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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. No. I mean it's IS NOT a fight. It is a beatdown. There is a big difference. Also it is NOT a war by definition. Wars are between 2 state actors, or groups within a nation-state, not between a state actor and a suppressed minority.
  2. This conflict isn't even a "war". Would you consider a conflict between Andre the Giant and Young Sheldon to be a "fight"?
  3. You think golf takes presidence over the military? If you want convenient green space, they own it, you PAY FOR IT. Pillage my behind.
  4. Translation: " I always carry hay. I have a horse. Petrol is totally irrelevant to me".
  5. Dumb as rocks son seems to be playing the right-wing networks, pundits, and lawmakers like a fiddle 😂😂😂 they look like psychos and Hunter looks like a normal person.
  6. Nice. How to tell where y'all come from without saying it. "Weak police union" 😂😂😂 You think more civilized countries should feel the fear of barely trained yahoos with military grade weapons and a culture and union which protect them from barely a hint of reprisals from any, obvious, infractions of the law on their part. Well that sounds just dandy.
  7. Apparently you like to "cherry pick". Why do I see so many countries which claim to be democracies appear in red or orange below?
  8. How is that different from most other democracies?
  9. GTA 🤣🤣🤣 IRL, in civilized countries, there is no threat of death from "messing" with cops
  10. Is Ferrari really a car company, or a marketing company when half their income is from merch? Ferrari produces around $4 billion dollars in sales revenue every year – $2bn of which comes from merchandise.
  11. No it does not. The crime is the cover up, not the affair. Even if there was no affair, the crime, as charged, of fraudulent campaign financing, still exists.
  12. Are you implying that Kennedy caught and killed stories of his womanizing, then fraudulently hid his the catch/kill payments? If yes, all that proves is Kennedy was a much smoother operator than 45. And that he should have been prosecuted as well 😂
  13. I guess it depends on your point of view, or lack thereof. I found the O.P. worthy of a chuckle.
  14. Poor Snorlione thinks his peeps aren't showing up because of security 😂😂 No Trumplestiltskin, they are just as tired of the nonstop excuses and whining as everyone else. Your stupidity and crimes are exhausting.
  15. What part of the world do you consider "free". Personally, I feel much more freedom here than I did back home.
  16. To me it reads exactly the same as a USA press release touting aid and/or investment.
  17. So both overheated AND naive 😏
  18. So... when are you returning to your home country 😅😅
  19. 😅 How to say, "I have absolutely no clue of what this case is about", without saying it... 😅
  20. Not at all. 17 years and still loving our adopted home.
  21. And how easy to spin this silly comment around. Do you wanna compare Mama Kass and Taylor Swift?
  22. Only a kid at 62, but MY kids love punk, grunge, ska, reggae, progressive rock, new wave and garage as much as I do ❤️
  23. Why? It is paper in a dispenser which serves its purpose well.
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