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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. I know I didn't think of it till now but This new long stay special visa isn't supposed to work. TheY,  being the government,  don't want it to work!  For whatever Obsurd reason they have made it so convoluted and difficult potential tourist will reject it outright.   Now,  the 64.000 baht question is why?   Why are they he11 bent on a course of action that will add to the damage of the whole country?  Someone on TVF must know. 

  2. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    What i want to know, had it been just a joe shmo that ran the policeman down would this saga also take 8 years to finally see the light and issue a APB on him? why did it take so many times to open and close, yes guilty, not guilty to finally come to this that he's guilty? what is wrong with the Thai police?...

    What is wrong with the Thai police? Check  one of the lists.  There is an alphabetical list and there is a numerical list based on year,  month and a numerIC sequence based on case numbers.  Which do you prefer??? ???? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Surasak said:

    I think the money is available via the foreign currency holdings. If these projects get started, it will provide employment and in the long term will be of greater benefit to the country. Like anywhere else though, the longer it is put off, the cost increases. 

    Yes the foreign currency surplus 

    in the vicinity of 237 billion US$'S.  Just 10% of that could feed the entire country for a year and forgo PEA bills at the same time plus supply all the cooking gas for free and allow free travel on public transport. 

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  4. I do stick rigidly to use by date on dairy and fresh chicken (self imposed 3 days), pork and breads we freeze.  But not being a drinker of beer (had about 20 glasses in 67 years) I find it rather shocking that packaged beer can go off in such a short time! I've never had that problem with whisky.  The inverse is true...it can get better with age! 

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