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Everything posted by VBF

  1. That's no way to conduct himself 😆
  2. You're skating on thin ice here and giving me a haddock. Kindly stop codding about......l hake to say it but this is not the plaice for such pollocks. Now do us all a favour - get off your perch and scampi away 🙄😀😁
  3. Spot on 👍 I would say that I know several exceptions to your last paragraph but that are in the minority (IMO)
  4. Pretentious, Moi? 🤔
  5. As do some of we more clued up tourists 🤔
  6. Who's on first base?
  7. The Bible........Wasn't that written by Hans Anderson? Well, it's pretty Grimm 🙄 Or is it just a conspiracy theory manual?
  8. Only time will tell.....
  9. Welcome to Pattaya 🙄😜🤣
  10. Isn't it just the interpretation of the rules? Dependent on certain financial requirements of course .,🙄
  11. Exactly! It amazes me, the number of apparently well educated, intelligent people who simply don't do their due diligence when buying in Thailand. I wonder if they are that careless in their home countries. Where big money is involved, trust noone!
  12. Better get a man in to fix that 🙄😃 (One needs to read the unabridged version to understand that comment)
  13. Agree, also, many people, myself included, don't work for companies or are constrained by such outdated "rules" Before retirement I regularly worked (self employed) for 6 months in the year and travelled the other 6.
  14. No it won't..... they'll probably spend it on beer 🍻
  15. What you say is, in theory, correct in this post and earlier in this thread. However.... ignorance of the law is no excuse even if the law is outdated. If people are too lazy (not illogical) to bother learning, then they have no right to moan if things go wrong for them.
  16. Well considering the amount of noise she makes.........😮
  17. Yeah I didn't think of that but I tend to do my drinking in bars and the place I stay sells beer whenever if I do want. Point taken
  18. Sort of but Mike Harding once defined cyniscm as "the romantic's condom"
  19. Dare I refer to you as "slightly pedantic"? 😄 I sort of agree with your second sentence....
  20. As you mentioned UK the limit is £10K without any formalities. You can find it on the uk.gov website plus 2 weeks ago before I came to Thailand , I phoned to confirm. Even so I had bank receipts showing the cash I was carrying.....can't be too careful 😉
  21. I cannot think of a place where tourists CAN'T get an afternoon drink! Yesterday afternoon I went on a bar crawl in Pattaya...never noticed any restrictions as this morning's headache attests🙄🤔
  22. That's complete Madness 🙄
  23. Which is partly why (IMO) Emirates is so successful. Everything this thread says about Thai can be turned 180 degrees when discussing Emirates.
  24. I thought that was the answer to the question "What's the difference between snowmen and snowwomen" ? 😎 Or should that be snowballs ?
  25. Many people such as those whose working hours are not strictly "9-5", shift workers, emergency workers, workers where there has to be constant cover to name a few. When I was working, staff would be disappearing for an hour between 11 and 3. We contractors didn't of course - lunch is for wimps people who are not hourly paid! 🙄
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