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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Hi Marshbags

    I can only talk about AIS .

    I did apply for a roaming with them , I think the cost was under 2000 bahts ( that was 4 years ago )

    I took the phone to china / Vietnam / Morocco / France / Australia / UK , I find the calls I was making expensive in the pass, kind of double cost.

    BUT .. My last trip in France and Australia was much cheaper as before, kind of normal rates plus a bit of extra .

    But access AIS for more info, as I forgot how much .

    YES locals calls will be expensive , most of my calls was international

  2. Foodland patpong , Bangkok use to have large avocadoes (smooth green skin ) from Chiangmai at 80 baht a kilo

    There the dark skin ( rugged brown ) smaller one was about the same price for one ( australia ) !

    the last few months did not see any Chiangmai avocadoes in stock anywhere !

    Any good info for mature goat cheeses anyone ?

  3. My new computer have a lightscribe !

    I think it is a feature you can write on a dvd ?

    Do you have to buy special dvd blank disc ?

    The price compare to normal dvd disc ?

    When the copy is done , you turn the disc over to do the lightscribe ?

    What program to use for lightscribe ?

    Thank you for the reply ( replies )

  4. I'm looking for a DVD writer/burner for my PC that does everything. I've been looking at

    Lite-On, but I'm not sure on what one to get.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what model would most suit my needs.

    Its going to get alot of use as I do alot of video and music editing.

    Thanks for your comments

    few weeks ago , i saw a LG in a friend computer doing dvd copy !work fine to me.

    When i got a new computer 2 weeks ago , i git one for myself

    ODD LG DVD_RW in 18x supermultipl lightscribe ..no problem with it !

    I like asus too

  5. Purchase a bottle of draino and a plunger and try that, as for finding quailified plumbers in thailand i think you have a better chance of being granted a thai citizenship. :o electric eel pumps are good to clear out the problem but not sure they are widely available for rent here

    i did try draino too , did not work ! i done a search on Thaivisa , saw the post ( the one i link you )

    I went to buy this product SPED and the problem was fix ...

    Use clove it very strong stuff ...

  6. One of the toilets in our house is blocked. Nothing serious. Know of a plumber who could come and clear it ? Many thanks in anticipation.



    From Thai Norman

    theres an acid they sell in the hard ware stores, worked every time i have used it, its about 65 baht a bottle, its about 200mls, i believe its an orange colored bottle, its extremely strong so dont splash it on your self, pour it down the sink and leave the room for 10 minutes as it gives off noxious vapours, i have used it on about 50 blocked pipes and it has worked every time.

    digger, i have used it in toilets and everything, it even breaks down the silty cement in pipes from when the workers have been cleaning out cement buckets in the sink, now i have to admit that my knowledge of physics is extremely limited, but when this stuff hits water it like boils it, whether its cos its an acid and thats a normal reaction im not sure, if this stuff gets on your skin it starts burning in seconds, and i mean just a tiny little drip, its that strong, it will also burn thru the plastic waste pipes.

    when you pour it into a toilet there will be clouds of vapour straight away, i really cant stress enough how dangerous this stuff can be, but it sure does work good

    Quote the name of this product : SPED cost 70 baht , it do wonder !

  7. Vermin, myself I was not able to get more of 3*3 month visa, it was a bit difficult as I was going in and out often!

    I decide to put it on paper and send it to a friendly consulate, I got a understanding approach and from this time, this consulate issue me a one year multiple O visa, it make my life more simple.

    If you want to email this person, private message me for his contact.

  8. Does anyone tried China?

    I would like to know how it is, lifestyle, food, farang welcome (?), strangers rights (?), nightlife...

    I'm curious about with country.

    I find China expensive (compare to living in Thailand ).

    I was a tourist there, travel alone, plus travel with contact there.

    Taxi / food / tourist place ( no dual price ) / hotel / disco all more expensive !

    But worth the money, great experience and places to see.

    Difficult to be stand alone in some part of China, train station is a nightmare, communication very difficult.

