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Posts posted by Nongwahyay

  1. go ahead... post it... a little drama for fun...

    I got one because I was the one suggesting a list. I thought it might have been a better idea than everyone guessing what he wanted. I never expected hime to have 100 + items on it.

    so this is what he sent me.....

    (Your an embarrasment to this site. No doubt you live your personal life like you do online, which doesn't say much for you, but I feel sorry for those around you. your contribution to this board is probably as worthless as your contribution in life. I'm sure I'll eventually see you in Chiang Rai, and I'm sure I'll see what I you as now. If your too lazy or stupid to answer a question, just simply say so without wasting good peoplestime, yes, I'm one of those good people, you probably recognize them when you see them, but not when you look in the mirror. )

    So I sent him this back stating I was suggesting he should pull his head out of his A## and look around him. He knows the word Farang but doesnt know how much water or pepsi costs.

    Well Tom if you happen to read this my reply now would be (at least I am still on this site, are you?)

    Anyway, I think he might be a little paranoid. I think he thinks we are all sitting around at a pub laughing at him. We werent, but we are now!

    In The Rai!

    That is exactly the PM which he sent to me..... :o He obviously viewed us all in the same light... :D:D:D

  2. A bit of a generalization, I would day.... :o:D Don´t get so worked up about it.....we´re only trying to uphold the English language... :D:D:D

    I guess that is deliberate then.


    ..touche´ :D:D You caught me with my trousers down....... :D

  3. QUOTE(Ulysses G. @ 2006-11-05 09:04:27)

    QUOTE(summerT @ 2006-11-04 21:06:32)

    at least mazo is half funny. Your just boring

    If you say so.

    I can spell "you're" though.

    I wanted to say that.......

    What is it with the 'spelling freaks' on these forums. Such bad manners and doesnt give Thaivisa a very welcoming feeling. Makes newbies feel uneasy posting on the forums, worrying someone will bite their head off if something is spelt wrong. Yuk. Y'all must have pretty boring lives if this is all you have to do all day.

    A bit of a generalization, I would day.... :o:D Don´t get so worked up about it.....we´re only trying to uphold the English language... :D:D:D

  4. Ah, Tom Austin his name was, just had another look in the closed thread.

    A slightly unbalanced character, I'd say, sort of obsessive and short tempered, by no means anything out of the usual.

    Meditation would greatly benefit his personality as well as ease some of the problems he will encounter on his quest for info.

    The <deleted> sent me a PM, insulting me terribly because of my small quip at the beginning of that thread.... he did actually apologize eventually ("sorry, I was out of line", he wrote) after I replied, pointing out that I was actually not the ###### at all, that he was accusing me of being....I´ve a good mind to paste it here.... but I suppose one doesn´t disclose PMs, does one????? :o:D

  5. A couple of years ago I looked into this as well and after a lot of searching, finally decided to have it done in Bratislava. They advised me to have an eye-check done in Berlin beforehand and in particular to have the internal eye pressure checked. I did actually have a check-up but put off the eye pressure check till later.....and then forgot about it. My wife and I then flew to Bratislava. The op was to be the following day. I was one of a group of perhaps 10 people from various countries. anyhow they subjected us to a whole series of detailed examinations of each eye..........and discovered in my case, that the internal eye pressure was much too high.........I had a reading of around 32, where the average is around 16. Anything above 22 or so and they refuse to operate. In my case it turned out that I have glaucoma, which occurs when the eye fluid does not drain off as quickly as it enters the eye - resulting in ever increasing internal pressure, which ultimately destroys the nerve, leaving you blind. There is no cure for it - you simply apply eye-drops - VISTAGAN - twice a day for the rest of your life........................... I haven´t seen anyone mention this problem here.................so just a word of warning to anyone considering having it done.......have your eye pressure checked beforehand!!!!!!!!!

    I can, incidentally, highly recommend the institute we went to.......... it would have been very good value - only a third of what I would have paid in Berlin - and I found them all extremely professional. They were certainly not just out to make money - as I found in my own case. They also only charged me 70 Euros for all the examinations they did.

  6. Will some of the major posters and drinkers here ask their wives which day they wil be allowed to go. If this is not done beforehand, then we all know very well that the date will be changed or many posters will not be allowed to attend as they did not receive prior permission from their wives.

    That´s the most sensible thing I´ve read here for a long. long time!!!!!!!!! :D:D:o

  7. Blimey, summerT.......you are taking this all a bit too seriously!!!!! :D I´m sure that most people here - like myself - regard thaivisa.com as a source of entertaining reading. Some threads are more serious than others - yours simply lent itself to a bit of harmless bantering and leg-pulling.............and you are still over-reacting to it....... :D Stop being offended and come and start having a laugh about it with the rest of us...... :o Showing us the cold shoulder will get you nowhere.... :D:D

  8. Unfortunately it is not allowed to post content from other forums over here but for the ones who are interested check out the board of F*B or C**T a real eye opener :D

    I haven’t got a clue what the two terms mean, I am not able to pm :o you to ask and your email is set to private :D , could you pm me or send me an email, :D

    Just did :D

    ..................and to think I thought I was a bit slow in not having a clue what they mean........Could you PM me as well, please........ I´m dying to know what F-B and C--T are........... :D

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