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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. as i said if there is evidence available then its game on if the US and Germany or Thailand moves on it. The claim that they were arrested and bailed out is in the OP but that info can magically disappear which may well have been the case allowing those listed to leave. There's also confusion as the OP listed the suspects as 2 germans first then later added a german and american by name so the story is fuzzy to start with. Im not defending the situation by any means as its abhorrent but learned a long time ago of two things in Thailand: news reports here are seldom accurate and evidence, cases and paperwork seem to evaporate magically. If the US has enough evidence and chooses to pursue this good on them as its the tip of the iceberg but as I said dont be surprised if this, like most other illegal activities, evaporate into thin air.
  2. There has to be something the initiates the action by the US and depending on how these guys bought their way out there may be nothing available unless a victim comes forward
  3. There has to be some action that initiates the investigation. If there isn't a police report or charge its pretty much empty air unless a victim comes forward which is my point since these guys supposedly bought their way out of whatever happened. The US would need something to initiate their actions but yes they have that right to prosecute that crime as well as many other crimes.
  4. Only if he's arrested and charged, with that nothing much will happen. So depending on when he paid the money it may not even show up anywhere other than in the minds if the few willing to remember and tell the story.
  5. With onward tickets if you are in que at check in and need to step out of line you may not receive your confirmation ticket immediately if its outside their office hours. I had that happen 2 months ago and didnt get the confirmation for about 8 hours. Luckily for me it was the day before the flight not at check in. Also just to clarify a bit, the airlines are the ones checking as its a regulation under the IATA guidelines issued by Thailand. Very Seldom will imm ask for either a ticket or money but can.
  6. Many may if they are true contractors but I'm not seeing that from the standard labor guy you would probably be using for a job like this
  7. The problem is they have a place to dump it and its not in a proper landfill. Its on the side of the road or pond or canal on on someone's unsuspecting land
  8. What happened? You said you'd be in Japan and wouldn't comment anymore did dementia set in and you forget to go?
  9. Nope if he's on that that much overstay he's most likely done. Having other paperwork means pretty much nothing at that desk.
  10. Or they're lying about there "reasonable" income to try to impress someone.
  11. They saw your Folex watch and knew to avoid you. Western women in a bar don't generally approach an 80 year old
  12. those are the same questions asked in every bar in the world when someone starts a conversation with someone the just met. Well until they see you're wearing your Trolex watch
  13. Light is faster than sound, thats why stupid people appear smart when you see them at a distance but once you hear them speak you'll know the truth
  14. Too bad they didn't bother mentioning DTA's with some 60 countries that override some\many fears that are floating around needlessly. If you dont bother to research the DTA of your country (if there is one ) then needless speculation is all this is. This seems more an add for a service than information thats worthwhile. these threads are plentiful and none have any final answers yet as they haven't been completely ironed out.
  15. They do like a good seafood pizza over here you know
  16. Just go and get a certificate of residency since your already on a "retirement" permission to stay. Thats all the bank needs as far as a validated address
  17. That's one if the most ridiculous comments without fact or support coming from a trumpette. The latest round of inflation started because of trumps tax cuts, the covid debacle, the over reaction monetary easing due to impact on supplies, then the over control of currency and the global greed of big business, all before Biden stepped foot in office. Do some fact finding research, it'll help you understand the global dynamics a bit better. And so its clear I'm not a lefty or right. I play in the middle regardless of political party
  18. They don't think about what could happen next because generally nothing of consequence happens next. The are devoid of spatial thinking here. It'll drag on for while then fall in the blackhole like most all these stories. A wai, a promise of compensation that never comes and the next tragic story of child molestation at a school that covers it up will take its place. The surprising thing to me is they claim he was arrested at the scene, which is a rare occurrence
  19. In the US most pensions,, especially SS benefits are excluded from taxation by Thailand or other countries under the DTA's. People really need to read their countries DTA and stop all the useless speculation without knowing the facts.
  20. I don't think they really have one and I'm not joking. It seems there is no forethought or consideration of future occurrences or impact\results. Its about right this second and not what comes after. It seems to carry over into all aspects of life, just need to make enough money or food to get through today, forgot next week or next month or any plan or obligation made in the future by most. I think that's where their whatever happens is meant to be attitude comes from
  21. Its all in the way you phrase a question. Had a smiliar situation happen at a metal shop. I was looking for top mount slide rollers for a gate and went to the gate shop and asked if the had any. The lady looked at me funny and said nope, no have and walked away. One of the workers heard the conversation and came over as I was walking away scratching my head and said sorry sir we are a metal shop and make all our parts custom. Just tell me what you want or draw it and I can make it for you.
  22. I heard its because there was a large influx of Hawaiian resturants opening so supply is at an all time low
  23. Nope banking in every country has stipulations for holding accounts and they vary for different reasons so no not racist just life
  24. No the visa\permission of stay stamp is country specific within their systems so you can update\transfer to a new PP from the original one stamped but thats it.
  25. while I agree with most everything you wrote personally in the south there are far more ignorant and clueless scooter and cycle riders here that cause problems. They pass you from behind on the left while your turning left and same on the right. The drive on the wrong side of the road into on-coming traffic. Split the lanes on multiple lane roads, you name it. I think its something wired into their brains that the have no awareness of anyone around them driving its just their need thats important. Anyone with half a brain needs to be super careful no matter what you drive or where you are.
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