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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. How large a sum would you like to lose, ?
  2. I recently visited an Amazon and a blueberry muffin and a large coffee cost over 100 baht what do you drink Birdy out of a can? do you honestly think it will still be 8baht per kwh in the unlikely event that we all end up with an ev ? get real
  3. A suitable hotel presumably means one with a charging point, bet there's no shortage of them "overnight in my car" Is that really any way to behave "heat pump" or not ?
  4. it would be essential, you probably can turn it on but allow around a week to fully charge
  5. And we will soon need entertaining whilst queuing to get into 7=11 and amazon and the "rest room" no need to worry about that though as the spectacle of dozens of geriatric ev owners, resplendent in flat caps and driving gloves, fighting to get hooked up to a charging point will be entertaining enough, I can see a sub industry of barbers shops , laundrettes and massage parlours to name but a few, getting ready to set themselves up on every forecourt. best pack the" travel chess" too, there will be no pornhub to watch when the batteries are flat . What about those "i-Spy" books, they will be making a come back soon I guess.
  6. I would not class petrol; as particularly expensive, at around 35p per litre its considerably cheaper than the coffee served in either of the above
  7. nothing untenable about my position , I'm not the one following what is basically a woke trend, and attempting to justify it with repeated b/s
  8. So buying as it approaches a high is good advice there's plenty like you here ex financial advisors who spent time in the SAS
  9. You can tell nothing, Troll off, but don;t forget to recharge or you will be loitering in public toilets again ( with like minded others)
  10. should do as you will need to watch a whole film whilst charging a noddy car
  11. Some of the Ev drivers on this thread appear to live in a parallel universe, where they spend around half of their lives in public toilets , Amazon coffee outlets, and 7-11s The latter two don't come particularly cheap , so let's add the cost of those "essentials" on to the amazing running costs, Not so cheap now is it?
  12. Also indicative of prostate issues, quite common amongst the elderly regardless of how well endowed they consider themselves to be
  13. Rubbish, I could stick 10 gallon of diesel in my tank before you had even shaken the drips off and zipped up.
  14. is the use of capitals supposed to indicate that you are actually shrieking ? No of course I have never driven a taxi, but have sat in plenty in Bangkok and without fail toll money is collected at the point of payment never at the end of the journey. They did not refuse to pay the fare the argument was clearly only about the toll fee, we will never know exactly what was discussed and agreed. The police, who were at the scene and spoke to both parties, and who are not exactly famous for taking the side of foreigners were prepared to accept that it was possibly the result of language or communication problems, but based on your own prejudices, you have arrived at your own conclusion from reading a badly written article with very little detail from a source which is far less reliable than any tabloid newspaper I can think of. Hardly surprising as your comment indicates that you are or have been a taxi driver, I am well aware how "difficult" some people can be , I am also well aware how devious some taxi drivers can be, to the extent that considering the lack of details, I would take her account of the matter with a pinch of salt.Had they "done a runner" after refusing to pay the entire fare I might feel differently. in any case they didn't "run" very far did they and they did not appear out of breath in the video. She did her job, they did not refuse to pay the fare , they were never accused of that , They were stupid to argue over a small toll fee, she was equally stupid and more than a little bloody minded not to accept the police's solution You are of course perfectly at liberty to believe what you want , as am I, and your opinion on the matter, just like mine, is really neither here nor there. Shrieking will not change anything or add any credence to your opinion, just the opposite in fact
  15. I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it 4 years ago at just over 6000$ a pop. But I guess you are just a bit smarter than me eh?
  16. looks lovely one can just tell it will not disappoint
  17. Anybody thinking of buying bitcoin just now must be a bit simple
  18. should be made to learn to fend for itself, killing rats and birds with its own hands, and eating them raw. Then tech it how to wash "cat style" they are still reasonably flexible at that age, and a bit of self annilingus might just cure it.
  19. Do i really need to answer that ? although I think in an extreme case like this they might just decide to maintain a dignified silence, personally i hope they don't,
  20. probably "non binary" or "transitioning" seems to me all the rage these days,
  21. no problem for the kid though, after all its a cat, she said it her self. Now where did I leave the antifreeze?
  22. It was in the end a piece of satire, but this kind of idiocy is happening. And equally worrying is that some people , who will soon show themselves on this thread think, its fine
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