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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. It does, if you want to use the web anonymously for whatever reason.
  2. Not the cheapest, but surely on the top of the range when it comes to safety is Mullvad VPN
  3. The problem is not sitting and cooking together or eating 5 times a day. Its all the junk food and especially the large amount of sugar in soft drinks.
  4. Correct. Thailand goes the same way that many western countries went 20-30 years ago. Look at the US or Germany. Adipositas is increasing sharply.
  5. I doubt this "special" tourist industry will exist here in 20 years. More likely Thai "tourists" will visit one of Europe's then third world countries.
  6. The kids often don't have to go that way. Many schools sell the junk directly to make some extra money
  7. Ignorance is a bliss.
  8. Obesity leads to health problems. But if people are happy with it - ok for me.
  9. When I walk down the streets an watch elderly and even young foreigners at their bar stools I get the impression that obesity is not just a Thai people's problem.
  10. Exactly! Everything that could touch the picture of Saint Joe must be a "conspiracy theory". The difference betwwen many "conspiracy theories" and the truth is 12 or 15 months.
  11. If you don't like the message, hit the messenger ????
  12. Pfizer-Junkies can get their shots usually for free in their home countries .
  13. "Ten percent for the big guy". Oh, no, nothing to see here ????
  14. Your c-drive has only 32GB? Is your computer a netbook (Asus and others sold those things a couple of years ago with 32GB flash drive). If so, it's not upgradable and you should buy a new one, if you don't want to do a clean install and have the same problem again with the next bigger update.
  15. My son is different. "Hey, Pa, can you give me some money? I want to buy a birthday gift for Mom". I mus have made something wrong ????
  16. Yes! Weed is a danger to society. It's a killer! Stay with alcohol, that's healthy and save.
  17. at the age of 84 years. He was one of the great Canadian singer/songwriters in a row with Leonard Cohen and Neil Young. One of the heroes of my youth. Thank you, Gordon Lightfoot, for so many hours sitting together with friends, listening to and playing your songs. You may be gone but your songs will stay. Fare you well on a carefree highway. R.I.P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-6if333Lak
  18. The man was able to enter the US illegally four times, get a gun, rent or buy a home? Don't let the orange man read this. Seems the US-immigration does not use smart cars like the smart collegues from Thailand.
  19. So true! Reefer madness! Hemp-addicts are aggressive, Ganja drives them crazy, they die young and they hit others while naked with beer bottles. Beware! Heaven help!
  20. For some brain titans Osama bin Laden was a martyr too, not a terrorist
  21. Right! BKB online banking via their website works perfectly for me since years from inside and outside Thailand. Last transfer was yesterday from my to my son's account.
  22. So you spend the 300$ on food, electricity, water and fuel. Do I understand right? Seems very low to me but people are different. Only important is to be happy with the own lifestyle.
  23. By mistake? Hmm... But hey, who never tried to enter the wrong home when coming back from a long and hard working day. Happens every day.
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