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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Or another way of looking at it would be.... "His comments highlighted some of the failures of the immigration system and the need for stricter controls" But, not to worry, anybody agreeing with him, to any degree, has been dismissed as "Right Wing"
  2. Oh god I'm filling up , there's tears in my eyes He is absolutely nothing like a normal English boy, He killed three kids, Stabbed them, That's a very up close and personal way to kill a kid. Nobody normal could do that, As for what turned him , we may never know , If he had converted to islam and been radicalized it will never be reported now , and any unofficial reports of that nature will be dismissed as misinformation. If I had to gamble on it, that's where my money would be, without doubt. Personally I can't think of any other external influence that could have the potential for such a profound effect on somebody, except perhaps a severe blow to the head. Its unlikely he was targeting anybody personally, he just wanted to kill as many as possible, that's why he chose a gang of kids protected by two young women, they were the easiest targets he could find , simple as that. I reckon if he had completed what he set out to do ie kill them all,he would probably have killed himself. The lack of pictures of him is a bit strange too. No social media presence either, hardly common amongst young teens, and one who had appeared for the BBC on tv would surely normally have at least a facebook page ?
  3. I'm wondering if "stuandjulie" has one of those 70's type sun visors across the top of the windscreen on his ford capri 1.3L I just feel it would be appropriate .
  4. goodness gracious ......nah not saying it
  5. likewise, even if nobody has given you genital warts you might still have HIV. or some other disease,
  6. Its the married guys who stand to lose the most when things go tits up.
  7. Maybe I am a racist , by the standards of some people I am bound to be . Whether I'm bothered or not is a different matter
  8. So anybody with right of center views, according to you is either " A fascist thug" or " a brain dead lowlife" Presumably in your opinion this broad description applies to anybody not in favour of mass immigration, and anybody not in favour of the islamification of the UK. and indeed anybody who does not agree with you.
  9. I think you need to learn what "far right" actually means first , before you embark on your journey of understanding. I think you may be trying to run before you can walk
  10. Is there really any need for anybody else to condemn the riots, every politician, community leader, religious leader and media spokesperson has done nothing else since the whole thing started, it has become farcical. Every single one of them, almost as if following some sort of officially sanctioned narrative, ( could you imagine that!) is laying the blame for all the unrest solely at the feet of the "far right" officially there is no other reason. Every single one of them refusing to discuss the real reasons why so many people are obviously so unhappy. Yes there probably are a few "far right" nutters involved in the disturbances but violent protest is in no way unique to those with right wing views. in fact the majority of these troublemakers will have no political affiliation at all, most are too thick to have an opinion, they are just opportunistic thugs who enjoy a bit of a punch up, and relish the chance to take on the police, nothing to do with politics at all. In their tiny minds, they are standing up for the the rest of us, the millions up on millions of people who are not happy at the way things are going with regards to immigration, the silent majority, who are not inclined to take to the streets at the drop of a hat to express their anger, normal people who for now are reluctant to break the law. But the problem is not going away, with the two main political parties refusing to enter into any constructive debate, on immigration , neither party to my knowledge having had any mention of it in their respective manifestos, and neither having any credible solution, most of the electorate are starting to wake up and realise that the democratic process has failed them on this matter. There is nothing they can do. It will take a while for it to fully register but when it does It will result in a either a huge swing to the reform party, or total civil unrest
  11. Exactly, no comedian wants to offend his audience, so comedians are effectively self censoring by necessity, no need for a third party to be involved
  12. let us not forget for one moment that not all incidents receive the same media coverage
  13. Its the left that has no sense of humour, many comedians in the UK have either had to retire or completely change their routines . A show by Chubby Brown was actually cancelled by sheffield council, can you actually believe that a council considered its self fit to decide that grown adults would not be permitted to see the show. The problem is that they see a "victim" in every joke, but they don't understand the concept of "joke"
  14. not really , I overheard two muzzers talking, one was having trouble with his wife, Hot flushes, mood swings, headaches, general irritability, etc the other guy was trying to console him," the menopause can be a difficult time" he said, "you have to understand its not easy for them" , "Menopause"? said the first guy, somewhat shocked, " I'll deal with that when it eventually happens" " lets just hope its not as bad as this puberty business"
  15. The definition of right wing , far right or extreme right, fascist and other such words have not changed, but the terms are so misused that their real meanings have long since been forgotten, The phrases are now used, primarily to describe anything and anybody that a certain faction of society does not approve of or agree with. These phrases are considered by those who habitually misuse them as the ultimate put downs , right up alongside racist or homophobe with an assumed impact similar to accusations of witchcraft and normally delivered with a similar zealousness. In the minds of those who throw theses words around , those who they target instantly become nullified and discredited, which conveniently removes any perceived need to discuss things sensibly, a skill most of then don't possess. "Stopping words" I call them, they are commonly used to stop discussions when things are not going too well When people like Nigel Farage are described as "extreme right wing" the words lose their intended impact in the minds of normal people as the grammatical misuse is obvious, those making such comments naturally lose any credibility they think they had
  16. This is Thailand and he's obviously guilty of something, overstaying for starters, That was not a crime scene it was his rented room, How much privacy would you afford him if you had been one of his victims.
