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Captain Monday

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Everything posted by Captain Monday

  1. It is déclassé to fold ones bills Can carry more in a flat wallet One considered
  2. Of course not. Unlike in Thailand, any misbehavior of some classmates, who I had much in common with, was not projected onto ME by the community and authorities I have nothing in common with with foreign criminals. I think in some way the behavior of these scofflaws is responsible for the increasing level of hassles and restrictions conceived by Thai authorities over the past 26 years that negatively affect the law abiding expat who has done nothing wrong. Not grassing myself but I hold these lowlifes in disdain for dragging me down into the disrepute and suspicion they cause!
  3. Not clearly stated or even stated at all. Another “epic fail” from our Penny Lane Pandit. The OP had included No such detail. Am I required under Thai law to read all linked stories before commenting ? I am just guessing but perhaps the man had been uncommunicative while holed up in his condo before. That might be a reason the caretaker did not immediately seek aid on the first day. Not the third, while he lay in “a state of advanced decomposition”.
  4. Nobody “has to” deal with selling under stress Many condos are abandoned. Not just farengs in our building it was mostly Thai. We have vehicles in the car park not moved in 15 years!
  5. It is a violation of International humanitarian law AND US statutes to provide arms , even to a state which simply prevents the delivery of UN and US sponsored humanitarian aid let alone a state which brazenly commits the obvious plausible crimes that have been evident for months. Even if there were tribunals in the relevant venues of international justice convened regardless of their treaty obligations US, and Israel with full diplomatic cover from US would never allow their political leaders or military officers to be subject the jurisdiction thereof. And, any judgements or sentences produced would be ignored. Similarly UN resolutions are unenforceable. It is “might makes rightand do as I say not as I do”. Now only cynically mentioning international law and international humanitarian law in the abstract when it aligns with their talking points and interests .
  6. 3 days is tool long. Where was the helper? Some friends used to have a daily check in routine. If only to Not to be found in the condo in “a state of decomposition”.
  7. With the absurd excuse of being on the rag admitted guilt. Sounds like a fair adjudication, like what the defendant/culprit was a Thai lady ? A Thai woman done same. So would she have received the 15 day suspended sentence also or just “500 baht and a wai” ?
  8. The 12 baht is probably for the electricity used to pull the lungo. I was at a meal on the terrace with large group of Farangses once’s. One of the children broke a juice glass. How many thousands did we spend? It does not matter some staff come out first with a bill for the broken glass. This is Thailand.
  9. Last time I recall. When I had the Covid virus My company would pay unless I had a Dr. note, telemedicine was OK and a lab report. No report it would have come out MY sick bank so I had to traipse around to a clinic maybe possibly infecting others. Visiting a clinic is probably where I got it 😂 actually turned into a cluster where I had to rent a car and go to a drive thru test as there was no other way to get tested where I stay in USA
  10. Maybe for the future. I got this wallet holder for an AirTag to keep in wallet. “Saved my bacon” once
  11. It happens to many people. Nearly every time I am in BKK I am approached by a well dressed Western man who lost a wallet and "just need a few hundred baht" for bus or taxi fare. Grifters
  12. I have had my passport stamped when entering the US twice in the past 25-30 years. Once at EWR I can remember airport this sullen Mook opened up a near new passport and haphazardly put an entry stamp in the middle of it. Then it was "If you want to not have your passport stamped you have to ask". So. I says to him I says, "this is my job I enter who knows how many times per year and I have never heard that" . He then looked at me as if he could not possibly care less. The only thing more irritating is Gate agents who attempt to use my passport as their writing surface while making useless marks on boarding passes risking the pen marking the data page of my passport with their ham-handed daubings. I can not tolerate that. Thank god for mobile boarding passes.
  13. I have the Alipay app on a US iPhin 📱 linked to a US debit card. Me used it once at PVG airport. Is this something that could be used at Convenience stores in Thailand?
  14. Don’t worry about the dullards posting here who lack reading comprehension skills or the ability to understand even simple statements or questions. 90 percent of the posts I make on this site get the confused mark. Most of it is trolling behavior.
  15. There are warnings on the official site to such “agents” who charge a lot of money for something near free that takes minutes to apply for . You can still get the K-ETA if you want I have it. The only benefit being as I can tell, You don’t have to fill out an immigration card. Customs forms were abolished completely last year.
  16. A generalization, not even theoretically true for US any longer. There are no non-stop flights to the US anyway and airline won't board you even if there were. The process is to get an ermargency travel document or new passport. U.S. citizens will not be allowed to use their expired U.S. passport for direct return to the United States after June 30, 2022. https://help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article1861?language=en_US
  17. One cannot be a “dullard” with such intellectual curiosity. Nor the rich internal dialogue on display in your varied submissions to AN
  18. Since the same can be said of Arabs , Chinese, Indians and a dozen other nationalities this worn out old prejudice seems almost harmless. Sounding like the passive bigotry of the average dullard who has never actually met a Jew nor done any business with Arabs Chinese, Indians, etc. However it does not negate the fact you are trading in antisemitic tropes.
  19. What if only the lad had behaved properly whilst traveling in Thailand, like the vast majority of tourists who don’t make the news here? Is smoking allowed on trains? Is it allowed to enter the gap to hang out between carriages on atrain? It is 2024, what kind of Canadian uses cigarettes anyway? Unfortunately now his family must grieve the loss so he could enjoy his “smoke and a view” 😞
  20. Criminals have privacy in NZ? What happens after they are released from jail go get a job at a bank or grammar school?
  21. A Covid test? After some resistance realizing the loss of your valued custom the dentist eliminated their primitive local customs and unnecessary testing. Thank goodness there are foreigners here to help Thais to start thinking for themselves!
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