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Everything posted by VBF

  1. In fact, you are wrong there too, I only became aware of this rule recently and only because I am a member of this forum. Whenever I mention this to people I know, they are also unaware of it and the vast majority of them thinks its unfair. I agree it's unfair of course, and quite illogical but, pray tell me why didn't you bother to find out what the rules were? I know about this and it doesn't even affect me but I still research the rules. It's not exactly kept a secret https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad/rates-of-state-pension See "You will not get yearly increases if you live outside these countries." so you did indeed make a life choice that you should have bothered to know about. Isn't there a saying that goes something like "Failing to plan = planning to fail"?
  2. Then your belief is wrong. I know! Then you presumably didn't stay in UK for the minimum required 6 months See https://aseannow.com/topic/1325999-frozen-pension-policy-turns-british-expats-dream-into-a-nightmare/?do=findComment&comment=18875192
  3. But you don't when you leave UK as has been stated above by me and others. When you return is a different matter of course.
  4. Get what facts right? I agree with you, but I would be trying to find a way around paying so much tax, It's ridiculous. There are many ways to legally avoid paying the tax in UK (ISAs EIS, VCT come to mind) but some of it just isn't legally avoidable. One assumes that @Andycoops has explored those devices and is still a taxpayer, as am I!
  5. Well I gave you a 👍 for that because I think you're spot on and effectively agreeing with what I wrote above. I just didn't know it was called ICE. One question: Why did you say "...Mentioning the 55 year old and 61 year old is another absurdity. Who cares? " I don't get that bit!
  6. I know, plus a long time ago I said one day all the dots will line up, they will because they have too, to control everything with some sort of accuracy..... Even now, me fooling around on my PC during the day, when I go upstairs and turn the TV on, look at YouTube, in the panes, there is usually something to do with what I have been doing on my PC during the day, hi-tech stuff..... 🤗 I read something the other day about every flight has a list of the flyers names that is kept on a database. Can't expand on that because I skipped it. Might be worth a search, just for the future chats. 😉 And to complement both your comments, I mentioned above that the UK DWP and Passport Offices are both government departments. OF COURSE they exchange information even if it requires a warrant to do so. I believe @BritManToo is either very naïve, very ignorant or he's winding us all up intentionally. I also believe he has me on "Ignore" so may or may not respond.
  7. What, you just walked onto an airplane without going through immigration or anything like that ? How was you able to do that ? Yes that is the case when leaving UK - happens to me every time. HOWEVER, I believe the airlines report your departure https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-the-authorities-check-your-passport-when-you-exit-the-UK#:~:text=The UK doesn't run,checks could just be circumvented.
  8. Thank you for showing that calculation. It reflects my situation as well and, despite my anger at having to pay the tax, I am still better off after the pension increases but not by as much as i ought to be! I quite agree with your last paragraph too! - it's usurious 🤬
  9. NOT "one-upmanship" but mine is now over £13,000 - the difference may be that I contributed all my working life even when I worked abroad (voluntary contributions) When I wasn't working, I signed on (legally!) so apart from a short period where I was "contracted out" I have record of continuous contributions for over 50 years. Check your contribution record on the DWP site if in doubt.
  10. Yes but I was replying to a post that said that there's no compulsion to have a PP if you live in UK. That is of course true, BUT if you deny having one AND the DWP suspect you of lying they could than find out and issue some sort of summons. In this instance possibly "freeze" pension payments pro tem. UPDATE Here is evidence of that from this very thread https://aseannow.com/topic/1325999-frozen-pension-policy-turns-british-expats-dream-into-a-nightmare/?do=findComment&comment=18873536
  11. I believe that's wrong - it would be unfrozen when you claimed it (as you say), but then refrozen at the now prevailing rate when you left.
  12. And you don't think that the DWP (a government department) cannot get access to the Passport Office (a government department) records if they suspect wrongdoing's? Your faith in the promised privacy is, IMO. a little naïve!
  13. So you CAN tell them apart after all! 🤪
  14. As Kipling said, "East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" Still true in many areas of life.
  15. I'm giving the wrong impression here. I don't mean Europeans aren't criminal, I simply observe a strong trust in laws within the Europeans (I mean American, Canadian etc... too) when compare to the Thai people. In the mind of the Finnish guy Jay he has a piece of paper which gives him a sense of security because he believes the system will protect him. Thai people in my observation don't have this same trust because they know there is a corruption in the officials and the paper is only as good the person willing to enforce it, which may never happen. I've never gone through the legal system in Thailand but I don't trust it because I see the Thai people themselves don't trust their authorities. That's my only point. Perhaps what you're both alluding to is that in Western countries, the law is more likely to be applied equally to all parties, regardless of whether they're locals or foreigners. Clearly, there's often an element of "who you know" but I think that's far more the case in Thailand.
  16. Good to see him taking steps....... 😲🤪
  17. And again, you seem to have hit the nail on the head. Or to put it another way, the Khun Chairattananon shooting himself in the foot by taking lessons from "Bar Girl 101." ☹
  18. Pretty much sums it up, I think 👍
  19. Like this place on Samet some years ago?
  20. I know several, all of whom thought it was easy which is how it appears if its being done properly! If one is good at a job, one can make it look easy! In reality, running any business requires a whole set of skills and attributes that not everybody possesses. Some you can learn, some you cannot. Additionally owning a bar in Thailand has other issues such as who can hold a licence, and who might have to be "paid off" in cash. A British friend who used to have a bar on Phuket once confided in me that the only advantages of owning the bar were that he could "drink at cost price" and that "his friends all came to see him" He turned into a famous nasty drunk and his wife gave him an ultimatum: "The bar or me". Sensibly, he chose her (she's a lovely lady) and sold the bar - they live in contented retirement.
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