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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. Excuse me for thinking factors outside LOS may have some small measure on the level of exports.  The reality is things will get worse before they get better.  I am pretty sure an upside down bell curve would be most likely to show the downward and later upward trend.  Only a miracle woulds see a big improvement in year 2021. 

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  2. 13 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    Hey ya ol' grumpy J. An aussie that doesnt know how to put together a strainer post assembly? I don't believe it.... Threaded bar from the top of the end of the trellis to ground level behind that. Turnbuckles and wire will just stretch as much as the crop bearing wires. Since you have a V form trellis, try going wider behind that to stabilise things, yes that means two threaded rods.


    Well mate, you haven't factored in I am an Aussie cheapskate and using a threaded rod is going to cost me more to buy and install.  I am not some Collins St farmer with millions to spends on a vanity vineyard in the Yarra Valley.  Why there's eye bolts and turnbuckles up the kazoo is because I couldn't get HT wire.  But it will do for now. Ofcourse if we go ahead with it there will be 40 trellis each being 100 to 130 metres long so no room for error!  Maybe I  could get you to come across at that right time to lend a hand.  Free room and boards while your here! ????

  3. 15 hours ago, OOTAI said:

    Grumpy John

    I just watched your video because I had nothing else to do and can't help myself I have to make a suggestion which you may or may not like, up to you.


    Anyway when installing the ends of your trellis instead of tying them back to a stay why don't you instead put sa support in front of the last trellis then if the trellis wants to come forward it has to pull the whole thing out of the ground.


    In the rough sketched I made you can see the wires in green with the first picture showing your current arrangement.  The red arrows show where the tension is being applied when you tighten your wires


    The second one shows what I am suggesting and if the ground is particularly soft all you need to do is make a bigger footplate.  Also you don't waste the ground behind your last trellis because you need it for a tie wire.




    Hope you can make sense of what I am trying to demonstrate.



    Hi OOtai, just playing around with some ideas.  You idea do's make sense as it's a slight modification  on an existing design with 2 upright and 1 diagonal.  Been there and done that!  If that gold mine doesn't get that 500.000 rai of land in Nam Om they want...including our family land...we will be clear to get the vineyard up and running.  So the little experimental trellis may prove  beneficial!                                    My crazy phone Added that video again....sorry.  Ps: Not me in the black T shirt. 



  4. 10 hours ago, ronaldo0 said:

    As I said before I’m sure the 150 arriving was just a story to try get other applicants or people interested to panic thinking the Chinese would be getting all the quarantine hotel spaces etc and suddenly rush to apply from Europe etc . When in fact no 150 are arriving and the Thai government have now seen this ploy didn’t work and there was no rush by European tourists etc to come or apply to come . So now they are thinking what mental story to think up now to try get people to come , but if you ask me their plans will be dead in the water like tourism until they get rid of the 14 day quarantine and the insurance !

    I suspect the government wanted it to fail.   Their xenophobia is apparent to most people.  Their hereditary links for a large section of the population towards China, and more so for the elites (I hate that expression) will see the Chinese get priority over other peoples in the eventual build up of the economy at all levels.  This China bias goes back a long way with some scholars saying Chinese people came to Siam over 1100 years ago.  


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  5. 2 hours ago, Opl said:

    It's a lot of hard physical work you have to do and your project sounds great and promising happiness when you'll be able to harvest!

    I want to encourage you and suggest you to organize your to-do list in a way that allowds you to adapt your workday according to your motivation 

    - easy repetitive tasks; to be accomplished when your energy is lower : just do it mechanically - it can be "zen" - but step by step, you'll reach the quantity of work required - while your thoughts can wander somewhere else and make you forget how boring the work is  

    - problem solving; when you're happy with the job amount accomplished the day before : then you can mobilize your thoughts on the quality of work required, it's the mission of the day. When finished - do yourself a favor: pause and stop - It mustn't be forced labor.  

    it works for me,

    have a nice day! 

    I only do as much as I feel like doing.  The other morning the dogs lit up for some reason around 3am. It woke the wife as well so we felt like getting into it...so we had some iced tea and breakfast at 

    3.30 instead of waiting till 4.30.  Which lead to me going to orchard  before sun up to feed the fish.  Now I know it is the sounds of the pellets hitting the surface of the water that alert's them breakfast has arrived! 

    2 hours ago, Opl said:


    2 hours ago, Opl said:



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