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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Congratulations to the student for his concern and trying to find a solution. At least he is doing something positive in his life. More than I can say about some adults.
  2. Yes maybe if Trump gets re-elected he can establish ties with his buddy in North Korea. If this happens who knows. Then maybe you will be able to live in North Korea. Just think of all that free medical care you could get. And living in luxury on that small pension check. Plus other perks. Yes better days are coming.
  3. It’s amazing that some people interject about the USA when the topics deal with Thailand. As if there is no crime or violence here. Maybe not of that magnitude. Except in Korat I believe in Terminal 21 in 2020. Yes there is a huge problem in the USA regarding gun violence. And something needs to be done. But don’t act like nothing happens in Thailand. Try watching Thai news. Every day in Thailand, numerous people getting attacked, killed , or injured. And many times by an illegal gun. And other types of crimes being committed. So don’t turn a blind eye in Thailand when it comes to violence. And regarding violence. Reading some of the comments on the forum yesterday regarding the school massacre in Texas. Some members posting their usual sarcasm regarding the incident. You should be ashamed.
  4. But it it’s going to be considered an endemic . Sounds logical
  5. I have the exact same type of coverage you do at a discounted rate per month. It covers me anywhere domestically and internationally. This is from my previous Federal job. The premiums are deducted from my pension each month. You are very lucky you pay no premiums. I have some health issues so I use my medical coverage frequently. I personally would not be without medical coverage anywhere. You never know what will happen. I’m almost 67 years old now. And have lived in Bangkok for about a little over two years. Since age 65, I do not have to pay co-pays or anything else anymore regarding medical treatment. It’s covered at 100%. And I choose not to go to government hospitals. The prescription plan I don’t use here. I submitted for reimbursement once. The amount I received back here was minimal. Same with my vision and dental plans. If you are staying here long term. You probably should get rid of anything except medical. I still have everything. Because my plan is to leave by the middle of next year
  6. Difficult to control. Especially when you are dealing with a large number of people that only care about themselves. And could care less about others.
  7. I’m happy the cat was found safe and sound. But I’m just surprised it made a news story.
  8. Very true. Unfortunately this seems to have become the norm in other parts of the world also.
  9. Correct. But he also gave me the impression he is concerned about working illegally in Thailand. From some of the statements he made besides the address question.
  10. The issue of opening bars, and nightlife venues seems to be an extremely major issue. So many ongoing posts and news articles. One would get the impression that this is really the major form of activity to pass the time here in Thailand for foreigners. Being either expat or tourist. And in reality it probably is
  11. For a background check I would use the permanent address. But you say you are here on a tourist visa. You live in Thailand more or less. You do not have a work visa but trying to secure employment here. You say you don’t want to lie .But don’t want to be disqualified for the job. But you admit you already know you cannot legally work in Thailand, but trying to work here anyway. But you still don’t want to lie? And that is probably why you really don’t want to use your overseas address. You should be more concerned how deep this company is going to do the background check. And if somehow they find out you are trying to secure employment illegally. Or maybe you do get hired. Be concerned that immigration won’t finally catch up with you.
  12. From what I see regarding sanitation practices here I would not drink the tap water. Also if you are here from another country. Your intestinal tract is not accustomed to the bacteria, etc. So drinking the tap water is not a good idea to begin with. And bottled water is not expensive. So I don’t see why someone would risk drinking tap water. Unless your monetary situation is so bad you can’t even afford a bottle of water.
  13. Covid policies in any country should not be based on who you are. In reality it’s inferring that non - citizens don’t belong here. But to be fair. All countries will take care of their own compared to “ outsiders “. And a countries first responsibility should be to its citizens . I also feel that all visitors and expats should be required to have health insurance coverage during their stay in any country. Not depend on the theory they might never get injured or seriously sick. Because if you don’t have enough cash. That country should not be responsible to “eat” your medical bill.
  14. It sounds like you have jock itch. Which you will need to use an anti fungal medication to get rid of it. I have had it a few times in the states and used Lotrimin cream. But of course what works for one, might not work for another. But from the wording of your post it seems like you are looking for a dermatologist recommendation. I’m not familiar with RAM hospital. There is one I see in Bangkok and Chiangmai. If you are in Bangkok I can recommend a dermatologist I see at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital.
  15. Hopefully the bars and nightlife venues will open normally soon. This way a lot of people will again have something to occupy their time.
  16. I’m wondering who you can trust. The air conditioner in my bedroom has been not cooling properly. It is almost two years old. it is a major brand in Thailand which I won’t mention. And they were contacted and sent their technicians to diagnose and repair it. They come here a number of times again tomorrow. Still not working properly. Will not maintain temperature running long term. First time technicians said nothing wrong after only turning it on for about 15 minutes. A week later chief technician comes out. An engineer from the company recommends changing circuit board and temperature sensor. Still not running properly. Two weeks later a manager comes . Checks system for leaks. Says no leaks but refrigerant is low and replaced it. Still not running properly. A week later another tech comes out. Says evaporator unit is leaking and needs to be replaced . They replaced evaporator. But still not running properly especially long term. So tomorrow manager comes back with an engineer. They only charged for one service call and the sensor and circuit board but nothing else. It’s like a comedy show.
  17. I’m almost 67 years old and have been members of different gyms since my early twenties. For the most part, most members have been courteous and friendly. And I always looked forward going to the gym. I have had minor issues with a handful of members during those years. But nothing threatening. And of course there have been different types of issues at those gyms The majority very minor and on rare occasion. I only heard of one physical confrontation. But for me, going to the gym in Bangkok is different. I find the mood very unfriendly. There is no atmosphere. In one gym a couple of young Thai guys were looking at me and laughing, which I put a stop to. You could tell they had an attitude because they had some muscles. Just a couple of punks. All these gyms have a number of foreigners as members. Mostly westerners. None are friendly. And some think they can do whatever they please. I witnessed a female staff approach a male western member about something. He started yelling at her, waving his arms and creating a scene. I was at another gym. And the staff told me that they have spoken to some western members about rule violations. And these particular members would start screaming at them, and telling them they don’t have to listen to them. Unfortunately many visitors and expats think they can do as they please in a different country. They think they don’t have to follow rules and act towards people any way they want.
  18. This type of theft happens in most countries. I also see old clunkers with wheels that are probably worth more than the vehicle itself.
  19. And then we have the critics here of Biden. Then the critics of their home country and other western countries. But most of these same people that moved here also have all sorts of issues with Thailand. Maybe the fact is they are just plain miserable.
  20. Yeah. If someone committed a crime against me and they were arrested. Like I would really want them to return and give me half hearted apologies.
  21. if a person wants to visit or move to a country but doesn’t like the rules. Then don’t visit or move to that country . But don’t visit or move to another country thinking you can just do just as you please. And so many people in the forums seemed to have moved to Thailand expressing dislike for their own and other western countries. But it appears they dislike and complain about living in Thailand also.
  22. Is this only for a routine exam.? I have had the routine exams since age 50. I’m 66 now. Only the blood test and finger check every year. Both in America and Thailand. Over the years my prostate has become quite enlarged. So periodically they would do an ultrasound. No doctor ever suggested an MRI.
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