  17. As far as I was aware around half of Americans are Trump supporters ?
  18. Why? Is your missis infected and not to be trusted,? nice of you to be concerned for us
  19. I heard condoms offer very limited protection for one or other of the above
  20. Weird things warts, when I was a kid I caught warts off a girl after having to hold hands with her during a drama lesson. Started off with one on my hand and developed many others although none on the genitals. The one on my hand was getting bigger and eventually mother dragged me off to the quacks and he had a look and suggested a visit to the pharmacy to get some "compound w" . Its still available I think. It did eat away at the warts and some of the smaller ones disappeared but the one on my hand seemed to be to well established and suffered no effects, some of the smaller ones returned After a few weeks it was clearly not getting rid of them , so back to the quack, who referred me to what I guess was a dermatologist, who prescribed something basically the same as "compound w" but stronger, strangely he insisted that I chanted "warts warts go away" when applying it! he was quite emphatic about that. A bit more success than the first attempt but they were still there. Then my worst fears were realised as my father decided to "sort it out once and for all" he had suffered a wart on his nose for years, and had burned it out using nitric acid , he was a chemist and had access to all sorts of stuff. His technique was to drip a single drop onto the wart , as it burnt its way through the warty skin it was painless but as soon as it started stinging ,on contact with real skin, we flushed it off with water, All relatively painless, We did it twice a day and after a few days the wart was looking a bit the worse for wear, it started itching a bit, I used to pick at it ,and a few days later it just kind of fell away leaving a bit of a hollow were it had been and that was it , gone. A few days later every other wart had disappeared on their own I certainly would not suggest trying any of the above on genital warts of course. I have heard of people being hypnotised to get rid of warts, so maybe there is a mind over matter aspect tp them, kind of explains the dermatologist with his chanting suggestion, I can't comment if that would have worked because, to be honest I didn't do it so I'm not dismissing it Some years later, my mother contracted a verruca on her foot, she flatly refused my fathers offer of treatment, one of her friends, who was a tree hugging holistic aromatherapist weirdo gave her some home made ointment a mixture of Epsom Salts and Glycerine. My old man poured scorn on it I can still remember his words, "waste of time , wouldn't burn through a wet paper bag, bloody witchcraft etc etc ". Surprise surprise it worked, a bit less spectacular than nitric acid , but no doubt a lot gentler, just applied as a poultice daily , the verruca was gone in about a week as I remember. and another friend of hers used the same concoction to successfully get rid of some warts.
  21. Are you sure about that, I have never heard that warts can "pop" they are nothing remotely like boils or cysts
  22. They do ask about accommodation and require details (its not really a suggestion more a requirement) I just provided the address of our house, It matches the address on her ID card and they have not asked for more, Its 400k for a one year extension, A multi entry non O can last for more than a year so i kind of understand them wanting the same, but a single entry is only 90 days or 150 with the extension to visit the wife, I couldn't spend 400k in that time, I'm sure its a misprint
  23. Its ridiculous to describe him as Belgian and an insult to the people of Belgium. These scumbags should not be referred to as Nationals of the country that has been forced or conned into processing them under some sort of quota system. They never respect the laws or customs as as such have no right to present as natives of where ever they have ended up. They may well have a passport but in the box for "Nationality" it should just say unknown, N/A, or immigrant
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