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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I would think if this woman and her connections did this to harm you. They would have made the false record on the time you were actually here. Not when you weren’t.
  2. Hopefully when they get his side of the story it will be sorted out. And if he was coerced or cheated about paying the bill. And felt it would still escalate.. Or possibly face criminal charges. Drunk or not. He still has the right to speak to the Japanese embassy. The bill might have been inflated. He might have ran because he was threatened. Who knows. But the story also says he was drinking there four days. So obviously there were no other issues up until that point. And if you are a local. Your name in a news story gets either changed or not published. But if you are a foreigner it’s published for all to see.
  3. You need to speak to an attorney because you had a criminal conviction. But I will take a guess. You were charged by the specific law at that time. Which has nothing to do with now. So your ban will probably be upheld. But you can get an attorney to try to appeal it
  4. I don’t understand why this is newsworthy. Many travelers have their flights canceled. And they have to do what needs to be done
  5. Some of the ways these people choose lottery numbers. This so called nurse is not too professional. Posting a video like that picking lottery numbers
  6. Didn’t like her face or talking to friends so he stabbed her. He might have been on drugs. But I don’t think his so called panic attack made him do it. He was probably a screwball to begin with. And those drugs he took must have severely effected his mind to do something like that.
  7. I don’t see what is so unusual about this. Just another typical day in the LOS. I’m sure that hefty fine and training he to take will make him a new man.
  8. Typical behavior. This sort of thing might happen in other countries. But this type of behavior seems to be common place in the LOS.
  9. Every business has the right to make its own rules
  10. I have known people that own legally bought guns. They don’t go around committing violence. And here people with the so called ego and culture issues are using illegal guns. From what I see on Thai news programs. There seems to be quite a bit of gun violence. For a country where owning a gun is supposedly illegal.
  11. Good to increase fines. But unfortunately the majority of the drivers don’t care. They will complain about the increase. But still continue their bad habits
  12. When a citizen of another country either visits, or resides in another country. You have to accept the rules, laws, etc. If you don’t agree, or don’t like certain things, you don’t go or leave. You can of course express disagreement on such things as a forum. But he is going overboard for a non- citizen. He was visited by the police allegedly given an ultimatum. What did he expect.
  13. I noticed after living here for almost three years. Accountability is not really a virtue in the LOS.
  14. It might have caused it or not. One will never know. And the vaccine cannot be blamed. And just because a person was healthy one day. Doesn’t mean they can’t get a medical condition the next. And the vaccine studies on young children are still fairly new. Different people react to different things. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing until you get a reaction
  15. They should. But difficult to control. Too many people. And people that don’t care law or not
  16. People either don’t care or need better enforcement. For the past two days in Bangkok I saw quite a few motorbikes riding on the sidewalks
  17. I’m not saying it might not have happened. But the facts are kind of strange. This is a serious issue. So the person went to the police. Instead of immediately contacting the police to arrive on scene. And / or going to the juristic immediately to report it. Then juristic can contact police and possibly detain the employee. If the employee actually did do it. He knows there are cameras all over the building and in the elevators.
  18. Nice to know they hire security guards who have extensive criminal records
  19. A heartwarming story. Maybe some of the other population now can be considerate and not rude and obnoxious
  20. Maybe they were filming a remake of that Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds”
  21. Immigration officers in all countries might overly question someone. Based on the persons entering the countries history. And they probably do profile certain people. That is the way immigration functions. When I go to the private hospital here in Bangkok for example. My health insurance pays for my medical care 100%. But when I go to a cashier to sign the paperwork. Some have insisted I have to pay or pay something. Some even have gotten argumentative. Even though they see paperwork from my insurance saying I don’t. Like I’m a foreigner trying to escape without paying.
  22. Maybe they don’t want to stay in a hotel room and can afford it. Not everyone has limited funds
  23. I don’t think the majority of the tourists that visit Thailand are extravagant spenders to begin with.
  24. This is such a common occurrence. I hate to think what has become of this woman.
  25. The thief will be going to the gallows for sure lol.
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