    One of Thaivisa’s poster, have a link with living cost of different countries, but lost it.

  9. Hi,

    I’m a total rookie when it comes to investments so I don’t want to play the stock market. I do however want a higher return than a lousy bank account, so I figured investing into a well managed fund would be ok.

    I’m interested in investing some money with HSBC Singapore Equity Fund – SGD which has had a return of around 27% in the last year. Does anyone have any experience with this fund, or have any other good recommendations?


    This link is a good tool for search on different funds !

    HSBC has Australian fund .

    It is rated as 3 stars (Australia )

    Anyway have a look if you want ..


  10. I've been using Copernic Desktop search for some while {18 months +} now and find it effective. The database creation takes a while but they all do that and once in place I've found it to be swift with dynamic indexing and light on resources.




    thk for the link , i let go google last week, i just download copernic , took 30 minutes to index , and look good !

  11. anyone have any more input on this subject? thanks again!

    Gwunk what I have find is :

    Many consulates are tuff to issue visa !

    Friendly consulate will know other competitor and if the draconian or not ! and they will be please to help you .

    The one I approach did understand my situation and issue me with a one year O visa , I am in the same situation as you .

    Approach a friendly consulate and see what is the maximum he can give you , perhaps 2*3 or 3*3 entries first ( if you have that in you country ) , built a relationship first and increase bit by bit !

    It really help if you can put together some financial papers for him too.

  12. the last one week , i have two little problems starting.

    One is when i open the start /search i get a kid of explorer window , with a starnge looking dog ! i lost my normal search.

    Second problem is when i start and go to system restore , i have a blank window opening ...nothing else

    any ideas ?


    If you are seeing 'Rover' go to this link at Microsoft for advice.


    System Restore does look like a blank screen if it has not been turned on or has been reset with no checkpoints.

    Can you give a little more data please, my crystal ball is on the blink. :o


    well ic 'Rover' opening into a interent browser with out anything else , just the dog !

    same with system restore , just the internet browser opening , nothing else , tomorrow will delect the explorer and see what happen


  13. the last one week , i have two little problems starting.

    One is when i open the start /search i get a kid of explorer window , with a starnge looking dog ! i lost my normal search.

    Second problem is when i start and go to system restore , i have a blank window opening ...nothing else

    any ideas ?


  14. For multitasking like that you'll want a dual core processor. Either Intel or AthlonX2 are fine. A 256mb graphics card (ATI seems to have fewer driver issues these days) and 2GB of RAM. This will get you through a couple years at least. When selecting a dual core processor remember that clock speed isn't compared the same as it is on single cores. They tend to have a lower clock speed, but can process double the amount of data at that clock speed. Front side bus (FSB) speed is an issue, I would not get a processor with a slower FSB than 800.

    Right now I'm running an Acer Aspire with a dual core AthlonX2 and it runs very quiet. The old Pentium 3s that run Linux are actually louder than the Acer. Other than a sluggish network card that I'm getting rid of tomorrow, I'm very pleased with the latest Acer line.

    If you don't know much about hardware I would not get one custom built or build one yourself, I've seen too many people sold machines full of hardware with poor compatibility and no real warranty to fall back on. Many dealers just sell you hardware based on profit margins over quality.

    Thanks cdnvic, could I trust a dealer in Pantip, for example, to not rip me off because of my lack of knowledge?

    Could I go to one of these shops with the spec you've suggested and get something decent for my budget of B30,000ish?

    For your information, I go one last week

    Cost me 30500 baht without the monitor, plus i give nice tip of the guy who put it together!

    Bought in Pantip, from IT fever.

    Have external hard drive.

    Video card as I do not play games and lot of graphic was I the low range !

