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Everything posted by Dexxter

  1. This is exactly the type of memories that made Thailand wonderful.... until you get used to it and the glitter falls away... and all becomes ordinary... but still a great place to live. I have similar memories from 10 years ago but they were in Cambodia not Thailand so won't tell here.
  2. I have a strong suspicion the source may have been someone's backside.
  3. The photos of the burned out bus showed gas cylinders.
  4. I would be booking a quick flight to Phnom Penh and back a day later and get a 60 day visa free entry. No way would I want an overstay stamp in my passport.
  5. I am not quite sure what a 68 year old guard is expected to do at his age. Does yelling "Get Off MY Lawn!" still work?
  6. Peace and quiet is good because it lets you think and contemplate the memories from your life.
  7. I hope this was not you. LOL
  8. Can I claim her as my luggage?
  9. That is the easiest and most reliable way to get old movies. I just connect my PC to the TV with a HDMI cable and stream PC -> TV Thailand has VERY fast internet and it should only take a few minutes to grab most 720p or 1080p movies using bittorrent.
  10. It's possible the blue notice was applied after he arrived in Thailand.
  11. No good for me because I would have to pay 300 baht.
  12. In our condo they only take one out of the four lifts out of service for maintenance at a time. There are always at least 3 working, assuming the building has electricity of course.
  13. What would really piss the "girls" off is if you turn up at the reunion with your beautiful Thai wife 20-30 years younger than you.
  14. When China denies something it is 99% probable that they are lying just like they always do. It's a shame that Thailand has to tolerate second-hand water coming from China in the Mekong.
  15. I stopped using Facebook a few years ago, and I have never really posted anything personal. It got worse and worse every time I went there and finally got sick of all the cr@pp it tried to feed me. The only part of Facebook I use now is messenger on my phone, which is a separate app anyway.
  16. When I was 6 years old and lived in a boarding school for a year, the nuns would feed us mashed potatoes and mashed pumpkin. I hated the pumpkin but was not allowed to leave the table until my plate was cleared. I tried mixing the pumpkin and potato together to dilute the taste but then I couldn't eat the potato either. It took me more than 50 years before I tried to eat pumpkin again in the form of pumpkin soup and pumpkin cake and discovered it was actually delicious. I still refuse to eat mashed pumpkin. Those nuns have a lot to answer for considering the damage they caused to my sanity. Christian Brothers later in my childhood did not help.
  17. Tell her to start a GoFundMe. That seems to be the trend for raising mony these days.
  18. What is an Audio-Visual actress? Are these lovely ladies voice actors as well as on screen?
  19. This is my daily routine now that I am retired.
  20. I like that expression. Not heard it before but will use it in future.
  21. That second photo must be the school bus. 🙄
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