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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Explain where you contradict yourself is easy, read what you wrote. you need to go back to Google Academy of Law cos you didnt get the basics the first time around. The regulations or laws are what they are, if they exist for this situation. To claim there's a law requiring something, anything, but that it only impacts one half of the party involved in the regulation or law but the connected party is exempt is pure nonsense unless it specifically states they are exempt. You go ahead and believe what you want. There's only so much help you can give to stupid. Have a great day
  2. Now thats the most double speak I've read in a while. You may want to read what you wrote again as you contradict yourself badly. Im guessing you got your law degree from the internet
  3. Juristic people are not toothless and can create a few problems for you or your tenants. The legal condo regulations and the condo documents specifically outline their duties and authority so those would be the first place to know what stand you can or should take. If the condo docs say they need the specifics of who is in each unit and whether owner occupied or tenant, then they have a right to request that information. I would not be surprised and it should be there in the docs if its not, for everyone's protection. They are not entitled to know rent amounts but may be required to verify the ease length to avoid illegal airbnb set ups.
  4. block that part out but she has a right as her duties require her to know the lease is correct and not a illegal airbnb. She does not need to know the amount of rent but does need to know occupants names and information and length of lease is correct. I dont think you want her on your bad side as she can create issues for you with other agencies
  5. You continue to deflect in stating I can not comprehend or understand the nonsense you write is humor, probably because it isnt. It may be your inner reflection that your trying to project and it clearly isnt healthy or humorous in most of your posts. Comprehension is something you seem to fixate on but seem you lack in yourself. You compensate by being the person that makes the most replies to your own posts in a circular discussion with yourself. I dont need to see the light as you put it as I am fully capable of detecting trolling for numbers and there is no misunderstanding on that issue as that is exactly what you wrote. You proclaim yourself to be intellectually superior to others especially if they disagree with you as we are incapable of understanding and comprehension. You have even claimed you can only seek out women who are of genius intellect or its impossible for you to interact with them. Even allegedly moved away to find one never to return or post again. But in Bob Smith fashion were right back here within 2 weeks, in reality never having left. Maybe its a matter of your advanced age and lack of going out in public that prevents them from interacting with you or it could just be your personality thats the stumbling block I believe it is highly unlikely that you will post normal topics and have normal interactions with this forum or real people and stay buried in your basement typing away at your keyboard. Have a great day
  6. Someone else's reply to you about what you wrote has nothing to do with copyright's or editing your words in any way shape or form. so you should check yourself. You are seriously a troll just writing to elicit comments to make your total of posts and replies go high. You stated that on one of your very first post on this site. How much AI do you use to compose this drivel? Its sad really that you spend so much time doing this but it is an open forum and people can just start ignoring your writings. There, you got one more reply to add to your totals
  7. From the sound of your post you have not departed but not sure. You can get one at the airport on the way out. If you've left already Imm stamped you as departed and you start over when returning.
  8. More trash posts. What you need to do is take your medication and worry about the man in your mirror and no one else.
  9. Yes I know that and told the policeman the same thing. She was claiming she was beside me not behind me and never tried to pass me.. if that were the truth then yes she would have had the right of way. He was trying to make the Thai girl whole as possible and not file any charges against anyone (read me) since my insurance agreed to pay the claim if there were no charges and the family stayed reasonible and didn't try to milk me. He kept his word and held them in place. He was also directly honest that if he had to press charges I would lose in court as a foreigner with no proof and the thais that showed up claimed they saw it and I was at fault even though they were not there and never saw anything.
  10. The driver definitely should have had a blinker on but by the looks of the speed of the motorcycle and the time from the start of the turn until impact the cyclist could clearly see the vehicle turning but it wouldn't have mattered as he seemed to be speeding based on the other vehicle movement in the video but impossible to tell. They definitely should have checked on the rider first to see how he was. I had accident earlier this year where a scooter that was well behind me decided to not wait and pass on the shoulder as I was making a left turn with the blinker clear on. Of course it was deemed my fault as the foreigner. I immediately went to the scooter and lifted it off the person but then the locals all came over and physically pushed me away and wouldn't let me near the person to check them, so it can go both ways here.
  11. Watch for the change before July when the unelected senators are completely out. They made that statement earlier this week that while they will be leaving politics "they have no agenda but they are ready to vote for a new PM before July, if needed"
  12. No flexing, just fact. No anger either just point out your lack of reading comprehension and the fact that you are all mouth when your wrong. You love to deflect with other info rather than deal with whats been written or stated and then start calling names like a 4 year old when its pointed out. Cry to someone that cares because I don't.
  13. Typical thai excuse but without substance. He ran a red light by about 4 or 5 seconds and hit a pedestrian in a clearly marked crosswalk with a crowd of pedestrians also in the crosswalk, luckily only hitting 1. Another car going the other way ran the red first as well. But instead of admitting to running the red light and hitting a pedestrian his answer was he didn't stop at a crosswalk. Typical thai mentality
  14. If you live in a condo and its an exterior glass you may not own it and it may have to be replaced by the bldg. Check with the bldg first. Tons of glass companies around
  15. So the writer of this story is using the name S for 1/2 the people involved? I think it must be a new way to cover up and deflect attention from the bad guys.
  16. Your twisting the statements to deflect. First off this isn't 2016. You go ahead and let wise send it thru 10 banks and every bank after the first transfer, if not 1 of there 3 source banks, shows it as a domestic transfer and you need your bank to get a FET document for the transaction. It has nothing to do with the exchange rate but i guess that too confusing for you to understand. Not the same with Swift, its bank to bank direct. Have a good day im done with you on this.
  17. And your point is what ? They both have advantages. For usd the exchange rate i get is comparable to wise and no interbanking FET to deal with and positive documentation. The transfer is generally done in 2 days so not much exchange rate occurs either way. Use whatever you like that serves your purpose.
  18. Most banks charge $25 for a swift transfer. Yes do the exchange at the receiving bank in Thailand. You can check with them on their exchange rates.. You get a confirmation with all details of sending and receiving bank with swift and it goes direct bank to bank. No inter-banking like wise does if your bank isn't one of there 3 domestic banks they use.
  19. Or a deal is being worked out as some people don't want certain things to see tge light of day and Bj has been around a long time and I'm sure he has cards up his sleeve to play, if needed
  20. first you said you didnt know about the companies involved and it now turns out you got an email from both companies before the withdrawls? easier if you give all the correct details first so you can get good suggestions. If you went to the bank before the withdrawals were made then you have an argument with the bank as you notified them prior that they were fraudulent and they have cctv that is time stamped to show when you notified them. Debit cards do not have the same protection as Credit cards, just as an FYI and neither have the same protection enforcement here in country as in most western countries. Its obvious that card was skimmed somewhere fairly recently and your data sold. I would be thinking where I used that card at recently
  21. Or Big Joke's investigation into gambling payouts and othe activities was getting a bit too close to the puppets behind the scenes. You'll never know the truth. Its pretty easy to frame people here and there's not much you can do about it due to the level of corruption in the courts.
  22. You are delusional if you think 1 or 2 beers has no affect on you and facts don't support you. Do some research
  23. They were already floating a tax before and shelved it about 3 years ago suring covid in order to help support tourust areas affected but shelved it. Then again last year. That fee was to provide health insurance for tourist.
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