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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Depends a lot on your location. I have no desire to drive for over an hour to find out that brick and mortar retailers are out of stock. I much prefer finding out things are out of stock from my recliner ????????
  2. Same place as CRT TVs, CDs, and carburated cars... Relics of the past. Good riddance to them all.
  3. And why do think it's a Thailand thang? I just smile cause I like people and find I get back what I give. Smile begets smile arseholery begets arseholery...
  4. They believe that the election was stolen and that dems drink baby juice. The cult will literally believe anything they are repeatedly told by their "news" outlets. ????
  5. It was a serious question. To me it seems like more than ten bucks worth of effort to circumvent the condo's system. My condos in other countries charge, on average, about $75 for key cards... 500 baht sounds like a bargain.
  6. Do you really need to save ten bucks that badly?
  7. Oh I know exactly what you mean and find the analogy truly stupid.
  8. Well that is as stupid as asking do you want a life like the democracy in Norway, South Africa or the USA. All very different versions of a similar concept, but definitely NOT the same.
  9. No, just a regular idiot.
  10. Are you serious? Policy has been dictated by corporations for decades. US democracy is window dressing for the uninterested.
  11. Y'all remember Benghazi? They are like a dog with an invisible, non-existing bone... Keeps working for 30% of the US electorate but they are going to have to change tack if they ever want to win nationally again.
  12. Impeach him. It's a political process. GOP controls the house. Why rant to the media when you have the power to crush Biden? Oh, I know... That pesky evidence thang ????????
  13. "...citing the FBI FD-1023 form... " ????????????????. FD-1023 is the form they write any unverified rantings of anyone who talks to the FBI. I could call them and tell them I saw Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf shoplifting at Lotus's and they would write it in an FD-1023. ????????????
  14. Funny you say that. 45 recently said he WOULD accept a plea deal - on 1 condition - that the government pay him $$$ to accept it ????????????????
  15. "USA is even more broken than I originally surmised. "
  16. Much better than you. It is part of youth vernacular. Not so much in the 50+ crowd.
  17. Obvilously the GOP talking points narrative.
  18. When they are done their intense lifecyle in cars the batteries are still usable as mass storage on grids. They ARE NOT trash after a decade or so. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/02/07/2602939/0/en/B2U-Storage-Solutions-Announces-25MWh-of-Second-Life-EV-Battery-Capacity-is-Operational-at-its-Hybrid-Solar-Storage-Facility-in-Lancaster-CA.html
  19. Great seeds have been readily available for over a decade. Growing at home, not so much!
  20. What do you think happened here prior to delisting? What do you think happens in MOST countries in the world? Those of us who have indulged for 50ish years are not really afraid of things going back to the way they ALWAYS WERE. Why would we be? It's what we have dealt with our entire adult lives. ????
  21. So we all go back to the way thing were prior to delisting. Not ideal, but no biggy ????‍♂️
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