    Here is the hardware :

    > Mainboard : Asus P5B-E ( usb 8 )

    > Chipset : Intel Corporation

    > Processor : Intel Pentium Duo 935 @ 3200 MHz

    > Physical Memory : 2048 MB

    > Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X550 Series

    > Hard Disk : WDC (160 GB) internal

    > Hard Disk : WDC (160 GB) external

    > DVD-Rom Drive : HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H22L ( writer )

    > CD-Rom Drive : LITE-ON CD R LH52R1P

    > Monitor Type : SONY SDM-HS75P - 17 inchs

    I add a internal modem / fax to be able to received and send fax as true modem do not let me do that ! and the new thecnologie do not have the port for my old modem .

    That sounds reasonable enough simcity, but what do I know!? I read that you shouldn't but anything other than a well known name CD-DVD. Is that an Hitachi you bought? Can anyone tell me if they're at the top or not?... Your physical memory is large enough too, in fact, your whole deal sounds pretty fair but I don't know enough about all these components to be able to tell the worth/value/bargain.

    Someone also said that radeon wasn't all that either, I'm not having a go at you simcity but I just want to know that my money is going on the higher range gear and not gear that does the job for the first 6 months and then 'something' happens!

    On the other hand, I've heard good reports of the asus mb you bought and you seem to have a nice stack of processing power so good luck to you! :o

    h90, I'll be sure to do what you said, I'll get a quote and post it here, watch this space.

    A Traveller, I'll check out fortune mall too, thanks for your suggestion

    No Hitachi , it is a LG

    ODD LG DVD RW In 18x superMulti Lightscribe White

    everything working fine

    the video card was not expensive , i could have kick few thousand more , but do not need the computer for graphic ( light ) or games

    the 2 gig ram / the duo @3200 / external drive / intel was the expensive part

    I am not sure about the drive , think it is corsair

    I did not go over the top , perhaps 70 % of the best

  15. For multitasking like that you'll want a dual core processor. Either Intel or AthlonX2 are fine. A 256mb graphics card (ATI seems to have fewer driver issues these days) and 2GB of RAM. This will get you through a couple years at least. When selecting a dual core processor remember that clock speed isn't compared the same as it is on single cores. They tend to have a lower clock speed, but can process double the amount of data at that clock speed. Front side bus (FSB) speed is an issue, I would not get a processor with a slower FSB than 800.

    Right now I'm running an Acer Aspire with a dual core AthlonX2 and it runs very quiet. The old Pentium 3s that run Linux are actually louder than the Acer. Other than a sluggish network card that I'm getting rid of tomorrow, I'm very pleased with the latest Acer line.

    If you don't know much about hardware I would not get one custom built or build one yourself, I've seen too many people sold machines full of hardware with poor compatibility and no real warranty to fall back on. Many dealers just sell you hardware based on profit margins over quality.

    Thanks cdnvic, could I trust a dealer in Pantip, for example, to not rip me off because of my lack of knowledge?

    Could I go to one of these shops with the spec you've suggested and get something decent for my budget of B30,000ish?

    For your information, I go one last week

    Cost me 30500 baht without the monitor, plus i give nice tip of the guy who put it together!

    Bought in Pantip, from IT fever.

    Have external hard drive.

    Video card as I do not play games and lot of graphic was I the low range !

    Here is the hardware :

    > Mainboard : Asus P5B-E ( usb 8 )

    > Chipset : Intel Corporation

    > Processor : Intel Pentium Duo 935 @ 3200 MHz

    > Physical Memory : 2048 MB

    > Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X550 Series

    > Hard Disk : WDC (160 GB) internal

    > Hard Disk : WDC (160 GB) external

    > DVD-Rom Drive : HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H22L ( writer )

    > CD-Rom Drive : LITE-ON CD R LH52R1P

    > Monitor Type : SONY SDM-HS75P - 17 inchs

    I add a internal modem / fax to be able to received and send fax as true modem do not let me do that ! and the new thecnologie do not have the port for my old modem .

  16. I agree on the first post 'Thailand is down', what I can see is the lack of customers in the shops around my area ( not tourist ) but Thai are not spending !

    All of my friends who have business are complaining from the situation.

    Reading the Bangkok post this morning I rarely see so many properties advertise!

    If some said everything is ok , they must be blind .

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