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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Some of them did, eventually. do you honestly think they got them all?
  2. Jail them and then deport them* would be the cry. indeed it was but it fell on very deaf ears likely to upset certain sensitivities, apparently
  3. of course the democrats and supporters would never have behaved like this if the tables were turned, come to think of it they were "gloating" right up until the results came in and wiped the smug grins off their faces. Your lot lost, accept it and move on
  4. only when having sex
  5. "improving" !!! so we are not out of the woods yet the? I fully expect a certain member will now produce charts and statistics to keep us on our toes
  6. Bearing in mind how quick Starmer and Co. identified pensioners as easy, slow moving targets Its no surprise that they have set their sights on this extremely vulnerable and defenceless group of people who few actually care about and who have absolutely nobody looking out for them. All about money, and truly shameful. And still the boats arrive daily unhindered , their passengers guaranteed priority treatment, Makes me feel sick
  7. Of course that should not be the case, but the whole system is set up so that it is. It should not really be necessary or advantageous to employ an expensive lawyer to defend ones self in a shoplifting case for example but it is virtually obligatory. The needless complexities guarantee "jobs for the boys" Not Unlike me submitting my tax return for my limited company, An accountant is required even though I fully understood the process, The revenue simply don't like talking to lay people and will make things very difficult for them , using an accountant makes things much easier.
  8. The "managed" decline of the above. The only thing the labour government is capable of managing with success
  9. There are many idiots and liars , the description fits many in the current UK government However being an idiot is not actually an offence worthy of a prison sentence, as far as I know . The same goes for lying
  10. I honestly can't remember, my accountant sorted it out for me , must have been around 20 years ago
  11. Wouldn't surprise me if they install seats outside all of the banks now, just like the "farmers Bank" what a gift to the mobile food vendors, won't be too bad in the current climate , not much fun when things get hot
  12. To be certified , would it not need to be "approved" by the relevant embassy similar to what is required when registering a marriage, That would also require a trip to the MFA too. What a pain
  13. You are of course correct it is indeed a UTR
  14. I would shake their hand in gratitude, last thing needed here is another Macron / Trudeau type character, with their WEF sympathies and globalist agendas , be careful what you wish for in your ignorance
  15. They won't do in the upmarket places you frequent, did you try visiting east lancashire by any chance? or Luton ?
  16. It depends on whether the lies promote the "narrative" or not the real truth is no longer up for discussion or of any real importance. its generally considered best avoided. Take the black on black knife crime statistics for example
  17. no that will be done by the legal ones, who will then rent them out to the government , who will use them to house illegals
  18. I very often cannot even say what I want on this forum
  19. Why, do you not think they they will follow suit ? It would be logical to assume that they will
  20. Most in the UK will have a UTN ( unique tax number)
  21. sure he paid his bill, it would have been somewhat insignificant compared to the other "costs and expenses"
  22. just look at the rest of them in the government hardly a grey hair to be seen
  23. Are they impersonating the "chippendales" ? or the cast of "the full monty" ?
  24. Possibly, but on the other hand the constant threat of it is also a useful tool, for some
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