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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. You say there is nothing wrong with your present doctor. Then you should discuss your concerns and referrals with that doctor. You mentioned Samitivej. I’m sure they have specialists there. I personally would use Bumrungrad or BNH. In choosing a specialist . I would look at their profiles. See what type of advanced training they might have. And your decision where and who you go to will be based on cost and insurance if any. I don’t understand if you are just seeking the name of a doctor. Why you are posting your complete diabetes medical history. You don’t want decisions on your condition based on laymen opinions or debates . And has nothing to do with a recommendation for a doctor. The type of specialists that treat diabetes are: A diabetes specialist is called an endocrinologist. Endocrinologists specialize in the glands of the endocrine (hormone) system. The pancreas is the gland involved in diabetes. The pancreas produces insulin, and problems with insulin are what managing your diabetes is about. At the present time I’m seeing an Endocrinologist at Bumrungrad high cholesterol. She is good. Easy to talk to. And has had medical training in the states. She has gotten my cholesterol in the normal range. If you want to message me. I can give you her name.
  2. I don’t see what the big deal is. If a tourist wants to purchase a Covid vaccine here. It’s their money and their choice.
  3. At least they were nice enough to get her a taxi In all seriousness. I would never give in or bow on my knees to anyone. Just another day inLOS
  4. First of all. To steal something like this and to resell it. Is one of the lowest of the low. A life saving device. Usually these are normally in interior locations. Where it normally is not subject to theft. The intent of public access was good. But unfortunately you can’t just leave these things just out in the street.
  5. I would think these work release prisoners are under surveillance at all times. Or should be. So the general public should not be able to get within a certain distance to begin with.
  6. The only “ Yearly I’m Alive Form” I’m familiar with from expats. Is a form 7162. This form is sent out every year by the Social Security Administration. This is for people who collect Social Security using an overseas address. It has nothing to do with your passport. It has to do with the address a person gives to Social Security. I’m not aware of a questionnaire sent every year regarding an address submitted for a passport.. Maybe there is. But I haven’t heard of it
  7. This issue is not exclusively to Thailand. Many countries you have to have some type of work permit to be employed as a foreigner. Unfortunately some people break the rules. I wonder how many western expats actually work illegally in Thailand or other countries. People seem to have an issue when there is some sort of crackdown. Like they moved here with the mentality there are no rules. And they can get away with things.
  8. Unfortunately the new generation vaccines are not available at this time. And there is no information when or if they would be available. The information is from Bumrungard Hospital doctor who I see. And if it does come here you might have to pay for it. You can’t always expect to get “freebies “ in Thailand all the time. Thailand is not responsible for you. If a person moves to another country. And expects that country to give them free things. That would probably make that person be viewed as a free loader. So start saving those pennies.
  9. Unfortunately when you choose to live or travel to another country. The authorities don’t investigate or see things as you would expect in your home country. From the description. It does appear like he fell asleep and passed away. Or if it was foul play. Someone bothered to make it look that he fell asleep on the couch. Like in a Lieutenant Columbo movie. I doubt it. Only a full investigation and an autopsy would be definitive on the cause of death. He might have even ingested something. But as I said. Different countries have different ways of handling things. And just because a person is athletic, child, teen, not that old. Doesn’t mean they just can’t die in their sleep. They might have an underlying condition that they are unaware of. Or things just happen to the human body suddenly.
  10. Must have been a very deep sleep. For a van to have went out of control, to flip over, and not awaken. I wonder why the other passengers couldn’t be helped or got out on their own. If a window was kicked out. The flames must have been very fast moving. Or the passengers were so badly injured they couldn’t manage to get out on their own. A terrible tragedy
  11. If you paid by credit card on Pay. Gov. And the payment was approved. Then there was no problem with the payment. Your credit card information was automatically processed with your existing banking information. Why is my payment rejected or delayed?Contact your bank or credit card company for that information. Pay.gov doesn't have that information. Pay.gov only collects your payment information and then sends it to the bank or card company for processing. You have to use the address your card is registered to. That is what is going to show during processing.
  12. Could have passed away from anything. Not because of the alcohol. He might have just had an underlying health condition.
  13. The explanations make no sense. People were following him. But no one knows what actually happened. Even though others supposedly heard them arguing . And if he was being attacked. People following behind him didn’t realize it. And he had a few drinks but not drunk.
  14. And I wonder when some of the annoying expats will buzz off. The ones that think they can do what ever they want, and here for a free ride.
  15. I commend you for trying to help. Just because he is a troubled youth does not mean he won’t be successful in life. Many like him have grown to be successful members of society. But it is understandable you still have to proceed with caution. The police could do an investigation. Maybe. But I’m not sure how much help this would be. You can talk to a monk and get a feel what they might do. You might be able to start getting information here: https://www.childlinethailand.org/ Or: www.bkkkids.com
  16. It’s great that they received a booster. But which one? It should be Moderna or at least Pfizer. They are not the updated versions but better than nothing.
  17. You were in a difficult situation. I commend you for being concerned and trying to help. Unfortunately the other foreigners didn’t care. But I’m sure if they were in the same situation. They would be complaining how no one tried to help them. Unfortunately the locals didn’t seemed concerned either. The only thing you could have possibly done was keep pressing the issue. I have a translator app on my phone. In case I need to communicate in a foreign language.
  18. I would not waste time communicating with this agent any longer. All you are getting from them is nonsense. You don’t have much time. Immediately contact your embassy to make them aware of your situation. And afterwards go to the police. Unless of course the embassy says there is no need to get the police involved. You don’t want to mess around any longer trying this and that. You made enough attempts to correct the issue. Now unfortunately you have to treat this as a lost or stolen passport.
  19. She gave her Wai of apology. Now everything is ok. For a story that makes no sense whatsoever
  20. I like dogs. Not necessarily pit bulls though. I personally would not own one. But dogs that viciously attack a person need to be destroyed. Such as in this case. Where the dogs are in a pack following each other’s behavior. The owner will pay compensation. But unfortunately that will not take away the mental and physical anguish the victim will have. I commend the man that came to her aid and got her to the hospital. If he wasn’t there, this woman might not be alive today.
  21. If you don’t want to pay fines. Then don’t do things that cause a fine. If the police stop you unjustly, then ask for a ticket. Don’t give them money. it seems that some people are upset because they can’t get away with things. And have the mentality they came to Thailand because they can.
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