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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 12 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    It states internet banking, that can be done by either method which includes the app.


    It has nothing to do with what happens in your "handful of uk banks" ! 

    From the OP:



    Their website has an on-line Registration facility . . .


    Note:  Not the App, but the website.  My Thai bank, which you conveniently disregarded, did not ask for my card PIN number as part of the registration process and I still think he's right to be wary.  YMMV.

  2. 1 minute ago, CharlieH said:

    That has NOTHING to do with the OP and "setting up" for internet banking or app use in Thailand

    Of course it has to do with the OP.


    He never mentioned the app so I don't know why you mention it (where I agree the PIN is needed) but internet banking via the website.  Setting it up is part of the process and one in which I've never needed my PIN number.  He is right to be wary, albeit I have not used Khrung Thai Bank.

  3. Another vote here for social distancing on planes not being a long term solution, from Sir Tim Clark of Emirates.


    The idea of reconfiguring planes, removing seats on planes or permanently factoring in spacing requirements in the future – in line with social distancing measures – is untenable and not sustainable, Mr Clark said.



  4. 8 minutes ago, beachproperty said:

    I doubt there are  NO fees. Credit cards generally charge a "cash advance" fee. But maybe you have one of the only ???????

    There are definitely a few UK issued cards as described with no foreign spending or cash advance fees, and at least one that I know of that has no immediate interest accruing on cash withdrawals.  Several that do have immediate interest that you just pay online the day you make the transaction to minimise/eliminate the interest.

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  5. 54 minutes ago, Barley said:

    If I buy Thai Airways and LH ticket separately, can that be done or does it have to be one ticket?

    Always better to have it all on one ticket as then the airline will take care of you if your first flight is delayed and you miss the second one.  If on seperate tickets you could lose the long haul flight with no comeback.


    Check the airlines' web sites regarding baggage.  Some are not allowing these large rollaboards as hand luggage as they're too unwieldy and slow everything down, preventing efficient social distancing.  LH seem to be allowing  you to check in this additional bag free however, just make sure there are no valuables, medicines etc in it.

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  6. 4 hours ago, mancub said:

    The flight is supposedly "available" until the airline actually notifies cancellation. This makes it possible in most instances for the airine to avoid giving a full refund until such time. By agreeing to a credit/shell or flt change the customer is deemed to have cancelled the original bkg.

    That's why it's almost always recommended to wait on the airline cancelling before taking any action.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Selatan said:

    You think it's okay for the West to call it a "Chinese" virus, as if the virus has some kind of race classification? You think it's okay to spat at and assaulted in the West just because you looked like a Chinese during this time?

    Yes to the first, no to the second.


    The virus came from China, whether it was accidental or deliberate and whether it came from a lab or a wet market may still be up for argument, but it's still Chinese.


    Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's wrong if you are personally abused, but don't mix that up with the issue of source of the virus - they are two distinct questions with different answers.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

    Sounds like a reason a Thai mechanic gives for changing a part rather than giving a diagnoses. 

    If you asked Line technical support they'd probably give the same answer, maybe just after JaiMaai's recommendation.  Why?  Because it works most of the time even if they don't know why.  It just doesn't matter.

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