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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Just a short distance away in Cambodia they could have done what they were doing here without any problems.
  2. Interesting post. I know some mongers that easily drop 10,000 baht on a night out on their holiday. It's not difficult. You don't have to be on Walking Street to do it.
  3. "My old mother needs hearing aids, been waiting more than a year.... good health care system, you reckon?" Obviously, YOU reckon not.
  4. How would your old mum get a shoulder replacement in Thailand? How much would it cost here? How many Thai's will kill for the NHS here? You do realize there is a global pandemic and some procedures that may have been performed soon after diagnosis pre covid, had to wait until covid was manageable.
  5. So you are saying the Thai public health care system is better than the NHS. Thanks for the clarification. ????????
  6. And a poor one, at that. Not recent experience, but are you saying Thailand's public health care system is better than the NHS?
  7. Are hearing aids surgery? In case you, and your mother, haven't noticed, there's a global pandemic. The NHS is better than most. Do you think the Thai public system is better?
  8. How can a compulsary purchase of land take place, when that land was never privately owned in the first place?
  9. I forgot to post the link. That's the one you are talking about, and if you look at the photos in the ad, it appears to be the same one. https://www.bahtsold.com/view/pattaya-gogo-bar-amazing-new-takeover-offer-423287 Take Over now for 2.5 million baht or Move in Now for 1.38 million baht. Which would you chose? ????
  10. Perhaps the success story is there are not 15,000 deceased a week, thanks to the vaccines. The world can not stay closed forever, and forever is the length of time covid will be around. Tragically, just as there's no cure for cancer, the vaccines are the best humanity currently has to offer in its fight against covid. The UK has a good public health care system, which gives those susceptible to an adverse reaction the best chance of survival, not so Thailand.
  11. You have quoted me out of context. If a farang is going to look at a condo and takes his Thai missus with him, her salary is irrelevant.
  12. It already is lucrative for them. They turn a blind eye to those without 800k or 65k per month, but the only way they can get more business for themselves is by "encouraging" those expats that are following the rules by making the process so uncomfortable for them that they will simply give up and go through an agent, even more so if their deadline is near, which is why I suspect people re being told to come back a third and fourth time.
  13. It all designed to push expats in the direction of agents.
  14. Leaver


    Close to the size you want. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/pure-copper-heatsink-100x50x15mm-skiving-fin-heat-sink-radiator-for-electronic-ram-chip-led-vga-cooling-cooler-i2718100412-s9835790454.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.63.25a04a8fvXPwjG&search=1&freeshipping=1
  15. Whilst they are apologizing here, and all over Thailand, for the usual snouts in the trough system and Thai mafia BS, next door, in Vietnam, they have record breaking tourist infrastructure. https://travelerdoor.com/2020/05/09/the-world-record-breaking-cable-car-rides-of-vietnam/ If they can't even pave a side walk here, how can they compete in the future?
  16. No change of heart. Do you have any content to post, or are you just practicing for your TESOL exam?
  17. I clarified that statement. Of course money is money, and Thai's don't care who pays it. I simply meant, as I have repeatedly said after my initial comment, Thai's will be less inclined to negotiate so much with farangs, because they know farangs have a higher capacity to pay. They will not come down in price as much as they may with Thai's. This is something you deny, yet offer no reason for your opinion. Here's a tip for you, it's an internet forum, not your English school. ????
  18. I edited because I didn't want that comment to be taken as listed prices would be higher because of farangs being in the market. It's not just property, it can be things in the local market. It's been said many times over the years that if you speak some Thai the local sellers will know you are an expat, rather than a tourists, and treat you accordingly, but I guess you will deny that happens as well.
  19. They will be less inclined to budge on price if a farang is involved.
  20. The topic digressed a little to if a farang was involved in negotiations, would a Thai owner be more inclined to hold their ground on price. I said they would, you disagreed, but failed to say why. The monthly salary of any Thai involved is irrelevant to this subject.
  21. Does your health insurance in France cover you in Thailand? I would be surprised if it did.
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