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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. No problems. Others may benefit from your question.
  2. Don't see anyone jumping up and down regarding the biggest killer of humans per year? I don't see them being banned!!! https://a-z-animals.com/blog/the-top-10-deadliest-animals-in-the-world/
  3. The world is your oyster. Difficult to say without more info.
  4. They already do that. They use formalin. And have done so for a long time.
  5. She's pulling your pud. One of the reasons why Thai women don't like farang associating with other farang. It is cuz she doesn't want you to get educated. It's basically free health care till death as long as she attends the government hospital to where she is registered. Easy as that. And she knows it. Good luck in now telling her you ain't gonna pay. If a Thai woman sez good morning check your watch before replying.
  6. So why is Teak / Door not allowed to be mentioned on here without the powers above censoring the name? They aren't affecting this forums income other than being competitors. And I'm sure it's not a swear word.
  7. Sorry you've confused me. Are there ads on this forum . Yes or no?
  8. I got Fluoxetine after seeing a doctor at Bangkok Hospital in Korat. To save time and effort phone ahead before going to any hospital, to make sure they have it in stock.
  9. Says who? I cant find And even so, what does it prove? Pornhub is an adult web site but I bet kids still log in on that !!!!! Aseannow is living in the past wise up. And why is just mentioning Teak / Door a no no? It's not a swear word? Mention other forums and that's okay. May be that on Teak / Door they criticize this forum very much for its stance on moderation?
  10. Yeah I'll go with that. If you can't afford to live here legally then ..........! You shouldn't be here.
  11. I think it's cuz they know my kids will also have UK passports and it's a way for them to decide, I'll get back to you.
  12. Not as bad as having to show them my 3 children's birth certificates every year. Eldest now coming up to 15. When is too old !!!!!!!!!
  13. The parents died. They were in bed of the pickup. A man and woman in the cab survived.
  14. Life existed way before motor vehicles were invented. Life carried on. People are too lazy these days as life gets easier. A German once said to me 'if Thais could take a motorcycle to have a dump they would. They're sooooo lazy'.
  15. So that makes it okay to break the law? The law is the law. It's because of Thais deliberately breaking the law which makes Thai roads one of the most dangerous in the world.

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