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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. All you beer drinkers need to stop!  Start drinking Muscat and Single Malt whisky.  That worked for my grandfather who lived till he was 91.  He never gave me a reason why he cut back on the cigars though ....maybe that's why he didn't make 92???

    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    That attitude explains why Farangs live in the 21st century, while Thais struggle to escape from the 19th century.

    And no, I am not saying we are here to fight their battles for them.

    But we should not stimulate them in their backwards thinking, or, like many, take advantage of it.

    Fear = Power for some

    Fear = Submission for most

    Your going to have a lot of trouble dragging them into the 20th century little own the 21!  Even some uni educated types still believe the same Krap the serfs believe in. 


    On 9/25/2020 at 12:15 PM, scorecard said:

    Roll on fast the final testing which proves the vaccine works well with very little side effects.


    Roll on fast mass production and distribution of the serum.


    Roll on fast the situation where massive numbers of folks, globally, have been inoculated.


    Seems to me until all of the above happens we will continue to see chaos and confusion in all aspects of the negative effects of the virus.



    Don't know how that got in! ????

  3. In response to Q3 a stimulus program to replace old with new.  A new diesel engine will be far better than a rebuilt old one.  To get people trading in the junkers on new vehicles a subsidy could softer the blow for the owner.  People who need pick-up and heavy truck's haven't got any alternative to  diesel engine for power.   Use the carrot and stick approach.  The clunkers get taxed out of existence.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes I was having a shot at you as your first concern was money. Not the health of your consumers. I will not forget an attitude like that. I don't hate farmers they are just too militant and always want it their way. You now again begin about food shortages. While those chemicals are banned in EU and there is still enough food. So what kind of stupid argument is that.


    Your saying that i read things that are bias, how about the part where Bayers was lobbying the Thai government and using secret ways to get information. You really think the producers don't cover their ass and try everything to make stuff saleable. Your quite naïve, id say there is more chance of getting tainted info that supports farmers then the other way around.


    But please just reply one thing, Europe does not use those chemicals and still has enough food and exports. So if that really sinks your argument about food shortages. But i forgot.. you feel " special"  

    Well,  I think if words mean anything from the way you talk you Do hate farmers.  Mummy ands daddy took you to a farm one day and the farmer wouldn't let you sit on the tractor?  Mean old farmer.


    What happens in the EU is business of the EU and the European people.  The chemicals they use I cannot condemn or condone.  But to believe that whatever decisions the EU makes are always right...that would be stupid!


    Tainted info???  Provide some facts please....   Bayer like every other company will lobby the government.  It's a fact of life. 


    So,  your telling me EU farmers are using...lets say chemi with your stamp of approval...on their crops at a comparable price per rai to Thai farmers? But maybe for them it's not an issue?  When through the CAP they get 58.82 billion euros in subsidies (2018).  But it's only about the money when I mention it!  So paying more for chemi isn't a big issue when the EU is there to top up their income. 


    And thanks for calling me 'Special'! Since my grandma passed away no one has called met that.  ????

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