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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. How much food can you grow under ice age condition? AFAIK you can keep frozen food for longer, however your veggies will not grow very good on a glacier. And whats not covered with ice all year around will just to a small part be usable for growing food. Now in hot climate, food is growing much easier and faster. Therefore, global warming is much better for us then when you would enter the next ice age. Then I would be afraid about what happen. I guess we would have very big problems to feed world population.
  2. Pages should explore more possibilities like: Mary was a man in a womans body Mary was a woman in a mans body Mary stole the baby Josef gave birth to it but wanted to hide it, so he gave it to Mary That will keep her busy for some more years........ Just for the record, yes a woman can get pregnant without penetration as long as the semen is placed inside her vagina.
  3. I am sure it would have tasted better with some HP Sauce.
  4. He probably is used to get the "silent treatment" from her. I do not see anything wrong that he waited 3 days. Thats usually how long it takes for a thai woman to get back to normal. You can shorten that by giving her some gold, but why would you.
  5. Do I understand you correcty that the quintessence would be: If you want to stay in power as a politican then make sure you get attacked (but not beat) by Russia....
  6. Peter Huber, Werner Abegglen, Walter Meier. Leander Zurbriggen. That would be typical swiss name. I did google the name, as I never heard somebody called like that in Switzerland. I found somebody (maybe even him) living in Switzerland. But the name is persian. One of the many refugees that got a Swiss Passport after some years. It's not common for this immigrants to act like original Swiss people. Because of the mass of immigrants in Switzerland its more the other way around. We, as a nation, start to act like our immigrants. And that does not better our behaviour unfortunately.
  7. Only very good motorbike riders are capable to park a motorcycle standing up like that, now doing that after an accident is just outstanding. Well done to the rider.
  8. Left fascists prepairing for a peaceful future. Of course without Jews. Do they already have studies about how to run a Concentraition Camp at this "Elite Universities"? They could just look into the past of the left leaders like Pol Pot, Stalin or Mao. They all did outrun Hitler by a mile.
  9. Probably not as high as her level of alcohol in her blood. I guess she was as intoxicated as her room mate.
  10. It may be a dirty trick, but it's not new, actually at least 10 or 15 years ago that it started.
  11. Well, get somebody to teach her how not to get pregnant in future. Maybe pay for her pill if she is a "good" Girl in future. But in the end, its not your problem. Don't make it one for you.
  12. They are called pussy licker for a reason...... Btw. I think she must have had a <deleted>ty lawyer. Today you can identify as what ever you want. If she identifies as a dog, she has all the right to have sex with other dogs. Nothing to do with beastiallity. I am sure the LGBTQ+ crowd woud stand up for her and she would walk free, Starmer would met her, she would get elected in the next election to be the new born star of the labour party. But she had a <deleted>ty lawyer. Poor woman.
  13. No news how the phone is doing. I hope it is still usable.
  14. In Switzerland you can fart around in Trains and Busses:
  15. In Germany, if you call the Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs (Robert Habeck) stupid (Dummkopf) on social media, you will have police visit you and turn your home upside down. You are not jailed, but you are silenced very fast. Green fascism in its purest form.
  16. 100% of the republican voters support this idea. Additionally she could run again in 32 , 36 and 40. That would make her the longest runing candidate. A great achievement.
  17. All Transgender debate is about men who want to be woman. You do not hear about woman who want to be men to fight to get into a men toilet, you don't hear about woman who want to be men to compet in sport with other men and so on. Again, woman are victims of (ex) men. You can't be more sexist then that.
  18. Texas should send all busses with illigal immigrants to Denver instead of NYC. If they think it's a good thing, you have to give them more of it.
  19. Got a headache from reading this AI dribble. To cure that headache I may set up a gofundme so I can pay for the medical cost. Maybe "webfact" could help me to push my case so I am saved......
  20. So do tell us, did you get laid?
  21. You could advice Kamala in her next campain. While you never have been POTUS, you did run a successful campain to be POTY. So you would have plenty of experience to help her to succed.
  22. Training places for "the next voice of Thailand"?
  23. Start with a proper education: Best school in the world for your goal: Vatel Hospitality Management School
  24. Future conversation in a Bar/elevator ......: A: Where are you from? B. Country xy B. I hear you are from America? two possible answers: A: Yes, and I am pround of it = Maga voter B: Noooo, I am from Caaanada = Harris voter
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