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Everything posted by VBF

  1. So @Chivas Would you mind elaborating please. Are you in Thailand or UK? (This has so far been the critical point) If it cannot be activated using the Thai roaming, as you say, what device did you use? Thai phone, UK phone, tablet with SIM or without SIM connected via WiFi? Thanks in advance.
  2. Not a song, but a tune that always gets me.......
  3. Quite agree but one doesn't necessarily need to leave it on charge overnight even if one does need the alarms. It all depends on lifestyle and whether its convenient to charge it the next morning which, for me, it usually is. The closest thing to anything electronic that ends up under my pillow is the TV remote control if I fall asleep faster than anticipated. And regarding Apple, I've always said that the "i" in iPhone, iMac etc stands for "What the **** did I spend all this money on?" Fine engineering but not fine enough to justify the difference over Android phones or Windows / Linux PCs. Now watch the fanbois start frothing at the mouth! ????
  4. It can also depend on how often you charge the phone. Best policy is, as often as possible, to let it discharge to about 15-20%, then charge it to about 80%. Obviously that's not always convenient but I tend to let mine discharge to about that level, fully charge it and then immediately take it off charge. This is a convenient compromise for me and my 5 year old Nokia 6.1 (Android) phone is still giving me 1.5 to 2. 5 days per charge, depending on usage. This website may be of interest Here’s the truth behind the biggest (and dumbest) battery myths
  5. Well the article says: "The risks are increased even further if your iPhone isn’t covered up and can’t ventilate properly while charging. Especially bad news for those of you who leave your phone under your pillow as this can lead to the phone overheating and even start a fire." I think "isn't covered up" should say IS covered up (!) and as for anyone sleeping with their phones......words fail me! ????
  6. And the AN award for heartless bigot of the year goes to.................
  7. Oh yes - i'd need the burger for energy afterwards! ????
  8. Thank you. As i said, I'm unfamiliar with the rules in Thailand - I was just basing my question on how challenging it can be (though certainly possible) to do such transfers in UK, especially if they're so-called "unlisted" shares, or on the "Alternative Investment Market" some of which I have myself. Having said that, someone in Pita's position should know these things or have staff to take care of it. I wonder if, perhaps he genuinely thought they were unimportant?
  9. Well simply ignore it! I found it interesting enough to read - it certainly won't change my life but surely life includes hugely interesting things and less interesting things. For example I find any mention of football excruciatingly boring so i simply don't read or watch or listen to anything about it. Other than to mention it here for illustrative reasons, it doesn't exist in my life. What would be boring is if we all agreed on what was or was not interesting!
  10. I'm not sure because i don't know the rules for trading on Thailand's Stock Exchange, but as this company was non-operational, it's possible that there was no market for the shares. Therefore Pita may have been unable to divest himself of them. Is that not a consideration?
  11. He'll never catch a Concord(e) in that!!!
  12. Thanks - I did search the forum for "Family Mart" but didn't find it - perhaps the Mods would like to close this one?
  13. Yes the Covid nonsense about not taking cash seems to have been good excuse for some retailers to use it as an agenda for the future. If the majority of customers choose to pay electronically it'll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I still prefer to have the choice but i've got enough plastic and phone methods to accept it if i have to. I do hope that cash remains useable in Thailand though - from a purely selfish POV I might add
  14. I think i'll need more than just good luck mate! Thanks for confirming ????
  15. Ooh beam me up snotty!!! ???? You said "I reckon that 90+% of high street transactions are by card. " Well i reckon you're not very observant as 90+% of transactions might have been by card but clearly that was people's choice as everywhere in my area and that of several friends takes both forms of payment. Some might prefer e-payment but that's not the same as only taking it. As the customer, it's MY preference that's important. Happy now?
  16. NOT true! I live in UK and of all the places I shop, eat, drink or otherwise spend money, NONE of them, big or small, has abandoned cash. A few have more e-payment places than cash tills but all will still happily relieve you of the folding stuff.
  17. @Phantom57 Reading your post it looks as if you were in Thailand when you did all this (you said you went to your bank) - would you kindly confirm that please. I ask because both @Chivas and I tried very much the same steps from the UK (using roaming Thai SIMS) and it did not work. TIA
  18. Japan's FamilyMart exits Thailand as 7-Eleven's dominance grows Japanese convenience store chain FamilyMart will withdraw from Thailand after its franchise agreement with local retailer Central Group ended in late May, opening the door for rival 7-Eleven to tighten its grip on the market.
  19. I doubt it....MOST tourist are from countries where card / phone usage is common already. In my case I PREFER to use cash everywhere in Thailand because I don't really trust the Thai banking security.
  20. How tickled I am ????????????
  21. My dear old Dad taught me "Don't throw that away, son, it may come in handy one day" And, amongst so many other things, he was right...proof being that the day after you throw something out is the very day you find you need it! So i follow that stance up to a point - the point being that i live in a flat not a house so decluttering is required from time to time.
  22. Disneyland, run by Goofy, supervised from afar by Mickey ???? Or...... Lovely place to visit but my sanity wouldn't let me live there ????
  23. You beat me to that one - add to it the enormous choppy waves and grey skys should be a clue!! Charles Darwin - where are you when we need you?
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