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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Good the police chief got involved. But I think the issue has gotten past mediation. The ones that are committing the violence should be locked up.
  2. I’m always cautious when any stranger starts talking to me. Especially if I’m in an overseas country. Unfortunately many of the locals here that have tried to converse with me have seemed to have a motive.
  3. There have been many cases of dogs alerting people to other people that need help. It amazes me so many people use any excuse on here to ridicule the USA. Even though it has nothing to do with the topic. People that hate the USA, and other western countries. Complain how these countries caused their financial woes and other things. Then they move to Thailand trying to get their “free ride”. And when it doesn’t work for them either. They criticize Thailand. But at least there is an upside to all this. At least your home country doesn’t have to deal with you anymore. And you found a less expensive place to live to continue being miserable.
  4. I guess transfers are more popular than suspensions without pay pending investigation
  5. I’m surprised the punishment is that severe in respect to animals. I don’t want to see animals harmed. But if the penalties were more severe for drivers running red lights and not stopping in crosswalks. Maybe they will be more inclined to obey the law. And that is a big maybe.
  6. Yes it’s always a good idea to install locks the proper way. I have to remember that.. Yeah. I do feel bad for the woman though. Glad she is ok, I’m wondering if anyone actually did hear her screams and did nothing
  7. Every woman is different of course. But I feel dating and relationships have not been a positive experience. Living here in Bangkok for almost three years. I use dating apps which probably isn’t a good thing either. I do not date bargirls or massage girls. These are between 40 and 45. In general I find the majority of the Thai women I met are very childish and temperamental. And not telling the truth seems to be very common. Angry over stupid little things. And all gave me the impression they viewed me as a foreigner to take advantage of. Not as a person. And they either asked me for money outright. Or expected me to buy them things constantly. Even after barely knowing me. I actually had two what I call true relationships here. Not together of course. As much as I did for them and treated them nice it was never enough. Just wanted more and more. And not much caring or affection from them. And dealing with their childish outbursts when they couldn’t get their way. One was an accountant for a major company. The other worked in a large shopping mall in a store. And forget about having a meaningful conversation with them. All of the ones I have met seemed to have one concern. What was in it for them
  8. Justice like the Vegas casinos in the old days
  9. Different antibiotics treat different types of bacteria. It’s not a question of the strongest. But what is appropriate for the specific condition
  10. I hope alcohol cannot interfere with the results. Then a lot of the boozers will have a big issue.
  11. I mailed a document from Bangkok to USA recently. Registered and airmail. The whole process took about a month to reach the USA destination. Registered is also somewhat slower because of the special handling and accountability it requires. When it reaches USA expect it to be held in US Customs depending on the volume of mail they need to process.
  12. Not only the help with money. But steps need to be taken to stop her from being bullied. I hope the ones involved are being reprimanded.
  13. You can choose different buildings you are interested in and make inquiries by contacting them. Using rental websites, the information is sometimes outdated. If you use an agent the owner pays the fee.
  14. They don’t want undesirables here? Good luck with that.
  15. The way a lot of people drive here I’m surprised they have driver testing at all
  16. This dumped doll thing appears a pattern is starting to take place
  17. Some parts of the conversation were left out. Especially other things the guy was referring to during his comments. Depending what they were, it possibly could be racist. But it appears other people have issues with him and his comments also. So the guy sounds like a jerk to begin with
  18. Another local driver with typical mentality
  19. That’s what I call “Thai Style “
  20. If the escalator was very crowded. And the people at the top didn’t get off quickly enough or just stopped on top. That could have possibly caused the people behind them to fall and start a chain reaction. A couple of year’s ago I was going up an escalator in Terminal 21 Asoke. There were two people in front of me possibly tourists.. When they reached the top they got off their step. But they immediately just stayed there talking to each other blocking the escalator. I yelled get out of the way. Luckily they moved or everyone still coming up could have fell backwards.
  21. Hopefully the updated vaccine will be available in Thailand soon. But yes it could take a while for approval here.
  22. I tried it when I lived in the states a few years ago. I didn’t think it really helped, But just because it worked or didn’t work for some people. Doesn’t mean it will or not have the same effect for you. I suggest you purchase the least amount you can buy at first. Try it and see if it works for you
  23. If those utility bills go up. Some people might have to spend less on booze.
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