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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Now that is one selfish uneducated neighbor that I wouldn't want anywhere near me, hence the reason when we purchased this block of dirt before we built, that we knew the people we purchased it from wouldn't have anyone building next to us unless they were family and also be willing to give us first rights to purchase more land next to us if they needed the money. The other neighbours are far away enough not to bother us, but that doesn't stop them from burning rice and sugarcane fields up the road a few kilometres which comes our way when it is the season, albeit it looks like it has started early or someone is burning something else.


    The wife says it the morning mist, with my reply saying, yes that morning mist has the distinct smell of smoke, her nose is shot from all of the years being exposed to it, even thinks her sh-t doesn't stink ????


    What pizzes me off as much or more is the number of times they don't even bother to give the green waste time to dry out!   Oh, it's not burning enough...maybe a bucket of diesel will help the green things burn.  ????

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  2. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Ah, that should keep the suckers at bay from burning for a while, ca you.....smell that fresh air.

    Around Here the morons cannot go more than a few days without burning something.   The idiot in the corner house 2 doors down had his fire go out when it rained the other night.   Last night I  rode past ands there are 2 car tyres there blazing away and creating enough smoke that could be seen from the space station! 

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  3. 33 minutes ago, scammed said:

    higher atmospheric co2 concentration makes plants more drought resistant, i think the way forward is rewarding

    release of co2 into the air

    In a greenhouse environment it works quite well,  not sure how you release Co2 globally without other less desirable elements being included.   I have a feeling you statement may trigger some "green need deal" type nutters! 

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