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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    Yeah right if some random internet stranger says it's true them it must be.. And you got 5 likes for that, TV amaaaazing! 

    JefR2 post #14...you could say the same about that post as well.  I wasn't going to reply to #14 as I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe the friend's wife works in a province that has not had a Wuhan China virus problem...how the he11 do I know!  What I do know is a lot more about serpentza...which leads me to believe he is telling the truth even if occasionally he may unintentionally be off the mark...but we are after-all only human.  

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    The article mentions land in Phichit and Petchabun provinces. Looking at Google maps, there are a number hilly areas that straddle the border between those two provinces, and more generally in the eastern part of Phichit province.

    Yes sir, mounds in the ground qualify as hills.  Looking North. I am over at the Blue marker in the Earth pix.  Kho Kheow is a bit bigger mound in the ground than the Phichit mounds! The picture is looking South from the upstairs landing...in the rain!  The area in question re: new development is roughly the red area circled in.

    2020-10-18 08_41_21-Google Earth.png


  3. 23 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    I have read so many times of the unelected "PM" having a personal fortune of billions of Baht, this guy as far as I know has been a soldier all or most of his adult life, right up until he led his soldiers in a coup and appointed himself as a "PM", so where did all his fortune come from?

    It is highly unlikely any of it was inherited.

    I thought I read in a thread on this forum a couple of years back Prayuth got a 600 million plot of land after his father died.  Was some buzz in the press about it.


    So, making the claim "It is highly unlikely any of it was inherited. " is a long way off the mark.  But I do understand the point you are making.  Not too many filthy rich soldiers in Australia or the USA!

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  4. Regarding the protests of the last few days.  A quote from a famous man "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Winston Churchill


    Despite the misguided enthusiasm of some on this thread the record of corrupt governments around the world is not of giving up easily the power they have.  The chance of this current upheaval ending in bloodshed is greater as time goes on.  Unless the other ranks in the army refuse to fire on the protesters or if they do, deliberately fire over their heads...there will be bodies in the streets. 

  5. 22 hours ago, Bluetongue said:

    The international court case was about alleged cyanide? in the water table. The company will possibly win that. This would appear to be a diversion or negotiating tactic. There are 3 sides to this, the company, the locals and the Thai authorities. There is no doubt some skullduggery involved, probably on all sides.

    I cannot speak for the PhiChit anti-miners who have done nothing but be helpful to our village but to suggest there Is some impropriety on their part is distasteful to me.  Like our village they probably have to scrape the money together to get on with the protest.   Recently 11

    from our village had to go to Bangkok to a hearing and meetings which cost 40.000 baht.  About half the money was raised by cutting down trees with volunteer labour and the wood sold to the wood merchant.  No brown envelopes where seen or heard of!  Our village will be in big trouble if the miners win...

  6. 17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    It's a great way to track your subordinates, offer a little bit of baht for loss of privacy. Thais will take it. 

    Because a lot of them have no choice.  Like at the market this morn.  I swear there are twice as many old ladies, and some not to old,  selling food out of their own garden as this time last year.  We in the country are somewhat immune from city goings on but with many family members back home some families are already doing it tough.  We still have bananas, corn,  rice, papaya, custard apples and yams but it wouldn't be much of a diet to live on!   We have a lot of fish but most are under 7cm.... 

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/8/2020 at 11:15 PM, kingofthemountain said:



    the fact that the bank gives this public shows of bad the things are at the moment

    usually the real bargain are shared only between the ''happy few''

    they have probably already done their shopping, so it's now the left over.


    For someone intersted to buy on this market, the real bargain will be here in 4-5 months

    after the ''high season'' with 0 tourists.


    "the real bargain will be here in 4-5 months"  What I was going to post!  Your quite right.  From January 2021 it should get very interesting!

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