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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. They are clearly not going after anybody, at least not based on the content of the "news" article that is purely supposition, further more overstayers are not limited to visa exempt or tourist visa holders, the immigration authorities do not discriminate nor do they care if one has a pink card or a yellow book ,
  2. Slower the better as far as i am concerned I came here to get away from the so called "first world" hopefully I'll be long dead when it finally arrives here
  3. I believe you , and there is probably little chance that you ever will, but we all know how things work here, it would be a real pain in the ass if one day you are the only one trying to use the pink card instead of a passport and you are faced with the bitch from hell having a menstrual moment . All she has to do is read the 1st line on the back of the card , take it literally, and things could become rather inconvenient, personally I wouldn't risk it
  4. The fact that I am over 50 has no bearing on the legitimacy of my stay here I might be legal on the other hand I might not. You should leave it to the immigration authorities to concern themselves over that
  5. No but i wish I was, but I bear no grudge against those who are, despite being envious
  6. They are a long way from the first world But is that what you really want ? why for gods sake
  7. just try not to forget your passport , assuming you can remember where you left it
  8. The validities of a pink ID are neither here or there. if its accepted its valid if its not accepted its not valid, Good luck to anyone trying to argue their case as the gate closes and the plane prepares for take off. Its obviously a very subjective issue that depends on who one is dealing with A 500 baht note may be accepted as a driving licence by some police, and by others it may not . despite the omission of any writing on the back of it for guidance purposes
  9. Why, just why, would you concern yourself with the activities of others that in no way concern you?
  10. In theory, but let's not forget where we are, Its still Thailand and despite the wishes of some on here it hasn't yet become the carbon copy of their miserable countries of origin I recently stayed in a hotel with my mrs, she checked in with her Thai ID, I was asked for nothing
  11. Totally agree , the absence of any reference to the immigration authorities confirms that as far as I am concerned. I take little notice of any of these pathetic online publications. As regards middle names, it isn't always that clear, International flights are quite specific about it, Domestic flights seem to vary depending on which company one uses, From memory Thai and/ or Thai-smile I think, specify putting first and middle names together in the first name" box"can't remember about the space being needed or not. Air Asia don't request middle names for domestic tickets I flew to Buriram early last month and had not stated my middle name and it was never mentioned at check in. I don't really see what the fuss is about to be honest, domestic flights, in reality are no different to catching a bus. Those arguing about the validity of the Pink ID cards should read the CAAT document, What it actually says is "Those who have lost Or are unable to present their "identification documents " (by which it is clearly referring to the international travel documents given as examples in the first pic ) must present one of the following "documents" to me the omission of the word "identification" implies that whilst they don't consider those alternatives to actually be "real " ID's like the ones in the first example they are prepared to accept them for the purposes of domestic travel, a subtle difference. So both differing schools of thought are in practice correct There was no mention of a police report being required either, that is just another example of someone thinking too much, a police report may be required to obtain a temporary travel document after a passport has been stolen but after that it is superfluous. In the case of a passport being destroyed in a washing machine a police report would not be required or even issued as far as I am aware All in all nothing has changed, it is a non news article
  12. That link has gone now, here is a more permanent one similar prices https://www.bangyabongzing.com/product-page/ช-อดอกก-ญชาสายพ-นธ-ไทยหางกระรอค-ณภาพพร-เม-ยม-น-ำหน-ก-20กร-ม-50กร-ม-100กร-ม
  13. How on earth do you know what % of overstayers travel by air, and what has it got to do with you anyway? Likewise peoples bank accounts. you should mind your own business.
  14. if a passport indicates an overstay do airline staff have a legal authority to detain / arrest somebody, ?
  15. Never ?? did you never fly domestically prior to having a pink ID or DL
  16. Maybe after check in and landing. foreigners will be herded to an immigration checkpoint just like for international flights, otherwise I don't see much difference, ID has always been required and boarding pass has to be shown prior to boarding The middle name could be an issue, last time I booked a domestic flight with air asia there was no opportunity to enter my middle name on the website, has that been addressed ? I just looked, and it has not !
  17. is this where one normally finds the "man in the boat" if one can be bothered to look ?
  18. "You know who" will provide a scary chart shortly,, others will demand that masks are worn , others will berate "antivaxxers" Groundhog day Deja vu call it what you wish I heard the WHO are starting to wake up and flex their muscles too ho hum
  19. A companion who is a "Ms" too, very suspicious never heard a Thai woman use that prefix ever
  20. A classic example of the consequences of a total lack of discipline. from the first time they got away with something the die was cast . To be honest I am surprised we don't see a lot more events like this. wonder what our resident lefties will make of it all. they will do well to convince me that these animals are the real victims
  21. they will now try to pin the blame on each other, one has already tried to claim he tried to stop it all, we can expect lies lies and more lies from all involved in this atrocity..... straight out of the same mould of Venables and Thompson there really is only one appropriate course of action even if they have to wait until they are 18 to do it
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