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Scott Tracy

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Everything posted by Scott Tracy

  1. The question in my mind is: If the package was the size of 3 busses, as I seem to recall was reported in UK news, why was it not spotted earlier? It made Alaska and Canada....
  2. Working from home gives flexibility to both employer and employee. I prefer working from home as I can work earlier or later as I choose. I also don't have the interruptions I have in the office. The vast majority of my work is research and admin, which needs to be done without meaningless chit chat and interaction with people who feel they need to tell you stuff that has no relevance. Perhaps I am antisocial, I don't care, as long as my work is done to the standard required and in the timeframe required.
  3. I hope you deducted the cost of envelope and postage....
  4. Affordable for who? Why use that word?
  5. You can still get French cheese in UK. But I guess it depends on what you want...let the cheese travel, no need for you to.
  6. Full colour copy of the entire passport, including blank pages....? Nice and environmentally friendly. I'd like to see VFS' data compliance policy and processes...especially around storage and disposal of this mountain of paper. I thought we were moving to digital storage...
  7. OK. What is supreme at this point? Is it parliament, by whatever name, or a Court of Law? A court of Law interprets laws as written, sometimes determines the spirit, as well as the letter. That is of course, if a law is written. In the UK, Parliament is supreme, it passes laws, based on the fact that the electorate elected them. No one elects judges in the UK. Parliament is accountable to the electorate, judiciary is not. If the Knesset wants to reform the judiciary, good luck to them. 80,000 protesters is nothing in the scheme of things. That probably covers everyone in the judiciary.
  8. Same people, no difference, just more expense and this was to mollify the French... You think parliament relocating twice yearly would make a difference to what was decided?
  9. I saw some video, not the coach driver's fault.
  10. That's what they thought about Roe v Wade....until Dobbs v Jackson came along. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
  11. Why give a court the ammunition to overturn a 'right'?I Make it law, passed by a body authorised to do so. Congress is not supreme, the Supreme Court is supreme, if it's not on the statute book. Mind you, it's about Federal law, not state law. If a state decides marriage between more than 2 people of any sex is legal and the Supreme Court decides that states are supreme on that score, well, that's what's going to happen. Then it's up to other states to recognise the sovereignty of that other state. My state does not recognise inter racial marriage, so we don't recognise that you and she are married, off to jail with you....but my state recognises gay marriage, but yours doesn't, so when I go to your state with my 'legally ' married same sex spouse, off to jail with us both. Well done Congress, Make it federal law, don't give SCOTUS the chance to strike it down. Ps. I'm in a legal, (in my country), inter racial same sex marriage, so we have no chance in many places in the world.
  12. Wow. Calm down boyz. Have some ganja.
  13. Currently, the price of electricity is the price of electricity, whether generated by renewables or fossil fuels. Perhaps If that issue can be addressed?
  14. I used clips to load the magazine when it was on a rifle...but they were mags if they were attached to or part of the weapon. Never used a clip to.load a pistol magazine. Had quick re loader for revolvers, no clips...but that's not the point..
  15. My experience is it takes seconds under normal circumstances, even at weekends now, when the Wise site directs me to my UK bank and automatically transfer money to Wise. I have had experience of transfers taking hours, or even days, depending on Bank Holidays, but not recently. transferring normally during UK banking hourz, but recently, even at weekends it goes through very quickly.
  16. He should have been ordered held on remand by the magistrate. This is a serious offence.
  17. Dog owners? Sorry mate,not my dog. This is the usual cry when things go bad. How does anyone prove that someone 'owns' a dog?
  18. Plenty of land available for housing... Most of it under water in the rainy season. Rice farms can be taken off the Sor Por Kor holders and loss making rice farms, golf courses... Have you seen how green Thailand is from.the air? 140 people per square kilometre population density...
  19. We'll buy football clubs next. You watch, high flying falangs investing 40 million in Buri Ram Wonderers...
  20. And just what is the correct understanding of Halloween?
  21. Not contentious my view. No MP or public servant should be allowed to aid anyone out of their own pocket. That's bribery.
  22. The FAA is not considering the use of cell phones for voice communications during flight because Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations currently prohibit any airborne calls using cell phones.
  23. From the 26 September 2014 EASA has made it possible for airlines to allow passengers to use their PEDs throughout the flight, regardless of whether the device is transmitting or not, i.e. in ‘aeroplane mode’ or not. Of course, it is up to each airline to allow the use of PEDs or not. In order to do this, airlines will have to go through an assessment process, ensuring aircraft are not affected in any way by the transmission of signals from the PEDs. So, slope shoulders from the regulator, down to the airline.
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