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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. What hisses me off is that in Thai government buildings, in this case a hospital, they do not provide toilet paper, soap, hand towels, sanitizer gel etc and yet they go on about hygiene as part of a program in getting rid of the Covid virus? They're hissing against the wind IMO.
  2. What about their flights, airports etc to arrive here and exit. I don't think there is a way to identify where one contacted the virus. All speculation. Blame it on the Thais if all else fails.
  3. How'd they know they caught it in Thailand?
  4. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/wearing-face-masks-is-now-voluntary-in-thailand/ I was hospitalised tuther week in a government hospital. Before admittance I had to have a Covid test to confirm I didn't have it. I assume all other patients were tested as well. What puzzled me was that when visitors came into the hospital they weren't tested. Rules for one. Rules for others.
  5. You live in dream land. Show where dogs are bred to 'rip off faces'?
  6. Snooker halls and computer shops. I forgot Sepak Takraw. Never see it played these days.
  7. I honestly find it hard to believe that farangs can open a bank account with a 'Pink ID'.
  8. They just link up to a real pharmacist by phone
  9. Why not? Education is a wonderful thing.
  10. Christ in heaven. I know that as per my first reply. 3rd post in. Get a life.
  11. Easy for anyone to get mixed up being as at one time Korat, Buriram and Surin were all one, immigration office, at one time.
  12. Yes Kerry operate in the Surin/Kap Choeng area.
  13. No we won't especially when we know we're right.
  14. l ready told yous earlier of the dangers of Labrador and they should be banned . But no all you Pit Bull haters couldn't see it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11269921/California-boy-8-mauled-labrador-unlicensed-home-daycare-suffers-horrific-injuries.html
  15. And out of all the country bumpkins who saw him working how many would know he needs a 'work permit' and where to report him? Nothing in it for them to justify them shopping him anyway.
  16. The 'Titanic' never sank. The sister ship 'Brittanic' sank. Right carry on.
  17. I too go cycling. Never been bit in all that time but have been brought off the bike a few times. My protection now is a catapult and glass marbles. Fortunately they learn their lesson quick and I only have to reach for the catapult and they're gone.
  18. I cut the grass verge all around my garden wall to make it look as if I care. Unfortunately the locals don't see things in the same light and don't give a <deleted>.
  19. Same applied on Sunday on the 24.
  20. A rather stupid reply. May as well say you should never have more than one traffic accident in your life because of hindsight.
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