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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. Skatewash is right. It's 90 days of driving on a IDP before you have to get a Thai license. https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/thailand/transport/driving-licences
  2. Cud well be 90 days as you say but 60 days sticks in my mind.
  3. You are completely wrong. An IDP may be valid for 12 months in other countries but in Thailand it's only valid for the first 60 days of you entering Thailand. Thereafter a Thai license must be obtained. No driving license then negates your insurance. This question was sorted out recently on here.
  4. It is a fact. The insurance is cancelled if a Thai licensed is not obtained within 60 days of arrival. That is not on applying for insurance. If you have no license then you have no insurance. Simple innit? https://homeinphuket.com/blog/how-obtain-thai-driving-license#:~:text=First of all%2C the law,or not wearing a helmet.
  5. A foreigner can drive here for 60 days on a IDP. Thereafter if one isn't obtained then you negate your Thai insurance policy. Driver beware.
  6. Don't get caught with it on your computer. It's banned in Thailand.
  7. We had all 3 children born free at a local government hospital. My wife wanted it that way. Doctor did caesarian deliveries to leave nothing to chance.
  8. We tried that initially. Gave up at the first hurdle. Too much red tape and bureaucracy. No private agencies in Thailand.
  9. My wife came to me 17 years or so ago and said 'I want a baby'. She already knew I'd had a vasectomy reversal that didn't work in the past. Anyways she was determined and did a bit of homework. Cutting a long story short. She found out that even after a vasectomy men still produce sperm. But due to time the sperms tail stops swimming in a straight line. To have a baby you need to have your sperm collected via a needle. The sperm is then quality assured inspected and the tail is separated from the head. The head was then united with an egg from my wife. Only good eggs used. My wife produced 14 good ones as I recall. My memory ain't that good these days but that's as best as I recall. First go we had a daughter. Tried again for a brother and got boy-girl twins 17 months after. Enough at 3. Anyways the clinic we used is the Nawabutr Clinic in Bangkok. http://www.nawabutrsiam.com/ Good luck.
  10. Who are you to call me 'inadequate'? Or anyone else come to that?
  11. And that specific code is? They have a highway code in Thailand but rarely do people pay any attention to it.
  12. Example please or you're talking out of your bottom. Why is your Pitbull so aggressive (4 reasons) #1: Aggressive bloodline #2: Bad owners #3: Mental, emotional, or physical issues #4: Other aggressive breeds labeled as pitbulls:
  13. Simple solution. Any dog found off property not wearing a muzzle should be destroyed. If it's a Buddha thing not to kill animals then employ non Buddhists for the job. Plenty of folk wanting work.
  14. 3 teenage children, still in education, is a crippler. And even after that they'll still be holding their hands out.
  15. No problems. Others may benefit from your question.
  16. Don't see anyone jumping up and down regarding the biggest killer of humans per year? I don't see them being banned!!! https://a-z-animals.com/blog/the-top-10-deadliest-animals-in-the-world/
  17. The world is your oyster. Difficult to say without more info.
  18. They already do that. They use formalin. And have done so for a long time.
  19. She's pulling your pud. One of the reasons why Thai women don't like farang associating with other farang. It is cuz she doesn't want you to get educated. It's basically free health care till death as long as she attends the government hospital to where she is registered. Easy as that. And she knows it. Good luck in now telling her you ain't gonna pay. If a Thai woman sez good morning check your watch before replying.
  20. So why is Teak / Door not allowed to be mentioned on here without the powers above censoring the name? They aren't affecting this forums income other than being competitors. And I'm sure it's not a swear word.
  21. Sorry you've confused me. Are there ads on this forum . Yes or no?
  22. I don't see ad's on here. Where?
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