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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I’m guessing this fee will be breaking the bank for many foreign tourists
  2. From what I see for the most part, Thailand doesn’t attract too much high quality anything unfortunately. Mainly tourists who don’t know how to behave. And a lot of disgruntled expats who hate their home country.
  3. First of all I commend the woman for stopping and trying to help. The reaction of the driver was the booze talking. Unfortunately helping others doesn’t seem the norm. Especially from reading some of the posts on the forum. People make comments about the west being bad. But what’s interesting is they seem to be concerned about being harmed here also.
  4. Someone’s negligence would be caused by either an accident or criminal act.
  5. I contacted True a few months ago regarding suspicious calls on my phone. I was instructed to block the calls on my phone. These were texts or recorded messages. I asked if they take any further actions. I was told I would need to go to the police.
  6. I’m kind of surprised when I read stories such as this. About violence, robbery, assaults, etc. Which seem on the news here to be an everyday occurrence. From opinions I read on the forum. I thought the majority of the bad things happen in the West. And not in the land of smiles.
  7. If a person planned their retirement future properly. They wouldn’t have to worry about moving to another country for financial reasons. It’s amazing how people blame their own country for the financial situation they are in. I can see this if you are a citizen of a poor third world country. And some people don’t like the “control” of their own country. Of course you have to abide by the laws and pay taxes in your country.
  8. I would say at the present time it does not. Because from living here for two years. The impression I have is the majority of tourists come here for bars, cheap booze, and nightlife.
  9. It depends on how the person feels about themselves. If you are comfortable around children, have a good life, and good income. Yes consider having children. if you don’t like children, marriage, family life. And have the attitude that the majority of family life and marriages fail. Then don’t have children.
  10. Could very well be from the machines. There have been many instances all over the world where foreign objects have gotten into food items. Due to malfunctions.
  11. I would think that fewer test fewer infections is just common sense. it would sure make things look a lot better. Out of sight out of mind.
  12. The author forgot to add one thing. Having to deal with some expats who are miserable and spend their time personally insulting and condemning others.
  13. I normally don’t get involved in political debate. And I’m not saying Biden is a great President. I don’t know why some are having issues with Biden doing this. im sure if Trump was President he would have invited North Korea. Since he thought their leader was such a nice man. But I guess that would have been ok. How conveniently some forget.
  14. As long as they don’t use a gun like in the US? I guess it’s better in Thailand because they use a knife or a different type of weapon instead. And try watching the news every night on the Thai stations. People getting stabbed, assaulted, or shot daily here in the supposed land of smiles. Sure there are not as many mass incidents as in other parts of the world But Thailand has its share of violence. A lot of it because of immaturity.
  15. This type of scam is very common all over the world. I doubt the Post Office was involved in it.
  16. I do agree with your statement. People that come to the majority of other countries are considered guests. They are never looked at being part of the population. It’s not your country or it ever will be. What the government does in Thailand is out of expats control. Many opinions of expats are logical. But you either have to accept what is going on, or leave it. And this is the same for expats in many other countries. I don’t agree with one thing you said. And it’s just my own opinion. Im not saying who is right or wrong. But I don’t think many Thais have an aversion to confrontation. I have been here two years. And I watch the news programs almost every evening. I also have had issues with a few locals here. I see Thais having physical confrontations with people over. the smallest things. Many leading to physical harm or death. And you have an issue with one person. And they get a group of people to back them up. The reactions to many things here are of an immature mentality. And part of it. If a person is in the wrong they take no accountability for themselves. They will just blame the other person. And they can’t resolve with words, it can easily turn into a physical confrontation. So no. I don’t think that the locals are as passive and forgiving as people say they are. And immaturity plays a large part into it. And of course bad things happen in other countries. But we are talking specifically about Thailand.
  17. I’m guessing they mean the surface of the fruit can have Covid on it. Because there is no evidence you can catch Covid by ingesting it.
  18. Yes you need a TM 30. From my experience some owners and agents don’t want to be bothered.
  19. If you think you have Covid with mild symptoms then of course self isolate. If you get more serious symptoms then seek medical help. You also seem to have a lot of questions regarding boosters, medicines, traveling, etc. You need to get those types of answers from a medical professional. You will be getting more confused by different opinions.
  20. It might be provided by locals. But the tourists and expats are adults. Well in age anyway. These people should know better if they are responsible individuals. And for the most part they visit or live here because they think they are exempt from rules and laws. They know they couldn’t get away with certain things in their own country. So they come here. And no matter how much you despise your country of origin or other western countries. You are not a citizen here. And you always will be considered a visitor. You are a citizen of your own country. Like it or not. That is why many countries in the world do not like visitors or expats from other countries. Because they go there thinking they can do and act how ever they please. And just because a local does something doesn’t mean it’s right.
  21. Instead of advising the hospitals to prepare for the worse regarding motor vehicle accidents Maybe a stringent enforcement plan should be implemented for violators. And to start vaccinations now before Songkran. I think that’s a little bit late. Since it takes a certain amount of time for the vaccines to take effect.
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