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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I live in Asoke. Yes the majority of people not wearing masks are foreigners. What gets me is. I see some people wearing a mask outside. But when they enter a building or mall they remove the mask. Or already in a mall or building not wearing a mask. In my gym some members don’t wear a mask. Then putting it on when leaving a mall, building, or gym exiting to go out into the street. Makes a lot of sense? Unfortunately many tourists and some expats just don’t care. Unfortunately Covid is still here. And I’m going to do everything possible to protect myself and others.
  2. It all depends where you live in America. Different environments and different income levels. You are watching a YouTube video based on a bad neighborhood. Im an American and proud of it. I came to live in Bangkok because I wanted to experience living in another country . And it was easy to get a retirement visa here. But I will move back to America by the middle of next year. And at least I have the income and resources to do so. Compared to some of the miserable expats that blame America and other western countries for their misfortunes. Which seems to be a regular occurrence on these forums. You don’t have enough income, health insurance, whatever? That’s on how you planned your life. Not the fault of your country. So you move to a place like Thailand looking for a free ride.
  3. It’s a great idea. But there are so many parking violators and vehicles. It’s going to be not an easy task to enforce. At least the new governor is trying. I give him credit for that.
  4. Yes we need some of those quality tourist and others an opportunity to stay out later to get drunk.
  5. Yes. There was an article only a few days ago I believe that said the project has been canceled
  6. I’m not saying condo rules should be broken without consequences. But that is a hefty total fine. The owner must be a foreigner
  7. And I’m sure locals don’t also do the same bad things foreigners are accused of. Yeah right
  8. This way they can possibly steal from the customers themselves.
  9. The laws should be for everyone and enforced fairly. Which is an issue in itself. But people complain when police don’t do their job. And then complain when they do it. You can’t have it both ways.
  10. The Social Security facility at the United States Embassy In Manila does not process or pay benefits. It’s for any issues and questions people overseas might have. Processing and payment is done from the United States.
  11. The way nightlife is so greatly emphasized. One would think that’s the main attraction in Thailand. And for the majority of tourists it probably is.
  12. When I was in high school I lived in a high rise apartment building with my family in a large city. There was a guy that lived on one of the upper floors. He was known to drink too much. One day when he was drunk. He came down the elevator and went outside for a walk. He was completely naked except for wearing a hat. He didn’t bother anyone. Just wandering around like a normal walk. Needless to say the police came and took him away.
  13. Driving here is a crapshoot. It seems the individual drivers just make up their own rules. One would have the impression there are no set traffic rules. As an example I use grabcar quite a bit. I live in a condo building in Asoke surrounded by office buildings on both sides of a main road. Vehicles enter and exit all these buildings constantly from the opposite sides of the road. 99% of the grabcar drivers will turn to enter my building crossing the opposite side of the road. The reminder say they cannot. And tell me I have to get out across the road. I have asked the English speaking Thai drivers about this. And they all give completely different versions of the traffic law. So it’s not the official law. It’s what the drivers want to do at that time. And many just don’t know what they are doing or don’t care
  14. There are many ways it could have happened. So by using your account information on the internet the card doesn’t have to be physically produced. Only the account information. And the information from your card could have been compromised in many ways by the way you say you have used your card. A company you have used might have had a security breach in their system. If you physically handled your card to an employee for processing. They might have copied the information. In 2014 both my credit and debit cards issued by the same bank were compromised within two weeks while still living in the USA. I had both cards in my possession when I received fraudulent charges. Two of the charges someone had to physically have the card to produce it. And the third charge was an online charge. So somehow a duplicate card was made to be used for the first two. The bank that issued both cards did have a cyber attack the year before so who knows what might have happened. I did make a police report to cover myself. The officer said a lot of this stolen information is sold on line on what he called the Dark Web. He said people bid on the stolen information as if they were in an auction. And he said some use the information to actually make duplicate cards .
  15. That toad just wanted to get out of Thailand. I can’t really blame him.
  16. I could be wrong. But the police might not have much training in vehicle pursuits.
  17. I doubt people will abide by the new law. It’s like a free for all here
  18. Wow. I bet a lot of the older expats are going to put on their lime green leisure suits and see him
  19. And I’m sure all the money was used to repair the door
  20. I’m not going to play politics. But since there are tensions with China. There was no reason to personally go there at this time. She knew it would escalate things. Taiwan already knows the USA supports them. It might have been a gesture or spotlight move. But now she is gone. And Taiwan is holding the bag. . I don’t think what she did was fair to Taiwan.
  21. Her best defense was to exit the taxi as he allegedly tried or at least after he kissed her on the cheek
  22. Totally disgusting. Take a molested 11 year old child and chain her up like an animal because she doesn’t listen or behave as they would like. And someone sees it and doesn’t report it right away. And is any action going to be taken to investigate this adult that allegedly molested her? A part of the issue is the mentality of some of the people. And their 18th century ways of thinking and ignorance.
  23. Maybe from all the nonsense I had to endure in the past three years living here. Could be worlds record. It’s more in those years here than I have experienced in my whole life
  24. Throwing the drivers bike in a rage? Another local hot head with the mentality of a child. Reminds me of an incident about three years ago. I was riding in a car driven by a Thai person I knew. As the person was making a left turn, a guy on a motorbike raced up attempted to pass on the left. He couldn’t make it and the bike fell from under him. He was still standing. He came over to the car and wanted to fight us. A couple of security guards confronted him and he got on his bike and took off.
  25. That appears to be the normal work culture here for many unfortunately. They seem to think they get paid to play on their phones all day. And do anything except what they are hired to do. At least in a business type environment. I also blame poor management. They seem to have no control. And they probably do the same things their employees do.
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