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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Amazing. Astonishing. Baffling. Seems so strange but maybe just a result of political inertia. What would be the advantage to changing what appears to be a mostly symbolic relationship?
  2. Yes, I did. Although drugs were everywhere when I was 18 and I was considered square not to partake, I was aware that the source of "party drugs" was unknown and the safety of those drugs was suspect. .
  3. Remember the 11th commandment: "Thou shalt mind thy own freakin' business."
  4. haha... you seem to be unable to read as the article specified the location of the bar.
  5. " Literally in his pocket." So a guy can be elected to the US Senate without knowing the meaning of the word "literally"? Moron.
  6. Yes, exactly. There are some people who find a beating no matter where they go. Jarae might just be one of those people.
  7. "I hope one day humanity realizes that god is similar to the tooth fairy and santa claus. " I remember as a kid thinking "the tooth fairy and santa claus are just stories, what about God and Jesus?"; at that time I concluded, "best to not think about that" so I didn't reach the obvious conclusions until later.
  8. Yes very safe pretty much anytime. Yes: "if you allow yourself to get drunk" Muggers do perform victim selection. I believe drunk people get extra points as desirable victims. This from anecdotal evidence ("war stories" from friends, acquaintances, talkative strangers); and from reading between the lines of media reports of muggings and robberies. It seems in the great majority of (admittedly rare) muggings the victims are drunk.
  9. Whaaaat? " people who do not have a College or University degree" This is no guarantee of good behavior, I am surprised anyone would think so.
  10. Duh. Absolutely, I am not recommending this "money saving" strategy. But the person said join the gym to save on the water bill right? How else is it gonna affect the water bill?
  11. Shower at the gym instead of at home?
  12. Although he was not heir to a monetary fortune, don't disregard the possibility that he inherited another endowment that doesn't show on a balance sheet.
  13. "usually done by competent safety personnel." Been in Thailand long?
  14. I had a teacher who used to say the Primary Principle of Pedantry is : "Never use a simple, familiar word when there is a rare, unfamiliar word that is synonymous".
  15. When I was a kid I liked the Rolling Stones. Lotta people responded negatively to them for factors external and internal to their music. Turns out they were talented. Have not heard Cardi B's music but I guess time will tell if she has talent or not.
  16. Interesting observation; I just looked at the video again... The thing that strikes me as strange is that IMHO the guy looks calm and deliberate. Doesn't seem to be any frenzy or manic behavior. When he leaves he steps over an obstacle and strides away with a steady gait. Eye of the beholder I guess.
  17. Strange, the guy didn't seem frenzied or angry in the video. Seemed kind of matter of fact about what he was doing. Go figure.
  18. Anyone recommend a reliable Suvarnabhumi airport to Sukhumvit Soi 4 hotel car service? I will have several pieces of luggage and would like to be met in arrivals. I had a guy in the past but his contact details go unanswered now. I see numerous on Agoda for about 700THB but would like one with a recommendation. I understand this is not the cheapest way to get hotel to airport.
  19. the joke in the western US is if you go fishing with a Mormon always invite two. If you only invite one he will drink all your beer.
  20. In the US this is what you get instead of health care, and basically every other Federal expense that goes begging so the US can spend as much on "Defense" as the next 10 nations combined. This is what that freakin' hippie Eisenhower warned about, "Military Industrial Complex" I believe he called it.
  21. This forum is a great place for certain types of information. But you need to filter it. Members here are not shy about disagreeing and if there are differing answers you can sort them out and figure out what the truth is.
  22. Rest in peace sir. Not joking about the death but about the press coverage... Science has determined: "it's not the fall, it's the sudden stop".
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