "exaggerated anti trans rhetoric" that is up to you
  18. Ok what is or was their motivation for their displaying of rainbow flags, especially during just one month,? it is nothing other than virtue signalling, if they really "cared" the rainbows would be a permanent feature. and they are not,
  19. II am not an "anti trans activist" and neither am I claiming to be a victim. Just stating a few facts. The only thing that is hilarious is a few men claiming to be women and their sympathisers demanding that the rest of society indulges them.
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