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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. he can do it but the variety of misleading and partial info from the forum members will confuse the hell out of him
  2. if he's in the USA its the middle of the night and he stated he supplied his email for replies, which was removed.
  3. again you apparently can not read and just guess at what is written and what it means. speaking with an owner about how business is going or how commissions are charged from advertisers or if there's any difference in rates does not say "hey buddy can you give me a cheaper rate if I book direct? " You are a troll and trying to deflect from your original inability to read and comprehend. Im done with you on this topic, go back under the bridge where you live.
  4. Just because you stay in dumps or do walk ins doesnt mean everyone else does. Nothing wrong with a walk in either. Where did I say I tried to negotiate a cheaper price? Learn to read. I know several resort and hotel owners and talk with them about a variety of issues, that being one of them. Dont be a troll cos you got called out for not reading well
  5. I know, I read that and I was relaying my experience in speaking with owners about the commissions charged . Try to keep up
  6. Not sure where your seeing that. I've used agoda for years and never any issues like that. I've spoken with owners about those commissions and if cheaper to book direct and its seldom much different per the ones I've talked to
  7. My amundi pioneer acct charges $15. Its a mutual fund tied to bny Mellon bank at $15
  8. My Wells Fargo bank does swift at $25. My pioneer acct charges $15. Yes you should never let the bank convert the transfer as tgey charge among tge highest exchange rates
  9. My mom. She died before I was old enough to remember her
  10. For me its worth the few extra dollars and know that with a Swift Wire Transfer it automatically gets the proper international coding and goes direct bank to bank without any middleman bank
  11. Truist is a Bank and all banks do Swift Wire Transfers but its the coding that the transaction gets when it arrives that's important. There are a number of ways to transfer money internationally. Not all money movers are banks and may not have the correct international code once they get into Thailand due to the way they transfer money or require extra paperwork to obtain verification and if its for visa requirements then that matters.
  12. Most banks only charge $15 or $ 25 for a Swift WIre so if your bank is charging $45 they are abusing you.
  13. Swift Wire transfers are direct bank to bank and always have the international code needed to prove source of transfer. The limits on Swift transfers are higher than WIse or other money transfer sources. Wise only uses 3 banks (Kasikorn, Bangkok Bank or SCB) currently to transfer into Thailand and then if transferred to another Thai bank you lose the international code as its a domestic transfer. Be careful and save yourself some exchange fees using Swift as your bank may rape you of exchange rate. I always just send USD and let the bank here do the exchange and its much better rate.
  14. yeah but I guess you missed the part that the hospital staff refused to take him in for treatment
  15. IF you ever hear any conclusion or follow up on this story it will be a first. In the end the investigation will decide it was just a misunderstanding between the hospital staff who were just trying to clarify what insurance or who would take financial responsibility and they never turned him away. The emergency responder in his haste to help the injured just misunderstood them and left to go to another hospital before it could be sorted out.
  16. the strings were and are being pulled a bit higher up and continue to be
  17. not sure here in America you're referring to but most major cities have large asian communities. They just tend to center around themselves and unlike here they're not looking for the money and stability as the major factor, they look for real commitment and love
  18. I don't care to waste any more time on you than necessary. You can read you own posts, no need for me to rewrite them
  19. Go back and read what you wrote. You clear wrote how every ignored and forgot his plea for only a peaceful protest. Yes your poor use of language and avoiding including all the facts is constant
  20. I believe you did and then posted a link and the loons were not at the capital originally they were at the rally. You need to stop cherry picking facts that suit your claims. Use all the facts or none and stop posting nonsense
  21. I never said I ignored anything so keep your comments accurate.. Try reading up on the trials and convictions of the people involved in the insurrection. They were not just a few troublemakers involved that found lacks security as you stated. Several group even got guided tours of tge capital by gop staffers ahead of time. There were organized group, Proud boys, oath keepers and a number of other groups. Its all out there on the internet. since your so found of googling and cherry picking your info im sure you can find it.
  22. So much for your claim that trumps 1 sentence in his speech calling for a peaceful protest had any effect after stirring up the crowd or was even heard
  23. You really don't know what your talking about. Theres plenty of facts about what happened, not just therories as you like to claim.. Keep reading and you might get the real picture.
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