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Posts posted by Nongwahyay

  1. Whats your problem UG?? Why you having a go at me all the time? If your just looking to start trouble please find someone else, as i wont rise to it.

    This could be a great evening..... I might be there myself (arriving in BKK 18th November with the wife......might possibly drop into Pattaya....)...... perhaps we could even have a laugh about the chilly weather in Thailand (I enjoyed that thread..... :D:o )....AND....I´ll bring a pullover from Berlin as a peace offerng...... :D:D

    It was all (as Kenny Everett used to say......) in the beeeeest possible taste...... :D

  2. Sorry to sound a bit of a killjoy here....... but are you expecting people to supply prices for all these items???? Are there really people out there with nothing better to do than search for the cost of all you´re looking for??? :D Perhaps I´m overlooking something here..... but I find it a bit of a cheek....... :o ...and a total waste of time..... :D:D Just go there and find out yourself...... :D:D

  3. As homosexuals account for only about 10% of population, they might be considered abnormal, strictly speaking. It doesn't mean that they should not be accepted, it doesn't mean being homophobic, at least to me. It's just a plain fact - deviation from the norm.

    Jesus....is that percentage really true???? I´m not doubting it..... just shuddering at the thought, if the number is really true. What is the world coming to???? Could it be a result of global warming???? :o:D

  4. When it actually starts to get cold, try again! :D

    UG if he really is in Pattaya and is feeling the cold methinks he must a big girls blouse. (in Australia they have other thoughts about folk who wear cardigans)

    I agree.

    We call them wusses!

    ........pansy, big girl´s blouse, sissy, whimp.......any more suggestions for names for those who feel a bit chilly below 25 degrees????? :D What was the actual temperature, anyhow??? You never did tell us summerT.............. :o:D

  5. Thanks for the post mazo, it made me chuckle and you pinted out some ok shops. I dont want to get into a fashion debate, Ijust like wearing quality clobber, whats everyones problem, the fact that i dont care spending on a shirt what MOST spend in a month. Here we go now watch all the posts about how much everyone spends in a month and theres no way i can spend 300k on a shirt, blah blah go away your boring, you get my point!!

    It´s not just your taste, mate....your grammar and punctuation are bloody awful......... :D:o

  6. I've noticed that its getting a little chilly at night time walking down the beach road or on a bike. Can anyone reccomend any decent cloth shops, would really like to find some nice jumpers or cardigans, (selt wrong i know :D ) No cheap places though style is needed money no object. cheers all :D

    .....a little chilly...????? How does that translate into centigrade???? Do you all turn into pansies, when you´re in Thailand???? :D:D They´re talking about snow here tomorrow.....(Berlin).....I think words such as "chilly" and "cold" should be reserved purely for use by us Europeans...... :o:D

  7. That John Cleese is a funny fellow. It's also funny how he somehow overlooked that those barely literate, Neanderthal Americans, managed to register 23 times more new patents last year than their British betters. Oh well.

    True but did you know that 22 of the 23 were designed / created within the U.S. by Europeans lured there by large sums of money! So the cash was U.S but the brains......! :D

    The other one was from Turkey.

    I didn't say 23, I said 23 times; as in 3, 500 vs 85,000. Hey, and why single Turkey out? It's Europe too, right? :D


    And may it always stay that way............................. :o:D

  8. A Texan cowboy stopped at a restaurant in Mexico. While sipping his tequila,

    he noticed a scrumptious looking platter being served

    at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He

    asked the waiter, "What is that you just served?"

    The waiter replied, "Ah Senor, you have excellent taste! Those are bull's

    testicles from the bull fight this morning, a true delicacy!"

    The cowboy said, "What the heck, I'm on vacation. Bring me an order!"

    The waiter replied, "I am so very sorry senor. There is only one serving per

    day because there is only one bull fight each

    morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to

    save you this delicacy!"

    The next morning, the cowboy placed his order, and was served the one and

    only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites he

    called to the waiter and said, "These are delicious, but they are much, much

    smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday."

    The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Si senor. Sometimes the bull


  9. A man was walking home alone late one foggy night, when behind him he





    Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image

    of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street

    toward him.




    Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing

    quickly behind him






    He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes

    in, slams and locks the door behind him.

    However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket





    on his heels, the terrified man runs.

    Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is

    pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps.

    With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door.

    Bumping and clapping toward him.

    The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find

    is a bottle of cough syrup!

    Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket...


    (hopefully you're ready for this!!!)

    The coffin stops

  10. The simple answer is that, UNLESS YOU ARE MARRIED to an EU national (he does not have to be German - I am British, living in Berlin with my thai wife), you have no chance WHATSOEVER of obtaining a residence permit for Germany. On the invitation of your boyfriend you would be granted a 3-month visa. You would, however, be absolutely forbidden to work in any form during your stay here. The visa can also NOT BE EXTENDED. You will DEFINITELY be required to leave the country after 3 months. Your boyfriend will not be able to help you in any way in altering these circumstances.

    As other TV members have also written, an inability to speak German will almost certainly exclude you from the job market........at least in the field of work, to which you are accustomed.

  11. What a load of fuss about nothing!!!!! I´ve sported a short beard for the last 30-odd years, have a Braun electric shaver, whisk off the excess on cheeks and kneck with the beard trimmer - maybe twice a week - followed by a standard shave....which leaves all shaved surfaces as soft as a baby´s backside..........I then proceed to shave my not too public hairs with the beard trimmer, taking great care when approaching the anus.......as it tends to "nip", if I´m not careful..... :D

    Again, a smooth finished is always guaranteed........... :D

    The method can also be empoyed by our lady readers, I´m quite sure........ :o Will gladly send further advice, if you PM me........ :D

  12. Why can´t I drop crumbs onto the floor when eating a biscuit and not have time to pick them up without my wife immediately seeing this and nagging at me for supposedly making a mess???

    Why does my wife criticize me for not washing up........then criticize me when I do wash up for stacking the plates wrongly...and then wonder why I won´t wash up again........?????

  13. Shortly after my wife and I got married in Berlin we went to visit her family in Nongwahyai, near Nonbgualamphu, Isaan. After spending the first few days looking in vain for a chair to sit on, and having got over the sore bum and tender ankles from sitting on the floor all the time, I thought the area was absolutely idyllic and vowed that this was the place I would want to retire to. On our second visit, 2 years later, I still found the village and the area quaint and pleasant... but perhaps no longer quite so idyllic.... and on the third visit the dogs in the village barked every sodding night and so got on my nerves, that I swore I would never settle down there!!!!!!! We´re visiting Thailand for 3 weeks as of 18th November but will be heading (also) across to investigate the area between Chonburi and Rayong, with an eye to possibly settling down there later. I would certaiinly want to spend a lot of time in Isaan and Nongwahyai - but it doesn´t have to be permanent!!! :o I realize that barking dogs are a problem everywhere in Thailand... but village life on the whole was a little too quiet for me to have every day...........................

  14. I´ve searched the internet a bit and can now answer the question myself. According to an exisiting EU directive (I found it 2 days ago but forgot to note it unfortunately.....I´ll look for it again and post it here) any individual leaving the EU - on a plane to Thailand, for example - is required to automatically declare any sum exceeding 15.000 Euros to customs - and as of 15.06.2007 the sum will be reduced to 10.000 Euros.

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