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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. He wont be issued a visa as he'll be tagged in the systems most likely. If he gets a visa he will probably be tagged by the system the airlines use and not allowed to board. Even if he managed to get past both of those he would be flagged at Imm on arrival and turned away. A visa is not a guarantee of entry.
  2. he admitted he kicked her but claimed it was an accident because he slipped
  3. So domestic violence isnt anything serious to you and he got 4 months in jail for it? The jail time should indicate it was pretty serious since the police dont touch domestic violence issue here unless absolutely necessary. His exit stamp should show and he would have been told directly about his ban.
  4. Thats the problem with you and your thinking Bob, you dont think. When you're in another country you should act appropriately not like some dirtbag just because your on vacation and think your entitled to do whatever you want to do and disregard cultural norms and local laws. Is that how visitors act in any of your supposed homes? Its the people thinking and acting like that, that have turned it into a tourist ghetto as you call it. You should fit in fine there.
  5. They want them to come and be normal tourists not trash bag mongers that treat locals like crap and don't follow any normal etiquette while there
  6. This is the correct answer so ignore the others. Go to the UK embassy with your divorce papers and they issue the correct document indicating you are free to marry.
  7. When have you valued honesty, integrity? You talk trash about Thais, your a womanizer and proud of how you treat them, treat mrs smith (if there is one) in every disrespectful way possible, your an alcoholic that can't straight half the time posting bs. Better take a hard look in the mirror Bob before you claim honesty and integrity.
  8. Charged but how much time did he actually do in jail for ANY of the charges?
  9. Yes you should. My last career was a Director of Facilities at a resort condo in the USA. Some one needs to be the positive voice , eyes and ears for the owners that don't know whats going on and you get to help have some control over the condition of the build which affects your property
  10. Your correct about the IATA. The guidelines are actually issued by the countries the airlines flies to. If as you mentioned the airline is a member and uses the IATA system the prompts show up on their screen. They don't know if you have a visa or not but base it the instructions from the destination country. So it it says must have a visa they ask for it. If it says must have exit flight within a certain time limit they ask, or should. If you have a round trip ticket with the same airline that shows up as well and heads off some questions automatically. If an airline disregards the regs from that country and your denied entry they pay for your return. A VISA does not guarantee entry and you can be denied at arrival if you have issues in the database or for other reasons.
  11. Check the regs on that? other than a hotel you cannot own land or develop land under the treaty of aminity.
  12. Yep and this should help fuel the debate between the its legal to own property inside an LLC foreigner group and the its illegal for foreigners to own property within a company.
  13. I am on the topic and responded to your post reply and another poster and said the same as you did.
  14. Airlines don't generally ask for your visa when you check in but more likely your onward ticket if you are flying 1 way. You can then show them your visa which usually is enough but they can still ask for a ticket. A visa isn't a guarantee of admittance its a right to travel. You can still be denied entry even with a visa. I've been been asked for an onward flight ticket while holding a visa in the USA at the Airport more than once. Its a big world out there and you don't see all that happens in it
  15. You got lucky because if you get denied entry for any reason then the airline foots the bill on your return. You may find this method not working in the future as having prefilled paperwork is no guarantee it will be accepted nor do airlines know the regs on extensions, but do know what happens if denied.
  16. And no arm brace. Miraculous recovery in such a short time, modern medicine is amazing
  17. Well based on your past post where you were giving up drink, that last a week. You were in love with the Mrs for tolerating your sorry A$$, which lasted a week. Giving up womanizing, last a week. Your decision to leave because you had enough of the country and thais, last a week. I give you zero chance based on your view of what is acceptable behavior toward thai women and the way you talk to and about thais. Your only chance is to shave your head and go to the nearest temple and see if they will accept you, at least for a week.
  18. You make some of the most moronic statements without any supporting facts. You are jumping to conclusions without facts and when called out on it try to deflect it on to me. I've made zero conclusions, speculations or assumptions. if you learn how to read you would know that but comprehension seems to escape you. My statement was clear and direct. This article is about 1 guy and his reaction, nothing more. Very uncomplicated. But you, using your pea size brain needs to find a justification that caused his action so you so you start speculating. Speculate about this...... stay on topic and don't reply to me as I have nothing more to say to you. You want to start a Thai bashing thread or ridicule the inequality of punishment between thais and foreigners have at, start your own thread then you can ramble away and blame everyone you want to. I promise I won't comment on that one but I'm sure you'll be in forum heaven with like kind from here.
  19. Like most of your post you jump to conclusions without evidence, just your feelings or blame the victim without evidence and now what about ism on an article about 1 idiot and his actions but it must be whatever you feel is the cause. Again this article wasnt about thais, corruption what the police allow or dont allow it was about 1 guys acting a fool. play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. It has nothing to do with what I think but YOU seem to think your the expert. Dont bother replying because Im done discussing this with you. Stick to the topic of the article.
  20. Just another what-about-ism post it doesnt matter what others are or were doing or have done in the past.. the post is about what this guy did and his actions
  21. You cant borrow a passport. The passport is the property of the issuing country and controlled by them. Ask to "borrow" it back since it was offered and If she gets it just keep it. If they won't return it go to the police and file a lost passport report then apply at the Lao Embassy for a new one. She doesnt need or want to go back to Norway anyway. She can see if marriages outside Laos are recognized as legal if not registered. Wait the year and file for divorce for abuse and abandonment. The ring was a gift and she owns it. Its up to her on what to do with it.
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