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Scott Tracy

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Everything posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Today, most Palestinians and their descendants in Jordan are naturalized, making Jordan the only Arab country to fully integrate the Palestinian refugees. So, are they refugees or Jordanian nationals?I As has been said, no other Arab country will take in Palestinian refugees as they are afraid of their own Black September, so why would any other country even consider it, let alone fall out about it internally?
  2. Hear hear. Jordan learned that lesson the hard way.
  3. He's not relevant, but he thinks he is. Time to fade gracefully into obscurity.
  4. Perhaps Labour should nationalise X in the UK. Or just ban it competely. Musk is dangerous. His influence is greater than it should be. Problem is, the media pick up on what he says and broadcasts it making it national and international news. Stop doing that, deprive him of the oxygen of publicity and watch him fade away like the tired old man he is. Definitely take away his FRS. He brings the Royal Society into disrepute. And everything else he touches...
  5. What's weird about vaccines?
  6. 'What miserable drones and traitors have I nurtured and promoted in my household who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a lowborn clerk!' Amend to suit... Potentially...
  7. You've been there? Who 're like it.
  8. This is not the root data.
  9. Oh for goodness sake.
  10. There is no safe space at work. It's not what you're there for. Anything you say can and often will, be used against you.
  11. Nothing to do with badly run companies?
  12. The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic. From factcheck.org. https://www.factcheck.org/2024/01/bidens-numbers-january-2024-update/ The economy added... Not the President... Under Trump... The economy lost 2.7 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.7 percentage points to 6.4%. Same source... https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/ Same logic, the economy lost 2.7 million jobs, not the President.
  13. The Last Supper painting is approved by the Catholic Church? Is part of their iconography, dogma? I suspect not. Why should it be given that status? It is an artistic representation, not a photograph. No one who painted or helped paint it was there at the last supper. Get a grip.
  14. Don't make me laugh... FAA stringent...? In your dreams. Most of the work is IA, DAR, all delegated by the FAA. Useless in their oversight obligations with the organisation itself being subject to political appointees at the top and 're-authorisation '... People furloughed when federal money runs out, because of political dog fights between Congress and the federal government...
  15. So the President can do all this? Nothing to do with Congress? Nothing to do with Intel, Google, Meta, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing... etc, etc being badly run?
  16. Not adult enough to drink alcohol, though. Land of the free, etc...
  17. Allowing... Good grief. Land of the free, home of the brave...
  18. It is taxed.... Or at least taxable should it reach or exceed the current personal allowance, which mine does.
  19. 'Road rules in Thailand are very right wing ie barely exist. Socialist western nations fine you $1000 for using a mobile phone or $400 for not wearing a seat belt.' And this is one of the reasons Thailand has the second highest road death rates in the world... An imbecilic comment.
  20. Appears to whom, you? Where's your evidence? I'll spend as many years as I like whingeing about Trump, and others like him. And it won't matter where I do it from.
  21. He's not any more? Oh damn...why did I get involved in this nightmare...
  22. Aren't the visa requirements cheaper?
  23. Interesting that aircraft 9H-LIV cannot be tracked by registration on the flight tracking sites I checked. Dubai to MNL appears to be within the range of an A319-115 ACJ. UTP to MNL is shown as around 1436 miles. DXB to UTP is around 3000 miles.
  24. Only the ones the courts choose, and this may vary from time to time....
  25. How many times do we hear this? Any allegation of malfeasance is politically motivated.... I shall spout this horse manure as my defence, should I ever need it. Good grief.
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