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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Instead of advising the hospitals to prepare for the worse regarding motor vehicle accidents Maybe a stringent enforcement plan should be implemented for violators. And to start vaccinations now before Songkran. I think that’s a little bit late. Since it takes a certain amount of time for the vaccines to take effect.
  2. You can meet women anywhere. It depends what you are looking for. And the type of person you are
  3. So they broke up. He had a new girlfriend and she was dating someone. And they both would continue speaking to each other. So he decides to come looking for her and stabs her. How crazy is that. Im just speculating. The encounter could have happened really fast. But nevertheless spectators are in shock in a situation like that. And the first response for most is just look, run, or hide. Especially if a weapon is involved. You may want to help, but your mind says not to. But some people did step forward, but unfortunately it was too late. At least they held the guy for authorities. I give them a lot of credit for that. There was a comment about security guards at stores , malls etc. In my little over two years in Bangkok I have only seen two security guards armed at banks with full protective equipment. The others at banks, malls, etc. don’t even have anything for defense. Not even pepper spray or handcuffs to control someone.
  4. Seems that this issue of the so called “ reopening “ seems to center around bars and nightlife. Which seems to be the main form of entertainment especially for many expats and tourists. I bet if the bar and nightlife situation got back to normal. A lot of the issues some people have of “reopening “.would go away. And tourism would increase. As for Songkran. It’s just another reason for many people to booze it up and act stupid. This is what Songkran means: Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year festival since the former time. It is a celebration that embraces goodwill, love, compassion. and thankfulness, using water as the means of expression. The word Songkran derives from Sanskrit meaning to move or step forward. It’s not supposed to be a drunk free for all.
  5. I do not have this disease. But Sheryl is very knowledgeable when it comes to medical issues. You also say it sucks if you can’t drink again. You have to because of your medical condition. Is drinking that important to you? And are you able to stop drinking permanently for medical reasons ? If not than that is a separate issue you need to deal with. Because the medicine can only do so much And with the medicine you need to take and your medical condition. You shouldn’t be drinking booze to begin with.
  6. Another quality visitor. They come to another country and think they can get away with anything.
  7. The states and other western countries do have dangerous things that happen. . But the OP is asking about what dangerous things you see in THAILAND . Not about other countries. Which are many things in Thailand on a daily basis. Too numerous to list. I notice in the forum that some people always seem to throw in negative comments about the Western countries . Even though it has nothing to do with the topic.s But I guess if you hate your own country so much. And / or couldn’t make it there financially. I understand why you would be bitter. Especially if Thailand is the only game in town.
  8. I go to private hospitals. Just because it’s a private hospital doesn’t mean all the doctors or staff are great. I have changed doctors a few times. And had issues with some staff. You can run into the same issues at government hospitals, clinic, etc. Just depends on the person working there. If the question is cost. Of course hospital fees and medicines cost more in a private facility. That’s standard anywhere. And of course the effects of the outcome depends if you have health insurance or not.
  9. People constantly complain about lack of vaccine, and cost. So France donates vaccines and people complain about that. I guess some people are just plain miserable.
  10. Just like it’s being kept under control now. No worries
  11. Bad things happen all over the world with people. But here it seems you can’t even discuss an issue with a local without the possibility of violence. Over many times over minor things. I don’t know how they came up with the Land of Smiles. Maybe a tourism ploy. That’s one of the reasons why I will be moving back to the states by the middle of next year. And I know people will comment about how bad it is there. But I can’t live in a place walking on eggshells with my tail between my legs. Because I might upset a local and their childish mentality. And I also find that a good number of expats move here because of income or they dislike their own country . And from what I see they have issues here also. So is it the country, or the individual themselves .
  12. I had one booster of Pfizer and six months later one booster of Moderna. I wasn’t told if it was 50% or not. But this goes back to one of many studies that boosters can be given at 50%. Many people I know personally here and in the states have gotten sick for a day or two after the Pfizer or Moderna. I only had some discomfort at the injection site.
  13. Another so called man. And in the security field yet. But they say a scuffle. So it sounds even though eight months pregnant she might have put up a fight. And a good number of these people aren’t too difficult to catch. They seem to either go back to their residence or to a relatives home.
  14. Another verbal disagreement settled with a weapon and death. For a calm and smiling culture there sure is a lot of violence over verbal disputes.
  15. These vehicles are described as licensed cabs. If a person risks using one then those are the consequences. Licensed or unlicensed. I personally wouldn’t leave my belongings out of sight
  16. I live about a seven minutes walk on Sukhumvit 21 from the Westin Hotel. It’s quiet in that area because of the lack of tourists. I haven’t really seen much of anyone around there. I guess maybe some straggler freelancers are there in the shadows.
  17. To the OP. I just messaged a member Sheryl to enter the group. She appears to have medical knowledge and gives excellent help. Possibly she could be of assistance to you.
  18. I have used Fed Ex, UPS , DHL, no problem. I liked DHL the best. Regarding USPS. They are accountable for international items up to it leaving the USA. Once it gets overseas it goes to the local postal system or courier services for delivery. So if the item is lost let’s say, things could get somewhat complicated. If you use Fed Ex, DHL, UPS, it goes from their facilities in the states to their facilities overseas. No middleman.
  19. I’m surprised the two hospitals you mentioned cannot provide assistance. Even the doctors you have seen. Since they are both major international hospitals.
  20. The general rule is wait six months before you get another. I had a booster of Pfizer then six months later Moderna. One of my doctors at Bumrungard recommended to hold off after number four. Until any new recommendations come out. Moderna is the recommended one for boosters. But if Moderna was not available I would take Pfizer. I received the Moderna booster at Samitivej. And it was added to the certificate of the other ones I got .
  21. Im not condoning the charges these people were given. Drugs, and other things in hospitals are much more expensive than outside to begin with. Not just from hospitals in Thailand. So if a doctor needs to give me medicine here. I get the name of the medicine and purchase it from a pharmacy near my condo. The doctors never had an issue with it. I have medical insurance from my previous job in the states. This includes a prescription plan. Im covered domestically and internationally. But they only cover generic drugs. The plan seems to classify the medications in Thailand differently when it comes to generics.
  22. The men here cant seem to handle their own battles one on one. So they have to get their buddies. Seems to be fairly common here.
  23. So if you go into an "all you can eat" buffet, restaurant, what ever. And you probably pay a set fee in most of these places for " all you can eat" You have to know how much you are able to consume before you take the food. Or actually you pay for the food you cant finish. Sounds logical to me lol. So its actually a restricted all you can eat restaurant. Im kind of surprised most people have no issues with this concept. Especially seeing many posts on the forum of people complaining of paying a few baht more for things. Especially booze.
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